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RENEWAL & SUCCESSION CONSIDERATIONS Elisa A. Falco, Director of Education & Training.

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Presentation on theme: "RENEWAL & SUCCESSION CONSIDERATIONS Elisa A. Falco, Director of Education & Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 RENEWAL & SUCCESSION CONSIDERATIONS Elisa A. Falco, Director of Education & Training

2 1.To review the renewal process 2.Considerations for a successful renewal 3.Lessons learned from charter renewals 4.Organizational succession planning Purpose of This Training

3 The Renewal Process (1) Begin renewal work at least 18 months prior to local authorizer deadline Conduct in-depth analysis of student performance data, organizational effectiveness, fiscal health and governance practice Establish a “Renewal Team” to execute the renewal package: 1) revised petition, 2) renewal addendum, 3) renewal budget, 4) accountability spreadsheet, 5) renewal petition checklist Compile renewal application package Board votes on petition and related documents

4 The Renewal Process (2) Submit renewal to Fulton County Prepare for local authorizer interview Receive feedback from local authorizer Local board vote GaDOE submission deadline is November 1st Prepare for GaDOE interview SBOE vote

5 Considerations for a Successful Renewal (1)  Past performance  Accountability spreadsheet  Your data story  Strengths, weaknesses, impact, action plans  School improvement plans  Fiscal health  Organizational structure  Changes & rationale/data to support  Organizational effectiveness  Challenges during 1 st charter term

6 Considerations for a Successful Renewal (2)  Compliance  Amendments & administrative clarifications  Proposed changes:  Curriculum  Waivers – you need to demonstrate how you used waivers to close the achievement gap  Support programs  Assessments  Administrative positions  Governance structure, members, practice, training, documented practice, autonomy, committees  GaDOE Mandatory Initiatives  CCRPI  Common Core Standards  Facility Plan

7 Considerations for a Successful Renewal (3)  EMO evaluation  Process  Tool  Feedback  EMO contract  “Sweep” contracts not allowed  Employees must be employees of the school, not the EMO  Fee analysis & negotiation  Facility arrangement  Documented quarterly review of management agreement

8 Lessons Learned…..  Time management  Capacity  Lack of in-depth analysis  Lack of in-depth school improvement plan when applicable  In sufficient governance training and documented practice  Lack of research / analysis to support changes  Lack of autonomy  Failure to make required changes to EMO contract / relationship

9 Reflect on Renewal Readiness:  Who will participate on “renewal team”?  Who will conduct the analysis of the current term?  Who will revise the petition and execute related documents?  What challenges do you anticipate with your renewal process and/or proposal?


11 Succession Planning  Identify key board and committee  Identify skills & knowledge requirements  Identify criteria for membership (i.e. education level, specialty, experience)  Identify potential candidates  Use committees to “groom” future board members  Develop a written board member job description  Include succession planning in strategic plan  Risk management  Strategic leadership development  Emergency succession  Strategic leader development  Departure-defined succession (anticipated departures)

12 Succession Planning  Succession readiness checklist:  A strategic plan is in place with goals and objectives for charter term  The board evaluates the school & board leaders annually  The board practice is sound  A solid team culture is in place  Cross-training plan is in place for key positions at the school level  Financial reserve is in place with a minimum of three months operating capital  Financial systems meet industry standard  Operational manual exists for key administrative and board systems and procedures  Key staff & committee chairs have documented their key activities in writing and have identified other staff who can carry out duties  Develop calendar of major board decision and strategic work  Communication plan  Diversity plan

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