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September 26, 2014 Dynamic Campus  Strategies for improving student services, enrollment, and retention  User-Friendly Learning Management System (LMS)

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Presentation on theme: "September 26, 2014 Dynamic Campus  Strategies for improving student services, enrollment, and retention  User-Friendly Learning Management System (LMS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 September 26, 2014 Dynamic Campus  Strategies for improving student services, enrollment, and retention  User-Friendly Learning Management System (LMS)  Business Intelligence (BI)

2 September 26, 2014 Strategies for improving student services, enrollment, and retention

3 Understanding the generations: According to Pew Research Company Silents born 1928-1945 Baby Boomers born 1945-1964 Gen Ex born 1965-1980 Millennials born 1981-2000 CONFIDENTIAL

4 Characteristics of Millennials More independent/special/sheltered Liberal Accepting Most non-whites Don’t want religious affiliation Rise in children born outside marriage Living with parents The “trophy” generation Narcissistic Navigate the world through social media Tattoos Lower levels of trust CONFIDENTIAL

5 Millennials: the next America 5 New findings about Millennials: CONFIDENTIAL

6 #1 Millennials have fewer attachments to political and religious institutions CONFIDENTIAL Millennials: the next America

7 Instead, they connect with personalized networks of friends, colleagues and groups with common interests CONFIDENTIAL Millennials: the next America

8 #2 Millennials are more burdened by financial hardships than previous generations but they are optimistic about the future. Student loan debt Unemployment and poverty Lower levels of income 8 in 10 say they have enough to live the life they want They value flexibility and time off CONFIDENTIAL Millennials: the next America

9 #3 Singlehood sets Millennials apart from any other generation Just 26% of Millennials are married They lack a solid economic foundation Most amount of children born outside of wedlock CONFIDENTIAL Millennials: the next America

10 CONFIDENTIAL Millennials: the next America

11 #4 Millennials are the most racially diverse generation 43% are non-white Melting pot Hispanic and Asian immigrants Racial makeup contributes to liberalism CONFIDENTIAL Millennials: the next America

12 #5 Millennials are less trusting of others than older American's are. Just 19% of Millennials agree with the statement “most people can be trusted” Compared to 31% Gen x’ers 40% of Baby Boomers 37% of Silents *****More information readily available, more opportunity for disappointment and disillusionment. Millennials: the next America

13 Millennials do trust Social media!! CONFIDENTIAL

14 Millennial Trends 24/7 world 3 or more wireless devices Digital natives/virtual reality Selfies Multi-askers Collaborative Sustainability CONFIDENTIAL

15 Millennials: the next America

16 Millennials: Trivia What is the average age of financial independence? ____ ____ out of 10 students are traditional? ____ percent of children born today will live to see their 100 th birthday? Average graduate today switches jobs every ____ years? Over the past year there has been a ___% decline in 12-24 year olds use of email True or false? Texting is as intimate as talking 30 2 33 4 32 True

17 Why are these facts important? Impacts how you deliver services Provide cutting- edge technology/Virtual Communities Convenience / Self-service Top notch communication /texting Bandwidth (each student = 3 wireless devices) Need space for collaborating Provide parent involvement opportunities CONFIDENTIAL

18 September, 2014 User-Friendly Learning Management System (LMS)

19 Agenda CONFIDENTIAL User-friendly Learning Management System (LMS) Interactive Course Content Social Media Use Definition of Social Media Creating Collaborative Learners Case Studies

20 User-Friendly Learning Management System (LMS) CONFIDENTIAL Canvas, Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Moodle Content, Discussions, Dropbox Quizzes, Chat, Grades, Blog, Calendar Course Objectives same as F2F classes Can tie each learning outcome to a specific goal so results are measurable Publishers offer complete course information with books (downloaded by faculty)

21 Interactive Course Content CONFIDENTIAL Promote the use of Discussion Boards or Chat Rooms Students respond to others’ posts Create their own learning and social communities Maintains learner engagement Students become active learners Ability for the faculty to provide feedback immediately Incorporate web and social media

22 Social Media Use CONFIDENTIAL Students of all ages are active on social media (Croke) 86% use Facebook 89% on Google 81% on Twitter 90% Pinterest 96% LinkedIn

23 What is Social Media CONFIDENTIAL Resource Sharing Tools Available Twitter – enables blogging Wiki – such as PB Works enable sharing of files and manage projects YouTube – enables social tagging Facebook and LinkedIn – social networking Google Apps – enable document sharing Blogging Platforms such as WordPress enables portfolio development Creates Collaborative/Active Learners

24 Creating Collaborative Learners CONFIDENTIAL Includes students working, building, learning changing, and improving together By incorporating social media into online classes, learners have the tools t0 share resources, participate in collective knowledge, and manage their own thinking (Dabbagh & Reo, 2011; Dron, 2007).


26 September 26, 2014 Business Intelligence (BI)

27 Agenda CONFIDENTIAL What is Business Intelligence? (BI) What problems are we trying to solve? BI vs. Reporting Current reporting methodology challenges What do I need? How does it work? Demo

28 What is Business Intelligence? CONFIDENTIAL “A technology tool that provides non-technical answers” Minimal learning curve Turns raw data into meaningful information Enables rapid “information” retrieval Ensures secure, reliable, and consistent results Can be utilized at strategic and operational levels

29 What problems are we trying to solve? CONFIDENTIAL Longitudinal data and trending “ How do our current registrations compare to this time last year?” “Are my developmental programs effective?” “In what areas are the most students at risk?” Multi-Source reporting “How successful are our programs” “I need to combine spreadsheets every day because of the number of systems we have” Operational reporting “It takes me two weeks to get the information I need” “Which students have incomplete packages?” External Reporting Voluntary Framework for Accountability Performance based funding Satisfactory Academic Progress

30 BI vs. Traditional Reporting CONFIDENTIAL  Static vs. Dynamic  Ad-Hoc and “What if” capabilities  Dimensional data  Rapid and flexible analysis

31 Current reporting methodology challenges CONFIDENTIAL  Consistency and conflicting results  Security  Knowledge of tools  Data structure knowledge  Time and effort

32 What do I need? CONFIDENTIAL  Local or Cloud Based  Data warehouse  Consolidates and transforms data  Allows for specialized tuning  Reduces strain on other systems  Interface  Point and click  Dashboard  Services  Alerts  Specialized functionality

33 How does it work? CONFIDENTIAL


35 CONFIDENTIAL Questions?


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