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1. Understand the importance of interpersonal communication skills to becoming a leader 2. Convey believability by ensuring the verbal, vocal, and visual.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Understand the importance of interpersonal communication skills to becoming a leader 2. Convey believability by ensuring the verbal, vocal, and visual."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Understand the importance of interpersonal communication skills to becoming a leader 2. Convey believability by ensuring the verbal, vocal, and visual elements of their communication deliver a consistent message 3. Replace negative or habits with those that will improve their interpersonal effectiveness 4. Develop and practice the nine behavioral skills of effective interpersonal communication 5. Master the six skills of leadership

3 o Within an Organization o Interviews, meetings, coffee breaks, staff meetings, telephoning, … o With Customers or the Public o Customer service, selling, telemarketing, negotiating,… o In Personal Life o Parties, PTA, sport events, counseling sessions,…

4 Keys to Effective Interpersonal communication Choosing Positive Communication Habits Developing The Nine Behavioral Skills


6 The Significance of Believability Consistency = Believability Verbal 7% Vocal38% (Speed, Pitch, Tone, Volume) Visual55% Total 100% Making the Emotional Connection Understanding the Two Brains 1 : Keys to Effective Interpersonal communication


8 Behavioral Skills The nine behavioral skills are: 1. Eye Communication 2. Posture and Movement 3. Gestures and Facial Expressions 4. Voice and Vocal Variety 5. Dress and Appearance 6. Language, Nonwords, and Pauses 7. Listener Involvement 8. Humor 9. The Natural Self 2: Choosing Positive Communication Habits

9 Understanding Habitual Behaviors Changing Your Habits The Four Stages of Learning Stage 1: Unconscious Incompetence— We don’t know that we don’t know. Stage 2: Conscious Incompetence— We know that we don’t know. Stage 3: Conscious Competence — We work at what we don’t know. Stage 4: Unconscious Competence — We don’t have to think about knowing it. 2: Choosing Positive Communication Habits

10 The Four Stages of Speaking Stage 1: The Nonspeaker Stage 2: The Occasional Speaker Stage 3: The Willing Speaker Stage 4: The Leader 2: Choosing Positive Communication Habits

11 Video Feedback Changes Personal Perceptions 12 % 57 % 25 % 6% 0% 80 % 20 % San Francisco State University College of Business Study, 1985





16 1. Eye Communication 2. Posture and Movement 3. Gestures and Facial Expressions 4. Voice and Vocal Variety 5. Dress and Appearance 6. Language, Nonwords, and Pauses 7. Listener Involvement 8. Humor

17 Individual Characteristics Leaders have and look for:  Forward lean  Character  Savvy Team Actions Leader do:  Communicate a clear vision  Mobilize resources  Manage (self and others) through measurements

18 PE 1128 D42C 2006

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