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Moore's Law By: Brad Sparks, Noah Al-Atta, Brenden Leis, Carly Reese, Malaika Messi.

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Presentation on theme: "Moore's Law By: Brad Sparks, Noah Al-Atta, Brenden Leis, Carly Reese, Malaika Messi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moore's Law By: Brad Sparks, Noah Al-Atta, Brenden Leis, Carly Reese, Malaika Messi

2 Who is Moore Born in San Francisco, California on January 3, 1929 B.S. degree in Chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley Ph.D. in Chemistry and Physics from the California Institute of Technology

3 Who is Moore Co-founded Intel Corporation in July of 1968, serving as Executive Vice President until 1975 when he became President and Chief Executive Officer In April 1979, Dr. Moore became Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, holding that position until April 1987, when he became Chairman of the Board He currently serves as Chairman Emeritus.

4 What is Moore's Law Prediction that the number of transistors that can be squeezed onto a silicon chip of a given size will double every 18 months and that prices will decline at the same time The phenomemon predicted first described in 1965, has held remarkably true to date and experts predict that his trend might continue until 2020 or so, declining at the point where switching element sizes reach the molecular level

5 Component Cost Doubling of silicon's performance almost like clock work every 18 months has made it possible to buy more and more powerful computers at lower and lower prices. Computers and servers large and small, are the building blocks of internet. we can all agree that internet has facilitated our lives. Thank you to Moore!

6 Misconceptions A popular misconception of Moore's law is that it states; that the speed of computers increases exponentially, however, that is not what Moore foretells in this paper. The number of components increases. Transistors eventually hit atomic levels. Other parts can bottleneck the speed. Only semiconductor circuits advance at this rate. Everything else is being indirectly dragged along.

7 Speed

8 Obsolescence It is a negative implication of Moores Law. It has consequences such as: The rapid improvement in technology renders older technologies obsolete. This can create obstacles for continued smooth operations. Rate that a people are willing to update.

9 One of the potential problems which Moore raises (and dismisses) is heat. The smaller transistors require less room for electricity to transfer. With a ending result of less heat. An active cooling system can be directly attached to the flat surface of the chip.

10 Conclusion/Future of law Gordon Moore stated "It can't continue forever." The size of the transistors is approaching the size of an atom. It has the possibility to go for another 10 to 20 years before it has reached its fundamental limit. Moore's law is not really a law, but rather a "rule of thumb" or a practical way to think about something law-is-dead-says-gordon-moore/

11 Thank You

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