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CAREERS. NBA Player Process to NBA School Basketball Club Basketball Play for province National team College Basketball or NBA team trail Draft or signed.

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2 NBA Player

3 Process to NBA School Basketball Club Basketball Play for province National team College Basketball or NBA team trail Draft or signed from trial

4 Soccer Player

5 Information 82 Games each season from October to July They get paid from 400 thousand to 25 million dollars a year Watched by 40 million people 30 teams

6 To be a soccer player you have to natural talent and a love for the game that drives you to train your hardest. Soccer players train on average 42 hours a week preparing for game witch can be played in front of crowds up to 100 thousand people Soccer is the most played and watched sport in the world

7 Wages A soccer player’s income also comes from several other sources than simply his wage. For example, the best ever soccer players always made more money from endorsements and ads than their wages take a look at David Beckham if you don’t believe me. Ronaldinio gets paid 7.6 million per year Ronaldinio

8 Swat

9 Information SWAT is called in when the situation is not capable of being handled by normal police officers. The average swat officer gets paid Between 40 thousand dollars and 65 thousand. SWAT has many names like SWAT, ESU, ETF, SRU, SRT, CIRT, ERT, TRT, HRT, TAC, depends on the agency/department

10 What does SWAT do? It is trained to perform high-risk operations that fall outside of the abilities of regular patrol officers, including serving high-risk arrest warrants, barricaded suspects, hostage rescue, counter-terrorism, and engaging heavily-armed criminals.

11 Bibliography By Scott

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