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North American College – 2012 Fr. John Costello Fr. Joseph Fowler.

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1 North American College – 2012 Fr. John Costello Fr. Joseph Fowler

2  Meeting the Couple for the first time  Their primary concern?  Your primary concern as priest/deacon?  Documentation  Diocesan Directives  Parish Directives

3  Holy Trinity R. C. Church  14-51 143 rd Street  Whitestone, NY 11357  718-746-7730  Date and Time of Wedding __________________________________________  INITIAL INTERVIEW  The Diocese of Brooklyn requires that couples make an appointment with a priest or deacon at least six (6) months before the intended date of marriage and before the date has been finalized for the reception.  REQUIRED DOCUMENTS  ☐ Baptismal Certificates issued within six (6) months of the proposed wedding date.  ☐ Proof of Confirmation (either on Baptismal Certificate or with a separate Confirmation Certificate).  ☐ Testimonial Letters of Freedom (usually signed by the parents, siblings or close relatives of the bride and groom).  ☐ Proof of successful completion of a Marriage Preparation Program.  ☐ Civil marriage license must be acquired from the Marriage License Bureau. It is valid for sixty (60) days.  ☐ (If needed) Civil divorce and/or Church annulment decrees.  MARRIAGE PREPARATION PROGRAM  Couples are provided with the diocesan brochure with information on Marriage Preparation Programs. Couples should participate in one of the approved diocesan programs as early as possible in the process of marriage preparation.  SPECIAL MARRIAGE CASES  The following circumstances should be brought to the attention of the priest as soon as possible since they require additional consideration in the process of preparation:  ❤ Any previous marriage, including a Catholic or any type of religious ceremony, civil marriage, or common-law marriage;  ❤ If either party has natural obligations to any children from any previous relationships;  ❤ If either the bride or the groom is not Catholic.

4  SECOND INTERVIEW  As soon as you have completed the Marriage Preparation Program, please call the rectory to make an appointment with the priest or deacon for the second interview. At that time, the couple should bring any of the required documentation listed on the previous page.  OFFERING  The offering for the wedding is as follows:  Holy Trinity R. C. Church$300.00  (organist)$90.00  (singer)$90.00  FINAL INTERVIEW  At least two weeks before the wedding, you should contact the priest or deacon to make an appointment for the Final Interview. At that time, you are asked to bring the Marriage License (with pre-addressed envelope), the offerings, and any other required documentation that has not already been provided. Also, the plans for the readings and other details for the ceremony will be finalized at that time.  MUSIC  Please contact organist/singer to discuss music selections for your wedding. Please note that contemporary, “Top 40" music is not appropriate for the Church ceremony and should be reserved for the reception.  SACRAMENT OF PENANCE  You are strongly encouraged to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance prior to your wedding. At Holy Trinity, confessions are heard in the church on Saturdays at 11:00 AM, or by appointment with one of the priests.  ________________________________ will be assisting you throughout the process of marriage preparation, and will officiate at your wedding unless a scheduling conflict or other circumstances necessitate a change. You will be notified about such a change as soon as possible.

5  Information Regarding Your Wedding Day  PUNCTUALITY  While you may live only a few minutes away from the church, on your wedding day you should plan to arrive at the church 20 to 30 minutes before the scheduled time of your wedding. Commonly, it takes at least 15 minutes for the wedding guests to enter the church once the bride has arrived, to escort parents to their seats before the procession, and to line up the bridal party in the vestibule. The cooperation of photographers and drivers is essential if your ceremony is to begin ON TIME. Please note that if the ceremony is excessively delayed because of lateness, the altar servers, the organist and/or singer may not be able to remain for the entire ceremony due to other obligations they may have. Also, at the discretion of the officiant, a Nuptial Mass may become a ceremony, and readings and/or prayers be omitted if lateness causes a conflict with the priest’s or the parish’s schedule.  PHOTOGRAPHY  The photographer and/or videographer MUST speak to the priest before the ceremony begins. Please instruct them that no pictures may be taken from the sanctuary, no bright lights may be used during the ceremony, and that they are to be discreet and respectful of the sacrament being celebrated. Also, a tripod or camera stand may NOT be used in the center aisle; they are permitted off to the side. These regulations must be STRICTLY adhered to.  FLOWERS AND RUNNER  Neither flowers nor runner for the aisle are provided by the parish. A flower arch is not permitted, nor should flower girls throw petals in the church.  ALTAR SERVERS  Normally two altar servers are assigned to assist at the wedding. Many couples show their gratitude to the servers by offering them a small cash gift on their wedding day.  GUM CHEWING, LIQUOR AND SMOKING  Liquor and smoking are not permitted on the premises of the church before, during or after the ceremony. Anyone in the wedding party who appears to be intoxicated may be asked to refrain from being a part of the church ceremony. Also, the chewing of gum is not appropriate for the wedding party or guests during the ceremony in church.



8  Interrogation of the Parties  Bride and Groom Interviewed Separately  Questions:  Do you promise before God to answer the following questions truthfully?  Do you both intend to enter a marriage that is for life?

9  Do you both intend to be faithful to each other for the rest of your lives?  If yes, do you understand that the Church’s teaching on marital fidelity excludes homosexual activity and extramarital relations?  Do you both intend to have children from this marriage?

10  Have you ever been married in any way, manner or form? This would include any ceremony – civil, religious or non-religious – in any country or state, by any officiant whatsoever, for any kind of reason (including immigration).

11  Do you have any natural or moral obligations toward any previous partner or any children from any prior union?  Will you or your fiancé be under 18 at the time of your proposed wedding?  If yes, do you have the permission of your parents to marry?

12  Are you being or have you ever been treated for a physical, emotional or psychological problem that might affect your capacity to enter into marriage?  NEED TO CONSULT WITH CHANCERY/TRIBUNAL  NO DATE CAN BE SET

13  Relationship by blood, marriage or adoption?  Religious vows or sacred orders?  Physical or psychological difficulty that would prevent you from functioning sexually (impotence)?

14  Are you under any pressure to get married due to, for instance, illness, age, legal status, immigration issues, finances?  Are you under any pressure to have a Catholic wedding?

15  Are you pregnant?  Is pregnancy a factor leading you to marry at this time?  Are either of you in any way affected by abuse of alcohol and/or drugs?

16  Recent previous engagement?  Military service in the near future?  Hereditary/infectious diseases?  Have you discussed this with your future spouse?  Notable age difference?  Different cultural backgrounds?

17  Different religious backgrounds?  Significant differences in educational backgrounds?  Inability to establish financial independence from your families?  Difficulty in living on your own, apart from your families?  Excessive gambling/other addictive behaviors?

18  Have your parents/guardians given their approval to your marriage?  Is there anything not yet discussed with your fiancé that, if known, might influence your relationship or cause him to postpone or cancel the wedding?  Sign and date the document











29  Marriage Preparation Programs  Bare Minimum Requirements  Retreat Weekends (i.e. Engaged Encounter)  Special Circumstances  Divorce/Second Marriage/Blended Families  Widows/Widowers  Mixed Marriage/Disparity of Cult  Younger Couples vs. Older Couples  Cohabitation  NFP

30  Complicated Marriage Situations  Annulments  Convalidating current marriage  UNCOVER MARRIAGE SITUATIONS EARLY!

31  Priest/Deacon’s responsibility  Even when delegated to the parish secretary  Acquire/grant proper delegations/permissions  Gather necessary documents  Baptism/Confirmation certificates  Declaration of Nullity/Freedom to Marry  Civil Marriage License  Proof of Marriage Preparation  Testimony of Witnesses  Publish Banns when required

32  Record Marriage  In Parish Marriage Register  Annotation in Baptismal Register (or send notification(s) to Church of Baptism  Make sure records are LEGIBLE!!  Possible Civil Requirements  Register in local jurisdiction to officiate at marriage  Acquire proper signatures on marriage license and provide all required information  Mail license immediately.


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