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Colonel Commandant’s Report to Annual General Meeting, Army Cadet League of British Columbia Vernon, BC Saturday, 24 April 2010 Colonel Commandant’s Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonel Commandant’s Report to Annual General Meeting, Army Cadet League of British Columbia Vernon, BC Saturday, 24 April 2010 Colonel Commandant’s Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonel Commandant’s Report to Annual General Meeting, Army Cadet League of British Columbia Vernon, BC Saturday, 24 April 2010 Colonel Commandant’s Report to Annual General Meeting, Army Cadet League of British Columbia Vernon, BC Saturday, 24 April 2010 R.G. Meating Col Cmdt since Sep 07 R.G. Meating Col Cmdt since Sep 07

2 AN ARMY CADET’S VIEW AN R.G. Meating The Oldest Army Cadet since Sep 07

3 PurposeBackground Our Raison d'Être (Their Perspective and Environment) PurposeBackground Our Raison d'Être (Their Perspective and Environment) PRESENTATION SEQUENCE

4 MY AIM a current, third-party, outsider report of Army Cadets in Canada a current, third-party, outsider report of Army Cadets in Canada to give you the leadership and membership of ACLC, a critically vital element of the community-based ‘RC Army Cadet team’, and to appeal for your continued ‘volunteered’ leadership, involvement and talents.

5 BACKGROUND (1) I have unique ability to compare and contrast I have unique ability to compare and contrast Good access to ‘Army Cadet team’ Good access to ‘Army Cadet team’ with cadets with cadets with parents with parents with Army with Army with DCdts (Army) staff with DCdts (Army) staff with CIC leadership at CSTCs with CIC leadership at CSTCs Deductions / Assessments are Mine, based on described interaction Please do not take them personally Deductions / Assessments are Mine, based on described interaction Please do not take them personally with national office ACLC with national office ACLC

6 I listen, ask, learn and explore. While not scientific, I am convinced that my deductions are accurate. I listen, ask, learn and explore. While not scientific, I am convinced that my deductions are accurate. I have validated my deductions with senior cadets and parents from across Canada. I have validated my deductions with senior cadets and parents from across Canada. Remember: I am seen by the cadets as the oldest Army cadet, a disarming but interested adult. They love speaking with ‘the General – oldest Army cadet’: “that’s cool” Remember: I am seen by the cadets as the oldest Army cadet, a disarming but interested adult. They love speaking with ‘the General – oldest Army cadet’: “that’s cool” I listen, ask, learn and explore. While not scientific, I am convinced that my deductions are accurate. I listen, ask, learn and explore. While not scientific, I am convinced that my deductions are accurate. I have validated my deductions with senior cadets and parents from across Canada. I have validated my deductions with senior cadets and parents from across Canada. Remember: I am seen by the cadets as the oldest Army cadet, a disarming but interested adult. They love speaking with ‘the General – oldest Army cadet’: “that’s cool” Remember: I am seen by the cadets as the oldest Army cadet, a disarming but interested adult. They love speaking with ‘the General – oldest Army cadet’: “that’s cool” BACKGROUND (2)

7 Col Cmdt Activity Conducted since last AGM ACR Private School RCACC Visited Bisley with RCAC Team Maple Leaf Exchange Maple Leaf Exchange Visited HRH, Prince Phillip Visited UK Cadets ACF and CCF ACF and CCF ACF Summer Camp (Welsh Cadets and Staff) ACF Summer Camp (Welsh Cadets and Staff) Visited CSTC Argonaut and Blackdown Attended AGMs ACLC NS and MB Spoke to Army Council Followed up with presentation to Honouraries Council Followed up with presentation to Honouraries Council Attended Conf of Defence Association as ACLC rep (Associate Membership) Attended National Biathlon Championships Involved Army Cadets at several CDS, high profile events ACR Private School RCACC Visited Bisley with RCAC Team Maple Leaf Exchange Maple Leaf Exchange Visited HRH, Prince Phillip Visited UK Cadets ACF and CCF ACF and CCF ACF Summer Camp (Welsh Cadets and Staff) ACF Summer Camp (Welsh Cadets and Staff) Visited CSTC Argonaut and Blackdown Attended AGMs ACLC NS and MB Spoke to Army Council Followed up with presentation to Honouraries Council Followed up with presentation to Honouraries Council Attended Conf of Defence Association as ACLC rep (Associate Membership) Attended National Biathlon Championships Involved Army Cadets at several CDS, high profile events

8 Above all else & Most Important for Me learned from I have met, spoken with and learned from thousands of cadets and hundreds of parents, program leaders and volunteers I have conducted formal and informal focus sessions and in- depth discussions with senior cadets on their turf and in their comfort zones. Likewise, where possible, with groups of parents. BACKGROUND (3)

9 Our Raison d'Être – the Army Cadet Generally, they are: VIBRANT BRIGHT QUICK ARTICULATE WELL-INFORMED WELL-CONNECTED (DIGITALLY) KIND SINCERE TALENTED HAPPY RESPECTFUL OPINIONATED GENEROUS CARING PROUD Generally, they are: VIBRANT BRIGHT QUICK ARTICULATE WELL-INFORMED WELL-CONNECTED (DIGITALLY) KIND SINCERE TALENTED HAPPY RESPECTFUL OPINIONATED GENEROUS CARING PROUD GR8T Ambassadors of the CCM Products of the team effort Sons & daughters Future citizens and leaders Team membersGR8T Ambassadors of the CCM Products of the team effort Sons & daughters Future citizens and leaders Team members && MY CONCLUSIONS

10 Our Raison d'Être It is a very complex, modern, sophisticated and interdependent environment. A Cadet’s Environment

11 Look at it as a new cadet (12 – 13 yo) Look at it as a developing cadet (13, 14, 15, 16 yo) Look at it as an experienced senior cadet (16, 17, 18 yo) Build That Environment CadetCadet

12 CadetCadet Leaders Corps & CSTC Leaders Corps & CSTC Friends who are other Cadets School Program Corps & CSTC Program Corps & CSTC Community Parents Sponsor Affiliated Unit Sponsor Affiliated Unit Adult Support Committee Awareness of cadets & program Awareness Facility Provision or Rent Facility Competitive Domaine Police & Service Orgs Police ElectedMediaNeighbours Business ldrs Other Youth ElectedMediaNeighbours Business ldrs Other Youth Supportive NOT involved Supportive NOT involved Supportive & Involved Supportive & Involved NOT Supportive or involved NOT Supportive or involved Yes No 1 or 2 Supportive NOT involved Supportive NOT involved Supportive & Involved Supportive & Involved NOT Supportive or involved NOT Supportive or involved Volunteer Capacity, Acceptance & Capability Create A Strong Bond Remain or Move On Role Models MotivationalMotivational Invested in them Invested Seen Have Earned Respect Seen Interested & Knowledgeable Challenging & Well- Delivered Challenging Diversity & Appeal Diversity Achievement & Pride Achievement 0pportunity0pportunityp 0pportunity0pportunityp Cool ?? Philosophy Supportive or NOT Philosophy Facility Provision or Rent Facility Awareness of cadets & program Awareness Friends other Students Friends other Students Teachers & School Board Teachers

13 CadetCadet Leaders Corps & CSTC Leaders Friends who are other Cadets SchoolSchool Program Corps & CSTC Program CommunityCommunity ParentsParents

14 It is a complex, sophisticated and interdependent environment. Our Raison d'Être A Cadet’s Environment

15 Our Raison d’Etre and His/Her Environment WHAT ARMY CADETS ARE TELLING EACH OTHER & ME We thrive on activity – being out-of-doors, doing expedition-type things we can’t do at home. BUT I work for rewards, awards, medals and promotions (i.e. being singled out), BUT I take as much pride in my friends/other cadets’ successes and my corps being recognized. I am tech-savvy and a multi-task specialist far beyond the capacity of many of the adults who influence me. I love making family proud. Family pride is a key motivator. My BFFs are most likely other cadets (distance is not a barrier). We thrive on activity – being out-of-doors, doing expedition-type things we can’t do at home. BUT I work for rewards, awards, medals and promotions (i.e. being singled out), BUT I take as much pride in my friends/other cadets’ successes and my corps being recognized. I am tech-savvy and a multi-task specialist far beyond the capacity of many of the adults who influence me. I love making family proud. Family pride is a key motivator. My BFFs are most likely other cadets (distance is not a barrier).

16 Shooting is essential to Army cadets. I recognize and despise disorganization – at LHQ and at summer camp. I hate being disappointed as much as the disorganization. My corps leaders are not necessarily apparent to all of the cadets – I think they spend too much time on personal administration and are not focused enough on me and the younger newer cadets: I associate the word “Officer” with OFFICE. I teach the leadership in my corps. Many of my officers and CO don’t know the names of their cadets – drives green stars away. I have tremendous respect for and pride in being ARMY. I want to feel, touch, meet, be exposed to ‘heroes’, ‘real Army soldiers’. Shooting is essential to Army cadets. I recognize and despise disorganization – at LHQ and at summer camp. I hate being disappointed as much as the disorganization. My corps leaders are not necessarily apparent to all of the cadets – I think they spend too much time on personal administration and are not focused enough on me and the younger newer cadets: I associate the word “Officer” with OFFICE. I teach the leadership in my corps. Many of my officers and CO don’t know the names of their cadets – drives green stars away. I have tremendous respect for and pride in being ARMY. I want to feel, touch, meet, be exposed to ‘heroes’, ‘real Army soldiers’. Our Raison d’Etre and His/Her Environment WHAT ARMY CADETS ARE TELLING EACH OTHER & ME

17 Our Raison d’Etre and His/Her Environment WHAT ARMY CADETS ARE TELLING EACH OTHER & ME I am concerned that as I grew in the program, the number of challenges and opportunities decreased for senior cadets. As a result, other activities (school, sports, social) drove away some of my friends who were not selected for the higher-end events. The PR program of the RCACCs and the CCM in general and specifically where I live “sucks”. As a senior graduating cadet, I ask: “why weren’t we (senior cadets) involved?” I know there is a need for ‘structure’ and routine at my corps and summer camp, but I have determined that it drives away newbies, who do not want to be yelled and screamed at. I can also tell you that it can be worse at summer camp, because the staff comes from differing backgrounds/approaches. I am concerned that as I grew in the program, the number of challenges and opportunities decreased for senior cadets. As a result, other activities (school, sports, social) drove away some of my friends who were not selected for the higher-end events. The PR program of the RCACCs and the CCM in general and specifically where I live “sucks”. As a senior graduating cadet, I ask: “why weren’t we (senior cadets) involved?” I know there is a need for ‘structure’ and routine at my corps and summer camp, but I have determined that it drives away newbies, who do not want to be yelled and screamed at. I can also tell you that it can be worse at summer camp, because the staff comes from differing backgrounds/approaches.

18 I can also tell you that the ‘Coolness’ factor does exist – those of us who stay have worked around it in our own ways; others quit. I think the Army Cadet program should have attracted more of my friends. I want to be heard and treated seriously. My opinion counts. As a senior cadet, I am very positive and appreciative about what the CCM and what Army Cadets has done for me. I am concerned about the program remaining relevant and the reducing size of my cadet corps. I do not want to see Army Cadets becoming another ‘youth’ program or Boy Scouts. I don’t know how to fix the problems, but I am willing to help. I can also tell you that the ‘Coolness’ factor does exist – those of us who stay have worked around it in our own ways; others quit. I think the Army Cadet program should have attracted more of my friends. I want to be heard and treated seriously. My opinion counts. As a senior cadet, I am very positive and appreciative about what the CCM and what Army Cadets has done for me. I am concerned about the program remaining relevant and the reducing size of my cadet corps. I do not want to see Army Cadets becoming another ‘youth’ program or Boy Scouts. I don’t know how to fix the problems, but I am willing to help. Our Raison d’Etre and His/Her Environment WHAT ARMY CADETS ARE TELLING EACH OTHER & ME

19 Our Team and its Challenges One size does not fit all. BUT you MUST BELIEVE that you can achieve results, successes locally. Small victories – keep plugging away. Involvement is more than attending ACRs. Work with uniformed leaders – generally younger Become working boards of volunteers, rather than presence & governance boards Use your access, age and maturity – your Rolodexes to Constituency Build PROUDLYOUR PRODUCT Use cadets as spokespersons. PROUDLY Expose OUR PRODUCT Take a cadet with you to Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc PROMOTE ……. REINFORCE SUCCESS One size does not fit all. BUT you MUST BELIEVE that you can achieve results, successes locally. Small victories – keep plugging away. Involvement is more than attending ACRs. Work with uniformed leaders – generally younger Become working boards of volunteers, rather than presence & governance boards Use your access, age and maturity – your Rolodexes to Constituency Build PROUDLYOUR PRODUCT Use cadets as spokespersons. PROUDLY Expose OUR PRODUCT Take a cadet with you to Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc PROMOTE ……. REINFORCE SUCCESS WHAT CAN THE ACLC DO??

20 Your involvement (successful involvement) is essential. You are the community FROM which the cadet comes. NATIONAL NOBLE ENDEAVOUR REIGNITE YOURSELVES, RECOMMIT TO THIS NATIONAL NOBLE ENDEAVOUR I would suggest that each Branch needs to work on succession planning – you have to find and groom your replacements. Otherwise the situation is stagnant and unhealthy. REACH BACK – KIDS DON’T REACH FORWARD IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU & ME – ITS ABOUT YOU AND YOUNG CANADIANS Your involvement (successful involvement) is essential. You are the community FROM which the cadet comes. NATIONAL NOBLE ENDEAVOUR REIGNITE YOURSELVES, RECOMMIT TO THIS NATIONAL NOBLE ENDEAVOUR I would suggest that each Branch needs to work on succession planning – you have to find and groom your replacements. Otherwise the situation is stagnant and unhealthy. REACH BACK – KIDS DON’T REACH FORWARD IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU & ME – ITS ABOUT YOU AND YOUNG CANADIANS WHAT CAN THE ACLC DO?? Our Team and its Challenges

21 Army Cadets Chose the Wording on the Colonel Commandant’s Coin “PROGRAM BUY-IN” or “MAINTAINING RELEVANCY and CONNECTION”

22 Here is a tribute to all the adult leaders in the Army Cadet Leagues who have been fearless and learned to use the computer and other new technologies to keep in touch with and relevant to next generations........... Here is a tribute to all the adult leaders in the Army Cadet Leagues who have been fearless and learned to use the computer and other new technologies to keep in touch with and relevant to next generations........... You are cool !!! You are cool !!!


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