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Kate Podcaster Goddess, The Knitting Librarian Podcast InfoCamp 2010, Seattle, WA October 2, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Kate Podcaster Goddess, The Knitting Librarian Podcast InfoCamp 2010, Seattle, WA October 2, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kate Kosturski, @librarian_kate Podcaster Goddess, The Knitting Librarian Podcast InfoCamp 2010, Seattle, WA October 2, 2010

2 What is a Podcast? Collection of self-created files (audio, video or both) on a host server. How do these differ from other audio or video files? RSS transmits new content when it is available. You don’t have to do anything (or next to nothing) to get the new content – it will download automatically! As of December 2009, over 150,000 podcasts are available in iTunes for download.

3 What is an RSS Feed? Format (XML) used for publishing frequently updated works What does an RSS feed include? Full published file Metadata Examples of RSS Feeds: (KEXP Music that Matters Podcast) (The Knitting Librarian) (shameless self-promotion)

4 Why Make a Podcast? Excellent teaching tool for your organization Opportunity to participate in seminars/instruction without having to be present. Review concepts covered in a seminar or class that may have been difficult Excellent marketing tool for your organization Ideal for working on speaking/presentation skills

5 There’s a Podcast for Everything No. Really. There Is. Public Radio: Car Talk, This American Life Music: KEXP Song of the Day, IndieFeed Humor: Jay and Silent Bob Get Old, The Ricky Gervais Podcast Sports: ESPN’s Pardon the Interruption Tech: This Week in Tech Lifestyle: Various language courses, Grammar Girl, The Splendid Table (As of September 2010, these are all available on iTunes!)

6 You Convinced Me. Let’s Make One. So How Do I Do It? The stuff – what do you need to make the podcast? The know-how – how do I record, edit, and upload the podcast? The name – Marketing the Podcast

7 The Stuff – What do You Need? Microphone Digital Audio Recording/Editing Software Computer Recording Studio Internet Connection/ISP Server Access Podcast Receiver But before all this you need….

8 The Big Idea! What’s your Podcast Going to be All About? Develop one theme for your podcast Have regular segments Don’t be boring! Keep it simple and short Stay Consistent with Your Theme but Have Room for Experimentation (listener feedback might be helpful!)

9 More on The Big Idea Some questions to ask yourself when prepping podcast content…. What aspect of my life/organization am I passionate about? What do family/friends/colleagues ask for help about? What can I speak about on a expert level? What services would my organization like to promote?

10 The Details (The Other Stuff) The Microphone USB or line-in, desktop v. headphones. Newer Macs also have built in microphones. Good idea to have different mics for different purposes The Computer Duh. Digital Recording/Editing Software Cleans up sound and saves it to the right format GarageBand (Mac), Audacity (PC & Mac)

11 More Details The Recording Studi0 This can be anywhere. Open space, quiet, little echo Stable Internet connection and power sources This is where I record.

12 And Still More Details! (Really, I Swear this is Easy Stuff.) Internet and Server The podcast’s home and how the podcast gets home. The Aggregator How your fans will find your podcast if not on your website Examples: iTunes, iTunesU, Juice

13 Time to Make the Podcasts Create Content Edit and Save Content Upload to a Host Server Subscribe in iTunes with RSS Address

14 Creating Your Content Audio Interviews Audiobooks Promos Speech Conversation Video Screenshots Live video recording Photo slideshow Always remember copyright!

15 Scripts (Not the Web Kind) It’s extremely important to have a script! Scripts keep you on schedule Scripts organize your content Scripts make great show notes Scripts will help groom your confidence as a public speaker.

16 The Tech Side of Creating Content Sample Rate – The speed at which your audio comes in to your microphone and the editing software. Measured in kb/sec. Mono v. Stereo – how much audio info are you collecting?

17 Tech Tips Watch your volume – this may take trial and error. Keep speakers turned down to avoid feedback Hold your microphone about six inches from your mouth Remember what Mom told you – Speak clearly and Speak up!

18 Editing Your Content How can you change your content? Crop out unwanted audio or dead air Change pitch if too low or too high Raise/Lower amplification Add promos Add intro/transitional music and sound effects Make sure to save your file as an MP3 File! These are small and universal

19 Uploading the Podcast Server – Podcast’s Internet home Host on internal or external server Server will generate your RSS feed address for subscription. Many wonderful host servers on the Internet! Libsyn: (Libsyn PRO for educational institutions:

20 More on Uploading Choose your Host Server Carefully! Be consistent in saving your files. Use tags so users searching the server can find your podcast. Examples: your name, organization name, good subject terms, title keywords. Don’t be an Etsy!

21 Testing & Subscribing to Your Podcast Copy and Paste Your RSS Feed Address (as provided by your host server) into iTunes or your Aggregator Use iTunes for testing – most universal and best support system. For iTunes (iTunes 8 and later) Under the “Advanced” menu, choose “Subscribe to Podcast” Copy and paste the address into the dialog box provided.

22 Marketing Your Podcast Company/Personal Website Company/Personal Social Media Blogs Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Industry-specific social media (ALA Connect,, Ravelry) iTunes and iTunesU

23 Advanced Stuff for those Techie Type A Types Submitting your podcast to iTunes rfaq.html iTunesU: learning/ Recording on the Road with Portable Recorders Griffin iTalk Software (free) iRiver Recorder Interviews! Skype and Soundflower

24 Final Tips from the Trenches Don’t be boring: Have something new to say and say it in your own way. Don’t freak out about the tech: Listeners are forgiving on the sound issues. Podcasts are not for making money – they’re for making an audience. You spend 75% of time marketing the podcast and 25% recording – be ready to sound your inner rockstar.

25 Useful Resources “Podcasting: Making Noise The New Fashioned Way.” Presented by Thomas Dopko and Dow Jones at the 2009 Special Libraries Association Conference, Washington, DC: (Slides available on request.) Cochrane, Todd. Podcasting: Do-It-Yourself Guide. Indianapolis, IN.: Wiley Publishing Inc., 2005 Wikipedia Podcasting: RSS:

26 Contact Info The Knitting Librarian Podcast: Email! (podcast-specific) Twitter: Facebook: Blog:


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