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1 After long, we set up camp on a sandy flat near a pool. A.After long, B.We set up C.a sandy flat near a pool D.we.

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Presentation on theme: "1 After long, we set up camp on a sandy flat near a pool. A.After long, B.We set up C.a sandy flat near a pool D.we."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 After long, we set up camp on a sandy flat near a pool. A.After long, B.We set up C.a sandy flat near a pool D.we

2 2 All of a sudden, a huge waterfall rose high above us A.All of a sudden, B.a huge waterfall C.rose

3 3 Then, we waded against the rapids in the middle of the canyon. A.Wadded B.Rapids C.Canyon D.We

4 4 Alongside the falls, I scouted a way up. A.Alongside the falls B.I C.Scouted D.A way up

5 5 Then all together we continued upstream. A.Upstream B.All C.Then all together we D.continued

6 6 Hey!, Mom and dad, it’s like a whole other world up here! A.Whole other world B.It C.Hey! D.Mom and dad

7 7 When my parents were clinging to that sheer rock I got very anxious parents B.Were C.That sheer rock D.I

8 8 Slowly, we inched our way up and up, gripping thin ledgers with the tips of our toes. A.Slowly B.Thin ledges C.The tips of out toes D.we

9 9 Sometimes, rocks pulled out, but we clung like glue B.pulled out C.we D.Clung E.glue

10 10 It was about the hardest thing I ever did. A.It B.I C.Hardest thing D.I ever did

11 11 At bedtime, my family and I heard a growl, then a rustle in the brush. A.At bedtime B.My family and I C.Heard D.A rustle E.The brush

12 12 Whenever I look at it, it reminds me of the waterfall. A.The dancer B.I C.It D.Waterfall E.reminds

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