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Gintaras K. Duda Physics Department.  Three criteria for research of any kind 1. It is made public 2. It is subject to critical review and examination.

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Presentation on theme: "Gintaras K. Duda Physics Department.  Three criteria for research of any kind 1. It is made public 2. It is subject to critical review and examination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gintaras K. Duda Physics Department

2  Three criteria for research of any kind 1. It is made public 2. It is subject to critical review and examination by members of the community 3. the work is built upon, used, and modified by others  Communication is at the heart of the scientific enterprise!

3  Peer-reviewed articles  Conference proceedings  Letters and other communications  And talks, talks, talks …

4  Most important thing to remember  Each talk should be written with a specific audience in mind  Elementary is ok  People like to feel smart  People come to actually learn something … Gasp!

5 Our model: N = 1 SUSY extension to SM with the following soft breaking super-potential We include a mix of F and D terms in the super-potential

6  It is very important that you learn about traxoline. Traxoline is a new form of zionter. It is montilled in Ceristanna. The Ceristannians gristerlate large amounts of fevon and then brachter it to quasel traxoline. Traxoline may well be one of our most lukized snezlaus in the future because of our zionter lescelidge.

7  You all know what the following acronyms stand for:  B.S.  M.S.  Ph.D.  Talking over the heads of an audience doesn’t make you look smart!

8  Conference Presentation  Invited  Contributed  Poster  Seminar style Presentation  Invited talk  Job talk  General Audience Presentation  Outreach

9  Contributed talks may be only 8-12 minutes in length  Important to stay within your time!  What can you say in 8-12 minutes?  Give an overview of what you did and why its important  Give a introduction placing the work in context  Tell people what YOU did  Going to be more technical

10  Invited talks tend to be longer and of more general interest  Think 25-40 minutes in length  This type of talk needs to be accessible to a WIDE audience  Give a more detailed overview of the field  Keep the discussion more general  Audience is likely interested but non-specialist


12  The hardest of all talks to write  Can’t assume a lot of background knowledge  Use the parent test:  If I explain it this way, would my mom or dad understand?  Also great for your thesis!  But these are a wonderful opportunity to promote science  This is our responsibility!


14  Ask for faculty mentors, other graduate students, or friends to listen to your talk  Ask them if they understood it  Ask for feedback and advice  This can save your butt!

15  Explain why your subject is interesting  Pitch it at the right level  Progress to more difficult material if need be  Stay within your allotted time  Make sure to give references  Practice, practice, practice!


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