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Joel 1:1-12. Who was the Prophet Joel? Joel- Hebrew – The Lord is God Referred to frequently in the New Testament Jesus- Matthew 24:29 Joel 2:10 Peter.

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Presentation on theme: "Joel 1:1-12. Who was the Prophet Joel? Joel- Hebrew – The Lord is God Referred to frequently in the New Testament Jesus- Matthew 24:29 Joel 2:10 Peter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joel 1:1-12

2 Who was the Prophet Joel? Joel- Hebrew – The Lord is God Referred to frequently in the New Testament Jesus- Matthew 24:29 Joel 2:10 Peter Acts 2:16-21 Joel 2:28 Paul Romans 10:13 Joel 2:32

3 Key Theme of Joel “The Day of the Lord” 5 times in Joel 19 times in the Hebrew Scriptures The consummation of History Day of Judgement Do you know what time it is?

4 Who was this Wake-up Call Addressed to? Israel- Israel, Judah, Zion- The Fig Tree- Matthew 24: 32-33 Jeremiah 24 I Kings 4: 21-26 Habakkuk 3:16-17 Trumpet call to God’s people- those who love God and love His Word-”It’s later than you think!” Romans 13:11-12 Warning to the nations- Matthew 25 Joel 3

5 A Coming Plague of Locusts v.4 The plagues in Egypt- Exodus 10 Judgement of the false gods Exodus 12:12 - Humble yourself and turn! Nothing like this has ever happened before-v.2 The locusts compared to an invading nation-v.6 Satanic imagery- I Peter 5:8

6 Listen! Wake Up! Do you know what time it is? Matthew 16:3 Israel returned to the Land Matthew 24:32 The Hebrew language reborn-v.2 “Never happened before” Zechariah 3:9 Earthquakes and natural disasters Matthew 24:7 Wars and rumours of wars- Matthew 24:6 Rising darkness- Isaiah 5:20 Birth pangs- Matthew 24:8 Wake Up! Ezekiel 30:3

7 A Desolate Portrait v.7-12 The Land bereft of blessing The “Seven Species” Deuteronomy 8:8 A promise filled with hope! Restored Joy and gladness The voice of the bride and groom Jeremiah 33:10-11

8 Cry out to God! Romans 10:13

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