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Devil’s Playground 2002. Faron & Velda get the most attention. Compare them.

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Presentation on theme: "Devil’s Playground 2002. Faron & Velda get the most attention. Compare them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Devil’s Playground 2002

2 Faron & Velda get the most attention. Compare them.

3 What happened to Faron Yoder?

4 after filming… Faron got tired of trying to get by in Florida. The valet job didn't make enough money, and he started selling $1500 vacuum cleaners door-to- door on commission unsuccessfully. He left Emma and moved back to Indiana, giving in to pressure from his parents and the lure of a lucrative job with his dad. Shortly after his return, his parents turned him in to the police for possession of illegal drugs and a loaded gun.

5 The documentary Devil’s Playground was submitted as part of his defense case. He got off with two years in jail and five years probation. He was eligible for a prison work-release program, so he was allowed to leave jail for eight hours a day to work on an RV production line.

6 Two questions What is the purpose of Rumspringa? Do you think Rumspringa is an effective practice?

7 List everything they showed Amish teens try for the first time. Living on their own Staying out without a curfew Dating Shopping Using make-up Wearing “english” clothing Playing music Listening to music Driving cars Drinking alcohol Using drugs Smoking cigarettes Watching TV Playing video games Looking at pornography Having Sex?

8 Is Rumspringa an example of true freedom?

9 What percentage of Amish youth decide to join the church? 90%

10 Why do you think 90% of Amish teens join the Amish Church? What would be the hardest thing for an Amish teen who tried to join “english” society?

11 Why 90% A. The modern world is too overwhelming for them. It is like prisoners becoming “institutionalized” and when they are released, they want to get back in jail because they can’t handle the freedom. B. Their faiths are so ingrained in them that even though they enjoy the “pleasures” of the Devil’s Playground, the guilt they feel exceeds whatever pleasure they receive and they wind up depressed and riddled with guilt. C. They truly embrace and love the simple life and returning is the only option.

12 What would be the hardest thing for an “english” person who tried to join the Amish? What can our society learn from theirs?

13 Biggest criticism of the film It does not show typical behavior or outcomes for these Amish teens. It shows the extremes.

14 Top seven states 1.Ohio 2.Pennsylvania 3.Indiana 4.Wisconsin 5.Michigan 6.Missouri 7.New York

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