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Cellular Respiration CHAPTER 9.

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1 Cellular Respiration CHAPTER 9










11 Houses epiglottis














25 How do our bodies burn glucose for energy?

26 One gram of glucose when burned in the presence of oxygen releases 3811 calories of heat energy.

27 calorie Amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius.

28 Calorie Calorie = 1000 calories = 1 kilocalorie Calories on food labels are actually kilocalories

29 How does the amount of energy released in glycolysis compare to burning one gram of glucose? Small amount (around 3.5% the amount from burning) So….. 3811 X 3.5% = 133.4 calories

30 Cellular Respiration 1. Glycolysis 2. Krebs cycle 3. ETC and chemiosmosis

31 Cellular Respiration C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 --> 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + ~38 ATP Glucose + oxygen --> carbon+ water +energy dioxide In the mitochondrion

32 Glycolysis Animation: How Glycolysis Works Animation: How Glycolysis Works glucose Pyruvic acid Starts with 2 ATP Makes 4 ATP Nets: 2 ATP

33 NAD+ An electron carrier Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide Accepts electrons (H+) to form NADH e-


35 NAD+ NADH e- carrier

36 Glycolysis is Anaerobic Without oxygen oxygen


38 How does NADH regenerate back to NAD+? The process of fermentation. It loses the electrons of NADH to form NAD+ again. Remember the yeast lab?

39 Sing or Simulate Glucose, Glucose SONGGlucose, Glucose See Teacher Tube

40 END OF GLYCOLYSIS How much of the energy in glucose is still unused? 90% Doesn’t seem very efficient, does it?

41 Now What, Pyruvic Acid? Fermentation Anaerobic – no oxygen In cytoplasm Krebs Cycle Aerobic – needs oxygen In mitochondria

42 Fermentation sauerkraut cheese bread wine



45 Alcoholic Fermentation Pyruvic acid + NADH alcohol + CO 2 + NAD+


47 Lactic Acid Fermentation Pyruvic acid + NADH lactic acid + NAD+



50 CONTRAST ANAEROBIC Does not use oxygen In the cytoplasm EX: Glycolysis Fermentation AEROBIC Uses oxygen In the mitochondrion EX: Krebs cycle ETC and chemiosmosis

51 #3 CONTRAST Respiration Really mean breathing Means of getting oxygen into body and carbon dioxide out Cellular Respiration energy-releasing pathway within the cell (mitochondrion)

52 #4 Pyruvic Acid (Pyruvate) In order to further break down pyruvic acid we need oxygen.

53 22 34 Cytoplasm CO 2

54 #5 Mitochondrion Organelle that can use oxygen for cellular respiration.

55 #6 #7

56 Cut, Groom and Krebs Cycle Animation krebstca animation


58 #4- #8 Krebs Cycle Also known as “citric acid cycle” #9

59 Cellular Respiration Respiration animationRespiration Cellular respiration


61 ATP Synthase VCAC: Cellular Processes: ATP Synthase: The Movie (Cool)VCAC: Cellular Processes: ATP Synthase: The Movie




65 ETC Electron Transport Chain VCAC: Cellular Processes: Electron Transport ChainVCAC: Cellular Processes: Electron Transport Chain Or krebstcakrebstca

66 Where is the ETC located? Inner membrane of the mitochondrion

67 What gets made via the ETC? 1. electrons + H+ + Oxygen = water 2. H+ ions go across the inner membrane and build up in the inner membrane space H+ ions go through ATP synthase to generate ATP e- ATP ADP + P e-

68 ATP SYNTHASE H+ ions move through this enzyme to generate energy for P to join ADP to make ADP


70 ETC Animation Krebstca (clear, nice animation)Krebstca Electron transport system (very simple)Electron transport system VCAC: Cellular Processes: Electron Transport Chain click on THE MOVIE)VCAC: Cellular Processes: Electron Transport Chain ETC (nice from McGraw Hill)ETC

71 ATP GRAND TOTALS Glycolysis produces 2 ATP Krebs cycle produces 2 ATP ETC and chemiosmosis produces 34 ATP GRAND TOTAL 38 ATP from one glucose molecule

72 CONTRAST CHART Photosynthesis Makes sugars for food energy Chloroplast React: CO 2 and H 2 O Prod: C 6 H 12 O 6 and O 2 EQUATION: 6 CO 2 and 6 H 2 O 6 O 2 + C 6 H 12 O 6 Cellular Respiration Energy released Mitochondrion C 6 H 12 O 6 and O 2 CO 2 and H 2 O EQUATION: 6 O 2 + C 6 H 12 O 6 6 CO 2 and 6 H 2 O

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