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 What is love?  Love is a strong positive emotion of regard and affection It can be towards a person, place, thing or object.

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2  What is love?  Love is a strong positive emotion of regard and affection It can be towards a person, place, thing or object

3  There are two different kinds of love 1. Passionate (aka romantic love) Relatively modern, not equally recognized by all cultures Turmoil of intense emotions For a time, it is the focus of one’s life Leads to crushes, infatuations, and love at first sight People tend to idealize each other – lonely when apart, excited when together Is sometimes short-lived (burns out or turns to companionate love)

4  Companionate love Calmer and more enduring than passionate love Feels stable and more reliable Generally based on common interests and goals Forms the basis of most long-term relationships

5  There are THREE ingredients for love according to Sternberg:  Passion (butterflies, excitement)  Intimacy (understanding, patience)  Commitment (loyalty, needing each other)

6  Lee’s love attitude scales shows that there are SIX attitudes towards love:  Romantic (true love, love at first sight)  Game-playing (enjoy chase more than catch)  Companionate (long lasting)  Possessive (jealous, worrisome)  Pragmatic (practical, mutual satisfaction)  Altruistic (gentle, caring, fewer expectations)  Most relationships involve a combination


8  “It takes half the amount of time you dated someone to get over them.” - Sex and the City  “I’ve been on so many blind dates, I should get a free dog.” -Wendy Liebman

9 AdvantagesDisadvantages Online dating (free choice) Speed dating (free choice) Random dating (free choice) By family or friends (arranged) By dating/marriage service (arranged) Other

10  The process by which we attract and choose a partner as a lover or spouse.  In traditional cultures, the process is highly structured; in others almost non-existent  Terms can be ambiguous – people have differing ideas about commitment

11  Speed dating  Internet dating  Personal ads  Introductions through family/friends/co- workers

12  A “group date” scenario, usually in a bar or restaurant  Timed, round-robin (3 min)  Meet up to 25 members of the opposite sex for short dates  Mark “yes” or “no” on a ”scorecard” – mutual matches receive email addresses to communicate further if desired

13  Good for face to face meetings  Bad because no pre- selection process  Service costs $40/ event (average)

14  Gives you a chance to enter your dating “criteria” and “choose” potential partners  Faced a lot of criticism, now a big and more acceptable industry – made $214 million USD in the first half of 2003 alone!  Free and paid options available

15  1.1-1.2 million Canadians have visited an online dating site  25% of online daters admit to misrepresenting themselves  53% of people know someone who has started a friendship or relationship online  1/3 rd of online daters have not met anyone face to face

16  Is online dating something you would ever consider?  What do you think the likelihood is of finding a successful or long-lasting match in the online world?

17  You create an ad that is published in a local paper for as long as you choose  Ads placed cost money, usually per word or character  Method still carries a bit of stigma

18  For a long term relationship – Hi my name I Dennis, I’m a single male from Toronto, non smoker, enjoys like. Seeking a female 30-45 years of age, non smoker. If your looking for a serious, fun and adventurous relationship then contact me @

19  1 in 10 teens are currently in a relationship with someone they have been dating for more than 1 year  57% of teens say they regularly go out on dates  38% of teen girls say they have a boyfriend  29% of teen boys say they have a girlfriend Taken from – American Demographics

20  Marriage is a cultural universe, which means that it exists everywhere  However, forms and family structure vary across the world  Marriage falls into the 2 nd stage of family life (according to the North American-centric viewpoint)  Definition: Marriage is the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"

21  Monogamy  Polygamy  Endogamy

22  When there are 2 partners involved in the marriage  Most common practice in North America and only legal form of marriage in Canada

23  When there are multiple partners in the marriage  “Plural Marriage”  Common in many of the world’s cultures  Misconception: multiple spouses is related to sex drive; reality is that it has to do with property rights, resources and workload for many cultures

24  There are two types of polygamy Polygyny Where the husband has multiple wives On the decrease as more women receive higher education and choose careers Polyandry Where the wife has multiple husbands Fraternal Polyandry: Two or more brothers jointly take a wife

25  Polygyny is more common than polyandry  Polyandry is found in less than 1% of the world’s cultures

26  More commonly known as arranged marriages  Takes the concerns of the family into consideration, whether religious, social or cultural  An arrangement where the parents choose the partner for their child, in many cases without the child’s input  The common belief is that marriage is too important a union for an inexperienced person to enter into, therefore parental guidance is necessary

27  There are two types of monogamy Free Choice Marriages Romantic love is the main factor Reflect culture’s values: The freedom of choice matches the values of individuality and independence (Individualistic Culture) Arranged Marriages Also known as Endogamy Parents select who their child will marry Reflect culture’s values: The value of children deferring to parental authority (Collectivist Culture)

28  Represent an alliance between two extended families of similar social standing  Involve an exchange of children and of wealth and favours  Romantic love has little to do with this  With industrialization, the extended family is less important, and young people expect to choose their own mates, which isn’t always the case

29  Based on romantic love  Choose partners that are of  Same vicinity (geography)  Similar social and cultural groups  Similar intelligence, education, physical appearance, age and religious background and personal habits  In Western culture, women are taught to see marriage as the key to future happiness  Romantic love often means that we fall in love with others for who we want them to be

30  Patrilineal = inheriting or descending from the father’s side  Matrilineal = inheriting or descending from the mother’s side  Bilateral = inheriting or descending from both sides equally

31  Caste = a group or class sharing similar cultural features (rank, economic position, occupation)  Dowry/Bridewealth = money, goods or property a wife brings to her husband upon marriage  Bride price = the money or goods given to the bride’s family by the groom or his family

32 Top 3 honeymoon destinations: 1)Caribbean 2)Hawaii 3)Bahamas

33  Same-sex marriages  Common-law unions more popular  Reality TV has introduced the idea of marrying someone you’d never met  Celebrity trend of shorter engagements and rushed ceremonies (as well as quickie divorces & annulments!)  Marriage is driven less by economic need

34  What is divorce?  It is a legal dissolution of the marriage contract by a court or other body having competent authority  A court decree that terminates a marriage  A divorce is merely an order signed by a judge under the federal law known as the Divorce Act

35  There is only one "Grounds For Divorce" in Canada  MARRIAGE BREAKDOWN  There are three counts of Marriage Breakdown  Cruelty  Adultery  Separation

36  Cruelty  Cruelty may include physical or mental abuse  Adultery  When one partner “cheats” on the other partner with a third party individual  Separation  When you are living “separate and apart” from the spouse for over a year  The marriage broke down and was over some time in the past

37  Individualism is on the rise  Romantic love often subsides  Women are less dependent on men  Marriages are stressful these days  Divorce is more socially acceptable  Divorce is legally easier to accomplish

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