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Evelyn Perez-Landon, Fenway
The hardest part about the high school transition is realizing that you're no longer in middle school where everyone knows your name and you are no longer the top dogs in the school. Another tough part is the adjustment to the workload from middle and high school. Expect homework everyday from your teachers (especially at FENWAY). The biggest difference between middle and high school is that high school is more free for the students to have a voice at the school and no one is on your back when it comes to doing your homework or participating in class. You run the show, not your teachers.
Evelyn Perez-Landon, Fenway
My advice to you is this: organization is key. be yourself, do not procrastinate, READ READ READ! make sure your life is balanced. participate in activities in and out of school. think of college NOW! make yourself known (don't be “that kid,” be ___________) make sure all of this is for you and not your parents because their lives have been lived for. HAVE FUN!
Stephanie Pham, TechBoston
When I entered high school, I got more freedom and I abused that freedom. I wish that I took things more seriously and just focused on my education like I planned to. Friends are always going to be there no matter what and there's no point in putting them before your high school career. I mean, I'm not saying that you shouldn't be there for them, but more of taking care of yourself before others.
Edwin Cruzado, TechBoston
The hardest thing when transitioning to high school is that it’s a new environment that you are not used to! Different location, different time you have to get up. No more school bus, everything is MBTA! My guidance councilor helped me with everything, she knew things would be different and she just wanted me to feel comfortable and adapt to my surroundings. One thing I would change if I could go back to 9th grade is my absences! It kicks you in the butt. Incoming 9th graders coming to my school: study hard, stay focused, worry about yourself and always go to teachers for anything.
Kiara Mendoza, BCLA Some struggles I have had in school is getting to classes on time. You have 2-3 minutes to get from class to class and even if you’re a second late you get a 10 minute detention and if you don’t go to it then you get a 30 or 20 minute detention and if you don’t go to that one you get a Friday detention, which is an hour!
Katherine Nunez, Brighton
The hardest part about transitioning to high school is the fact of making new friends, keeping in touch with the old friends and not getting too caught up in the scene. In high school there is a bigger environment, and you have to get used to not knowing everyone. There’s a lot more partying, and you have to make good choices for yourself. NO ONE was there to support me!!!!!!! I was a small fish in a big pond. Some advice I would give to 9th graders is DO NOT SLACK THE FIRST YEAR. It’s easy to fail. It’s easier for your GPA (grade point average) to go lower than to rise. I wasn't prepared for anything I experienced in 9th grade.
Robert Phung, Brighton High School
The hardest part about the transition to high school was changing your learning style from your previous teachers. This caused me to get frustrated several times when I didn't understand the work given. The biggest difference between middle and high school was just being MORE responsible and knowing when to follow the good and bad people.
Ashley Sanquintin, Madison Park
The hardest thing about moving on to high school is the teachers don't push you to do work, if you miss a classwork or homework that's your problem to get it done. If you are absent they don't go over the work, you have to get it from a friend or stay after school if the teacher wants. The biggest difference between high school and middle school is in middle school they don't give a lot of work. In high school you have to keep up with your homework, classwork and tests. In middle school the teachers give you extra days to turn in work, they might take away like 2 points, in high school they take away 50%.
Ashley Sanquintin, Madison Park
One thing I would change about what I did in the 9th grade is my friends. I hung out with the somewhat wrong people. 2nd and 3rd term my grades went down because of the people I chose to hang out with. Now for 4th term I'm not doing that well, so the friends I thought I had are passing and I'm not. So choose wisely for the friends you pick and the people you hang out with!
Monica Castro, Excel High School
A piece of advice I'd have to give would be... Be open-minded! Try new things that are offered to you. Make your first year fun, and interesting. Try out for sports, clubs, etc., so you can get used to the environment while meeting new people. That will all look good on your college transcripts as well! Good luck♥ You guys will be great!
Monica Castro, Excel High School
You will only have a good relationship with your guidance councilor if you work to build that relationship by going to her/him for any questions, concerns, etc. and he/she will get to know you better. Every time they see you in the halls you guys will have that close connection that you might not have with teachers or other staff members. The guidance councilor is the one who can help you the most! With anything! Anytime I needed help with seeing my grades, or anything with after school programs I would go to her. So a guidance councilor helps a lot.
Keisha Bautista, EMK Health Careers Academy
Middle school is still a place where you may think you can fool around. In high school fooling around is not acceptable. You have to take everything seriously, HS is the start for your college opportunities. In middle school you don’t think about what college you want to go to, but in HS that’s all that may cross your mind. In middle school there’s a lot of drama. Yes there is drama in HS, but everyone may be mature about it.
Keisha Bautista, EMK Health Careers Academy
Advice I would give incoming 9th graders is that EMK is not a hard school, but yes you gotta be prepared to be a hard working student, pay attention during classes and to your grades. Always make sure you ask for make up work and remember, it’s is a college preparatory high school. Take advantage of having the opportunity of being on a college campus and most of all take it seriously. Your GPA is something to always keep on target and have a good HS experience!
Annisa Benjamin, O’Bryant
The hardest part of High School I think is ORGANIZATION. I say this, because in High School you have to focus on 6 classes at the most. The biggest difference about middle school and high school is the fact that you’re learning to be on your own. In high school you really have to take care of your business, because teachers aren't going to do that for you. Looking back, one thing I would do to prepare for my 9th grade year is doing my SUMMER READING. If you don’t read and get to school not knowing about the book, you will receive your first F on a test and essay. That’s not a good way to start of the year. Advice I would give to an upcoming 9th grader is not to focus too much on being social and getting to know people. It’s okay to want to be social, but don’t stress popularity, just focus on your work ethic and how you'd want to keep it up.
Joanelies Cartagena, Snowden
Snowden has many afterschool programs, even classes after school/during school that can help you with your GPA (Grade Point Average). Also there are many sports for both boys and girls so you have more than one way to get comfortable in the school with teachers, counselors, coaches, and even the principal. My advice would be to not try too hard to impress anyone. Be yourself and try your hardest in every class, even if it does seem easy. Trust me, Snowden recognizes your hard work and they will award you for it. Also since Snowden is located in Copley you should really take advantage of the resources that are surrounding Snowden International.
Keivan Colon, Snowden If I could change one thing about my experience and choices in 9th grade, it would be about me changing my attitude and getting focused to do my work, because once they average your grade and send that report card and it arrives… Let’s just say it’s not the best feeling in the world. When I changed schools, I was most prepared for the teachers rather than the students because it’s easy to make friends but it’s even easier to give a first bad impression to the teacher.
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