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Art UIL 2012-2013 Study Guide ** Picture Memory- Practice spelling Name of Artist AND Artwork ** RENAISSANCE (1400-1600, Age of exploration, discovery,

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Presentation on theme: "Art UIL 2012-2013 Study Guide ** Picture Memory- Practice spelling Name of Artist AND Artwork ** RENAISSANCE (1400-1600, Age of exploration, discovery,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Art UIL Study Guide ** Picture Memory- Practice spelling Name of Artist AND Artwork ** RENAISSANCE ( , Age of exploration, discovery, and Rebirth of art/science, Church/ruling class were patron of the arts) 1. Master of the Osservanza - Adoration of the Shepherds , Saint John the Baptist, Saint Bartholomew 2. van der Weyden - Virgin and Child 3. Mantegna - Portrait of a Man Cranach the Elder - A Prince of Saxony Bordone - Salome Given the Head of St. John the Baptist by Herod Mor - Portrait of Alessandro Farnese Empoli - Three Maries at the Tomb BAROQUE ( , Newton, Galileo, ordinary citizen becoming patron of arts, artworks characterized by Movement/Energy) 8. van Breen - Skating on the Frozen Amstel River van der Ast - Still Life of Flowers in a Glass Vase Reni - Saint Joseph and the Christ Child Passeri - Musical Party in a Garden Hobbema - A Wooded Landscape 13. Murillo - The Nativity Carreno - Portrait of the Dwarf Michol Bakhuysen - The Dutch Man-of-War “de Gouden Leeuw” on the River Y near Amsterdam 16. Watteau - Heureux age! Age d’ or (Happy Age! Golden Age) 17. Oudry - Allegory of Europe

2 MODERN – ( ) Revolution in American colonies, Industrial Revolution. Invention of airtight tube for oil paint. Popular Styles -Neoclassic, Romantic, Impressionism, & Pointillism Liotard - Jean-Louis Buisson-Boissier Stubbs - Lord Grosvenor’s Arabian with a Groom Romney - Lady Hamilton Boilly - The Geography Lesson Friedrich - A Mountain Peak with Drifting Clouds Delacroix - Selim and Zuleika Courbet - Stream of the Black Pond Bierstadt - Sunrise, Yosemite Valley Bridges - Pink Cyclamen Cassatt - Children in a Garden (The Nurse) Hovenden - Chloe and Sam McEwen - The Witches Luce - Rue Ravignan, Paris Russell - Indian Family with Travois 20th Century – ( ) Social & Technological change, World Wars, inventions. Popular Styles – Cubism, Fauvism, Abstract Art Derain - The Turning Road, L’Estaque Rolshoven - Street Scene in Tunis Picasso - Still Live in a Landscape Monet Water Lilies O’Keefe Series I – No. 1 Henri (Carl) Boy in Blue Overalls Kloss Viacito in White Takayama - Expectation Huckaby - Big Momma’s Room

3 Master of the Osservanza - Adoration of the Shepherds , Saint John the Baptist, Saint Bartholomew
*** Learn important info about artwork *** The artist know as Master of the Osservanza is called Osservanza because that is C. a church where one of his paintings is located. The nationality of the artist known as the Master of the Osservanza was Italian Adoration of the Shepherds, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Barholomew was created with tempera and gold on wood

4 van der Weyden - Virgin and Child
In Virgin and Child, the artist used light and shadow to B. show details and form. Van der Weyden’s nationality is D. Netherlandish Virgin and Child was painted with A. oils Van der Weyden is particularly famous for creating works in the Romantic style. False In Virgin and Child, the artist used the posed of the baby to give emotional impact to his image. True

5 Mantegna - Portrait of a Man
The side view pose used in Portrait of a Man is called a profile pose. Mantegna served as official painter to B. a ruling family in Italy The type of paint Mantegna preferred to use was C. tempera Portrait of a Man was originally created on a wood panel. True

6 Cranach the Elder - A Prince of Saxony
A pyramid shape is used to structure the composition of A Prince of Saxony. The artist used light to focus attention on the sitter’s face in A Prince of Saxony. True A Prince of Saxony and (carl) Boy in Blue Overalls are most alike in their B. backgrounds The sons of Lucas Cranach the Elder trained and worked as assistants in his workshop. True

7 Bordone - Salome Given the Head of St. John the Baptist by Herod
The gold jewelry and gold trims on clothing in Salome Given the Head of St. John the Baptist by Herod provide an example of an artist’s use of rhythm. Red fabrics at the sides of Salome Given the Head of St. John the Baptist by Herod create a visual frame within the image. True In this painting the artist showed a variety of textures realistically. Paris Bordone is best known for painting c. small works for private patrons

8 Mor - Portrait of Alessandro Farnese
To show the importance of his subject in Portrait of Alessandro Farnese, the artist used the a. sitter’s pose b. point of view c. size of canvas D. all of the above. In which of these portraits are the subject’s clothes and possessions most important? D. Portrait of Alessandro Farnese For Portrait of Alessandro Farnese, the artist chose a point of view that b. makes his sitter seem more important than other people In Portrait of Alessandro Farnese, the pose holds viewers at a distance.

9 Empoli - Three Maries at the Tomb
The contrast between light and dark in Three Maries at the Tomb helps create a dramatic mood. Jesus can be seen in two places in Three Maries at the Tomb. False Jacopo da Empoli painted a. still life b. religious works c. portraits d. All of the above The artist used realistic hand gestures in Three Maries at the Tomb to help show the surprise the women felt at the angel’s news. True

10 van Breen - Skating on the Frozen Amstel River
Most of the works created by Adam van Breen are b. winter scenes Warm colors in the foreground of Skating on the Frozen Amstel River and faded colors in the background are an example of an artist’s use of Perspective. The city in the background of Skating on the Frozen Amstel River is d. Amsterdam Which of these works was created on wood? C. Skating on the Frozen Amstel River

11 van der Ast - Still Life of Flowers in a Glass Vase
Cut flowers are a reminder to viewers that earthly beauty does not last long in d. Still Life of Flowers in a Glass Vase. Balthasar van der Ast specialized in painting b. still lifes Still Life of Flowers in a Glass Vase was painted on b. copper Thick paints give substance and texture to the flower petals and insects in Still Life of Flowers in a Glass Vase. False

12 Reni - Saint Joseph and the Christ Child
Saint Joseph and the Christ Child was painted during the Baroque period of history. Saint Joseph and the Christ Child and Virgin and Child both show images of a parent’s love for a child. True Guido Reni was often in debt during his life because b. he lost money gambling In Saint Joseph and the Christ Child, Joseph’s outward gaze makes viewers feel connected to him. False This painting is an example of a Renaissance work created to serve the Catholic Church. False

13 Passeri - Musical Party in a Garden
To tie the foreground and background of Musical Party in a Garden together, the artist used a. warm colors. Giovanni Passeri worked during the Baroque period of art history. Which of these techniques is NOT used in Musical Party in a Garden to help show perspective? C. using warm colors in the foreground but not in the background The biographies Passeri wrote of other artists provide important information for art historians. True

14 Hobbema - A Wooded Landscape
In A Wooded Landscape, the artist gave us a point of view as if we are c. in the air above the scene. The artist used sunlight in A Wooded Landscape to c. guide viewers’ eyes through the painting Hobbema sometimes hired other artist to paint people into his landscapes. True Small figures of people in A Wooded Landscape keep viewers’ eyes moving around the image. True

15 Murillo - The Nativity The colors that are most important in The Nativity are a. primary. Many of the paintings created by Murillo were commissioned by the a. the Catholic Church The artist used vertical lines in the obsidian on which The Nativity is painted to b. represent heavenly light Bartolome Esteban Murillo’s nationality was Spanish In which of these paintings did the artist use a background that creates shallow visual space and pushes the subject forward? B. The Nativity

16 Carreno - Portrait of the Dwarf Michol
Portrait of the Dwarf Michol shows information about the sitter’s life and work as well as a likeness of his features. True Juan Carreno de Miranda was the official painter to the queen and king of Spain. In which of these works are Neutral colors most important? B. Portrait of the Dwarf Michol In Portrait of the Dwarf Michol, the pomegranate represents eternal life.

17 Bakhuysen - The Dutch Man-of-War “de Gouden Leeuw” on the River Y near Amsterdam
This work would be considered a seascape. True Details are shown more clearly in the foreground of The Dutch Man-of-War “De Gouden Leeuw” on the River Y near Amsterdam than in its background. True Bakhuysen began his art career with pen and ink drawings of shipping. Tsar Peter the Great was one of the European rulers who bought paintings from Bakhuysen. True

18 Watteau - Heureux age! Age d’ or (Happy Age! Golden Age)
Watteau is considered the founder of the Rococo style. The mood of Heureaux age! Age d’or (Happy Age! Golden Age!) is a. light-hearted. Jean-Antoine Watteau’s nationality was French. What style of painting developed in France late in the Baroque period of art history? Rococo

19 Oudry - Allegory of Europe
The mood of Allegory of Europe is light-hearted and carefree/playful. Allegory of Europe was painted during the Renaissance period of art history. False The sheet music and instruments in Allegory of Europe are still life objects and also serve as symbols that represent air. Jean-Babptiste Oudry’s father was b. an art dealer

20 Liotard - Jean-Louis Buisson-Boissier
Jean-Louis Buisson-Boissier was created with pastels on sheepskin. Liotard was a Swiss painter. True The shallow visual space created in Jean-Louis Buisson-Boissier seems to push the man’s figure forward toward viewers. True Which of these artists was given the nickname ‘the Turkish painter’? A. Liotard

21 Stubbs - Lord Grosvenor’s Arabian with a Groom
Lord Grosvenor’s Arabian with a Groom fits best into the portrait subject group. Stubbs wrote a book called The Anatomy of the Horse. To focus attention on the subject of Lord Grosvenor’s Arabian with a Groom, the artist used c. warm color. The nationality of Stubbs was British.

22 Romney - Lady Hamilton A volcano is pictured in the background of Lady Hamilton. George Romney’s work was influenced by his study of classical Italian statues and paintings. True A contrast of light and dark areas of the canvas is used in Lady Hamilton to create a mood of drama and surprise. False The coolest colors in Lady Hamilton are used for the c. sitter’s hat.

23 Boilly - The Geography Lesson
The mood of The Geography Lesson is a. calm and serious In The Geography Lesson, only the dog looks out toward viewers. Which of these works show some examples of characteristics of the Neoclassical style? C. The Geography Lesson The canvas of The Geography Lesson has a smooth, polished surface. True

24 Friedrich - A Mountain Peak with Drifting Clouds
The mountain in A Mountain Peak with Drifting Clouds represents eternity and salvation. Casper Friedrich painted in a style called Romantic. Which of these objects in A Mountain Peak with Drifting Clouds serves as a symbol? A. evergreen trees b. fallen tree trunk c. the clouds d. all of the above In A Mountain Peak with Drifting Clouds, arrow shapes point viewers’ eyes toward the distant mountain. True

25 Delacroix - Selim and Zuleika
Selim and Zuleika illustrates a story from a C. poem For inspiration for his paintings, Delacroix often turned to a. books Delazroix learned to paint partly by copying works of earlier artists. True This work was painted in the Romantic style. True Delacroix thought that the most important elements of painting was a. color

26 Courbet - Stream of the Black Pond
Stream of the Black Pond was painted during the Modern period of art history. To guide viewer’s eyes through Stream of the Black Pond, the artist used c. lines Which of these artists said he could not paint an angel because he had never seen one? C. Courbet Courbet called an exhibition of his own works “Realism”. True

27 Bierstadt - Sunrise, Yosemite Valley
Albert Bierstadt was a member of a group of artists know as the b. Hudson River School The Light in Sunrise, Yosemite Valley represents God’s presence. Dramatic light is a common characteristic of Bierstadt’s paintings. True A figure of a bear in Sunrise, Yosemite Valley helps create a sense of scale. True

28 Bridges - Pink Cyclamen
Pink Cyclamen was created with watercolor paints. The artist added liveliness to Pink Cyclamen by using b. complementary colors. To tie different parts of the composition of Pink Cyclamen together, the artist used the c. plant stems Before she became an artist, Fidelia Bridges worked a. as a teacher

29 Cassatt - Children in a Garden (The Nurse)
Mary Cassatt’s nationality was American. Children in a Garden (The Nurse) was painted in the Impressionist style. Details are left out and edges are blurred in Children in a Garden (The Nurse) to a. give the image a feeling of catching a passing moment. The way the artist applied paint to Children in a Garden (The Nurse) gives the canvas a smooth, polished surface. False

30 Hovenden - Chloe and Sam
Hovenden use and “abolition barn” as his painting studio. Choe and Sam is a c. history and legend painting. Thomas Hovenden created many works showing b. everyday lives of African-Americans. To keep viewer’s eyes moving around Chloe and Sam, the artist used b. light.

31 McEwen - The Witches Most of the colors used in The Witches are Neutral. The Witches was one of the most popular paintings exhibited at the c Chicago World’s Fair The large size of the original painting is an important element of c. The Witches The people in The Witches are alll concentrating on each other and on their own activities. False

32 Luce - Rue Ravignan, Paris
The style used to paint Rue Ravignan, Paris is called Pointillism. True The touches of orange scattered throughout the mostly blue shades in Rue Ravignan, Paris are an example of a. contrast Maximilien Lude was born and raised in the city of Paris. A rhythm of vertical lines in Rue Ravignan, Paris create a feeling of permanence and stability.

33 Russell - Indian Family with Travois
Russell worked for many years as a cowboy. Russell is an American artist. When Charles M. Russell was a teenager, he c. moved to Montana. The kind of line that leads viewers into the distance in Indian Family with Travois is b. diagonal

34 Derain - The Turning Road, L’Estaque
The Fauvist style got its name from a French word meaning wild beasts. The artist used color in the Turning Road, L’Estaque to a. create decorative patterns Derain was a leader of the artist who painted in the Fauvist style. The busy pattern in The Turning Road, L’Estaque is anchored by the road.

35 Rolshoven - Street Scene in Tunis
Julius Rolshoven was a member of the a. Taos Society of Artists. Roshoven’s father was a goldsmith. Rolshoven traveled widely and had homes in both Italy and New Mexico. True People walking along the street are the most important features in Street Scene in Tunis. False

36 Picasso - Still Live in a Landscape
Picasso and an artist friend developed the Cubist style of painting. Geometric shapes are important in the composition of Still Live in a Landscape. True Picasso’s nationality was French. False Still Live in a Landscape was painted during the Twentieth Century art history period. True

37 Monet - Water Lilies The Impressionist style got its name from the title of a painting by Monet. True Monet often painted many versions of the same scene because he d. wanted to show the scenes in different conditions of light and weather. Strokes of thick paint make the flowers in Water lilies seem to stand out from the canvas. True The artist used shape and color to focus attention of the subject of Water Lilies. True

38 O’Keefe - Series I – No. 1 Georgia O’Keefe was one of the first American artists to paint abstract works. True Warm colors are used in Series I – No. 1 to c. give energy to the image. Still Life in a Landscape and Series I – No. 1 both fit into the same subject group. False Georgia O’Keefe taught in a. Texas

39 Henri - (Carl) Boy in Blue Overalls
Robert Henri led a group of artists who often painted poor people and back alley scenes and came to be called the b. Ashcan School The artist gave (Carl) Boy in Blue Overalls an active, energetic feeling by using b. broad, loose brushstrokes Robert Henri taught art in b. New York

40 Kloss - Viacito in White
Which of these landscapes was painted by a woman? B. Viacito in White Kloss painted during the Twentieth Century period of art history. True Small patches of warm color add visual interest to Viacito in White. True By the time Kloss began her career, women were accepted as artists as readily as men were. False

41 Takayama - Expectation
The artist created an image that suggests depth in Expectation by using c. colored shapes which seem layered over one another Takayama’s father did not encourage is son to develop his skills and follow a career in art. True Curved lines are least important in the composition of b. Expectation Takayama liked to listen to music while he painted.

42 Huckaby - Big Momma’s Room
The artist used light and shadow in Big Momma’s Room to c. show three-dimensional forms Sedrick Huckaby was born and raised in a. Texas Thin glazes of oil paint help give Big Momma’s Room its smooth, polished surface. False

43 Types of Artwork Most still life paintings show objects in a landscape background. False A painting that illustrates a story from a book fits best into the History & Legend subject group. An artist might choose to create a very large painting to a. fit a large public building b. strengthen the work’s impact on viewers c. show that the subject is important D. All of the above Gradual shading can make an object seem to have a three-dimensional shape. True Which of these subjects was most popular for paintings during Renaissance? B. portrait

Renaissance style painting started in Italy and spread to other parts of Europe. True During the Renaissance, artists developed b. techniques for showing perspective or distance in paintings Right, pure colors and very formal composition are common characteristics of paintings from the Renaissance period of art history. BAROQUE The Netherlands was one of the most important centers of art during the Baroque period. True New discoveries and increased knowledge about science influenced the way artists painted during the Baroque period of art history. True Some characteristics of Rococo style paints are straight lines, dark colors, and serious moods. False

45 Art Periods II Modern 20th Century
The Impressionist style of painting first developed in the Modern period of art history. Airtight metal tubes to carry paints were invented during the Modern period of art history. The Industrial Revolution took place during the Modern period of art history. True Dutch artist first began to paint new subjects for an open market during the Modern period. False The printing press was invented during the Modern period. False 20th Century Two World Wars occurred during the 20th Century period of art history. Which of these events occurred during the Twentieth Century art history period? D. development of the airplane

46 Art Elements & Principles
Composition is the way an artist puts the elements of art together to create a painting. True Using bright and neutral colors together in a painting is an example of contrast. True The colors red and green are d. complementary A blue balloon is reflecting c. blue light The position from which a viewer sees objects in a painting is called point of view. True Painting roads or rivers wide in the foreground and growing narrower in the background is a technique artists use to show perspective. A man painted as a small figure near the top of a painting looks closer than one painted as a large figure near the bottom of the picture. False Artists sometimes create large paintings of subjects that are considered important and smaller paintings of other subjects. True A soft drape hanging against a stone wall would be an example of a contrast of texture. The way something feels when you touch it is called texture. Diagonal lines in a painting can create a sense of movement or a mood of drama or tension. Something in a painting that repeats and creates a kind of pattern is called rhythm. A painting would be called a triptych if is b. is created on three panels. It is hard for artists to make changes as they work on oil paintings because the oil paint dries quickly. False The invention of air-tight metal tubes for carrying paint made it practical for artists to complete works outdoors instead of in their studios. True

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