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July 5, 2009 Prayer Requests for International missionaries Cathie (Groom) and Chris Smith and their children. 1. For another Spanish family to join them.

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Presentation on theme: "July 5, 2009 Prayer Requests for International missionaries Cathie (Groom) and Chris Smith and their children. 1. For another Spanish family to join them."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 5, 2009 Prayer Requests for International missionaries Cathie (Groom) and Chris Smith and their children. 1. For another Spanish family to join them in their work. 2. For God to give wisdom, energy and vision for a church planting movement. 3. For their health, especially for Cathie to remain free of cancer. 4. For their family and that their children will come to know the Lord at an early age. 5. For God to reveal His creativity and love through them as they live, work and play among neighbors and friends. 2009 Missionary Prayer Guide

2 July 12, 2009 Prayer Requests for North American missionaries Bob and Carla Ray. 1. For a Hispanic church planter for western Minnesota, specifically Worthington. 2. For four new outreaches to begin in cities and small towns (possibly in Northfield, St. Cloud, New Ulm and Appleton). 3. For Great Commission-driven leadership for the pastorless churches in their associations. 4. For healing for churches that have experienced divisions. 5. For their churches to have a vision that reaches beyond the communities to the world. 2009 Missionary Prayer Guide

3 July 19, 2009 Prayer Requests for International missionary Jolene Coleman. 1. For safety as she travels in a city of six million people. 2. For the believers in Mexico that they would have God’s power, wisdom and strength as they share God’s Word. 3. For the believers in Mexico to look beyond their past traditions and be open to the Truth. 4. For good health and boldness as she shares Jesus in Mexico. 2009 Missionary Prayer Guide

4 July 26, 2009 Prayer Requests for Oklahoma missionaries Andy and Kim Harrison and their children. 1. For a massive move of God in youth leadership to reach out to students in unprecedented ways. 2. That many of the 80 percent of Oklahoma teenagers who are not currently going to church will encounter Christ and choose to follow Him. 3. For wisdom in developing new ministry resources for Oklahoma youth pastors and Sunday School leaders. 4. For protection as he travels the state. 2009 Missionary Prayer Guide

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