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LIFE of some MED STUDENTS and more stuff about med school.

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Presentation on theme: "LIFE of some MED STUDENTS and more stuff about med school."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIFE of some MED STUDENTS and more stuff about med school

2 FIRST THINGS FIRST We will always bleed Black and Gold We might wear Cream and Crimson

3 WHY LISTEN? About Us o All took unique paths to med school o No wrong way to get here About IUSM About Becoming a Med Student About Being a Med Student About Surviving Med School About Having Fun in Med School

4 LEAH OSWALT: WAIT-LISTED Degree: o Neurobiology and Physiology, Purdue ‘12 Medical Experience: o Emergency Room Scribe - 1 Year Future: o ER, Anesthesiology Hobbies: o Trivia, concerts

5 MENGMENG ZHENG: STRAIGHT-THROUGH Degree: o Biochemistry, Purdue ‘13 Medical Experience: o Just some shadowing Future: o Probably surgery related Hobbies: o Books, movies

6 KORBIN DAVIS: MASTERS-STUDENT Degree: o Biochemistry, Purdue ‘11; MPH, IUSM ‘13 Medical Experience: o ER Scribe - 1 year Future: o Orthopedic surgery, general surgery Hobbies: o Golf, Music, Food

7 CARTER DUGGAN: NON-TRADITIONAL Degree: o Hospitality and Tourism Management, Purdue ‘13 Medical Experience: o Emergency Room Scribe-1 Year Future: o Maybe: ER, IM-Specialty Hobbies: o Cooking, Movies, Bicycling

8 IUSM 344 students in Class ‘17 o 4,700 applicants o Second largest MD class in US Average MCAT o 31.1 Average GPA o 3.73 Male to Female o 56%:44% 9 campuses across the state

9 IUSM-LAFAYETTE MEDICAL CENTER Small class sizes o 21 MS1’s o 14 MS2’s New building o And our own vending machine! o Even though a lot of us would prefer a coffee machine The hardest anatomy around o But really great statewide exam scores Close enough to Indy to be occasionally involved MS3-4 clerkships now offered

10 GETTING IN “40% MCAT, 40% GPA, 20% You” Extracurriculars that you enjoy Break the mold Apply early, apply often Apps take time way more time than you expect

11 STAYING IN ●Prepare in advance ●Review frequently ●Study better, not harder ●Keep a positive attitude ●Ok, study harder too

12 STAYING SANE Take a 30 minute break after class Talk to people outside of med school o Good support system is the key Celebrate after a big exam regardless of your grade Realize that they picked you for a reason, you will be a doctor

13 HAVING FUN It is possible! Just have to try a little harder…. Schedule your fun o Working out with classmates Be honest with your non-med school family and friends o Know when to say “no” Enjoy any time off!

14 ONE DAY YOU’LL GET ACCEPTED This how finally getting the short, white coat feels #whatshouldwecallmedschool

15 AND YOU’LL STUDY A LOT Reading something for the 50th time and still not remembering it #whatshouldwecallmedschool

16 AND IT IS STRESSFUL Having an exam on Friday and another on Monday #whatshouldwecallmedschool

17 AND YOU’LL BE TIRED How to keep your energy without sacrificing your success #whatshouldwecallmedschool

18 BUT YOU CAN BE HAPPY How to stay happy in med school #whatshouldwecallmedschool

19 JUST REMEMBER When you finally get to med school, some days will feel like this #whatshouldwecallmedschool

20 ONE DAY You’ll be a doctor and it will feel this good #whatshouldwecallmedschool

21 QUESTIONS AND CONTACT Carter o o @listentocarter o Leah o o @imnotcoollikecarterandidonthavetwittercantheybethislong? #huh??? MengMeng o Korbin o

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