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The Master Spy of Yorktown

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1 The Master Spy of Yorktown
Open Court - Fifth Grade Unit 4 - Making a New Nation Lesson 5 The Master Spy of Yorktown written by Burke Davis illustrated by Stephen Snider Word Knowledge and Selection Vocabulary A presentation by Claire Stoermer - Fruitvale School - Oakland

2 Word Knowledge abcdefghijklim opqrstuvwxyz

3 synonyms communications reports messages news
words that mean the same or nearly the same thing The armies relied on communications from spies. Can you think of a sentence using the word reports? Then substitute the word messages and news...explain how these words are similar and slightly different too.

4 plural form of words ending in -y armies supplies spies strategies
The messages were about the arrival of supplies. What’s the rule for forming plurals with words ending in -y? Can you name more plural forms of words that end in -y?

5 comparative and superlative forms of one syllable words
hard harder hardest young younger youngest youngeryoungeswtst comparative and superlative forms of one syllable words Lafayette was one of the youngest major generals, and the spy Armistead was younger than he. How are the comparatives formed? How are superlatives formed? Brainstorm a list of comparatives and superlatives.

6 double the final consonant when adding word endings
admitted digging trapping hotter winning double the final consonant when adding word endings She admitted that digging a hole large enough to plant the tree had been difficult. Name more words where the final consonant is doubled when adding word endings.

7 Selection Vocabulary legislature headquarters campaign petition

8 a group of people who make or pass laws
legislature The British burned the capital at Richmond, many warehouses full of valuable tobacco and supplies of rebel arms and food, and chased the Virginia legislature across the state. Governor Jefferson narrowly escaped capture and resigned his office. The state’s legislature voted against the newly proposed law. a group of people who make or pass laws

9 headquarters When Benedict Arnold left Virginia and returned to the war in the north, James Armistead went into the camp of Lord Cornwallis, where he served as a waiter at headquarters. Lord Cornwallis’ headquarters Much of the planning of the war took place in the army’s headquarters. a center of operations where leader work and give orders; a main office

10 campaign The two generals were talking of the campaign, looking over the maps, when Cornwallis looked up to see the familiar face of James Armistead. The candidate for senate spent a year planning her election campaign. a series of actions planned and carried out to bring about a particular result

11 a formal request to someone in authority
petition Soon afterward, James Armistead sent this certificate to the General Assembly of Virginia and asked that he be declared a free man. In his petition, he said that he had volunteered to help against the British. Our class wrote a petition to the mayor asking for money to improve the neighborhood park. a formal request to someone in authority

12 to obtain by making a special effort
procure In March 1783 a slave by this name was lauded by the General Assembly of South Carolina for his skill in “procuring information of the enemy’s movement and designs.” Her job was to procure funds for the local museum. to obtain by making a special effort

13 Vocabulary Quiz 1.___________ to obtain by making a special effort
2.___________ a group of people who make or pass laws 3.___________ a formal request to someone in authority 4.___________ a center of operations where leaders work and give orders; a main office 5.___________ a series of actions planned and carried out to bring about a particular result

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