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The Herbalife Business Opportunity

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Presentation on theme: "The Herbalife Business Opportunity"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Herbalife Business Opportunity
How it works and how to get started

2 Who is Herbalife? One of the largest Wellness companies in the world
Founded in 1980 Almost 2 million distributors worldwide Millions of satisfied customers Trading in 74 countries worldwide Listed on the New York Stock Exchange

3 What are the products? Nutrition, from inside and out (skin care)
Supervised by a team of Medical doctors, including a Nobel Prize Laureate Products to assist with Weight Loss, Weight Gain and Sports Nutrition Herbalife are the Nutrition Sponsors of FC Barcelona, Valencia, Santos and many others Has official endorsement with Lio Messi

4 Okay, so what’s the Business?
High-quality cost effective products Products are consumable Only available from Independent Distributors You build multiple streams of income Unlimited income potential Up to 73% of the retail price paid pack to the Distributors. Highest payback in the Industry.

5 No, really. What’s the Business?
Step 1 – Sign up: When you sign up, you immediately qualify to purchase the products at a 25% discount. You can earn Retail profit by finding customers who purchase at full price. 25% R1000 Sale Profit of R250

6 Is that all? R1000 Sale Profit of R500 50% Step 2 - Grow: As your turnover grows, you earn the right to higher discount levels. 25%, 35%, 42% and even 50% discounts. With the same sale you now make a higher profit. R1000 Sale Profit of R420 42% R1000 Sale Profit of R350 35% 25% R1000 Sale Profit of R250

7 And what about the Networking?
Step 3 - Sponsor: You can build a Team of Distributors in any of the 74 countries worldwide where Herbalife operate. They can join the local training and support structures and purchase stock locally. They make the full profit due to them. You get the difference between their discount and your discount paid into your bank account by Herbalife.. 50% You get R250 42% You get R170 35% You get R100 25% You get R0 25% They make a R1000 Sale

8 What happens if they get to 50% too?
Step 4 – Support your Team. When your Distributors get going, you don’t lose out. When your Distributors also reach the 50% discount level, the company pays you 5% Royalty, on the total turnover of their business, as long as they remain in Herbalife. Royalty are paid on 1st three levels to keep things fair for everyone. 50% 50% 5% Royalty 5% Royalty 5% Royalty 42% 50% 25% 35% 50% 50% Nothing (Yet!)

9 Is that all? There are more levels after Supervisor (that’s what the 50% level is called) You can earn 2%, 4% and 6% Bonuses on your total organisational turnover. That translates to as much as a 40% 80% or 120% of your monthly cheque paid to you as a MONTHLY BONUS.

10 Okay but surely it’s not that simple?.
Well, Yes and no. The business plan is really this simple (but yes, I’ve omitted the numbers for clarity) Herbalife keeps track of turnover by assigning each product a value that doesn’t change with currency or discount. They call it Volume Points. The number of V.P. needed to progress are: 500v.p. in one month = 35% (you never fall back down to 25%) 1000v.p. in one order = 42% for the rest of the month. 2000v.p. in one month = 42% for the rest of that month. 2500v.p. in 3 months = 42% for 12 months 4000v.p. in one month or 2500 in each of 2 consecutive months or 5000v.p. in 12 months = 50% called Supervisor till the end of next January.

11 So what do I need to do? We have a simple, step-by-step guide. The fine details you can decide on for yourself. But basically: Sign up Use the products yourself Attend or log onto a training Get the word out that you started your own business (You can use internet or many of the other methods we have) Full training is provided Find people who want to get healthy Find people who want to get wealthy Talk to people about the products and the business and watch your dreams come true

12 Okay, give me step one. The starting kit (called the International Business Pack or IBP) costs only R950. The licence inside gives you the right to buy at 25% discount, from any of our warehouses in any of the 74 countries around the world. The IBP also contains 4 products. A can of delicious Shake, Fibre tablets, Energy Tea and Multivitamin tablets for you to use. It also contains the Herbalife training manuals, business guidelines, marketing material, DVD’s. Everything you need to get your business going.

13 So you’re selling me the IBP and kicking me out the door?
Not at all! One of the great things about the Herbalife network is that it’s almost like a family. You can ask anybody for help and advice. The best place to start is your sponsor. It’s in your sponsors’ interests to help you succeed. We have a Step by Step Training Plan There are also regular meetings and seminars; online training webinars; free and paid-for books and DVD’s and many other sources of information and training.

14 Is that it? What about the rest? What if I still have questions?
There’s plenty more to tell you, but now it is up to you. Decision Time.... Contact the person who sent you this presentation. They will help you get your IBP, get started and become successful.

15 The Mission Statement We are a team committed to building a sustainable business and delivering powerful results that contribute to the health and wealth of individuals and communities around the world!

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