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The History of South and East Asia in a nutshell! Standard SS7H3 a-e.

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1 The History of South and East Asia in a nutshell! Standard SS7H3 a-e

2 SS7H3a: Describe how nationalism led to independence in India and Vietnam

3 SS7H3b: Describe the impact of Mohandas Gandhi’s belief in non-violent protest

4 SS7H3c: Explain the role of the United States in the rebuilding of Japan after WWII

5 SS7H3d: Describe the impact of communism in China in terms of Mao Zedong, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and Tiananmen Square

6 SS7H3e: Explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of containment of communism

7 Nationalism and independence in India (SS7H3a) India was a trading partner with Britain in the 17 th and 18 th centuries Britain gained political and economic power over India by the late 1700s Indians did not like being ruled by a foreign power and did not trust the British Nationalists started a movement to gain India’s independence from Britain

8 What is Nationalism? SS7H3a Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation A strong sense of pride in one’s country

9 Mohandas Gandhi: India’s Number One Nationalist (SS7H3b) Studied law in England Led India’s independence movement Believed in non- violence as the way to produce the desired result of independence

10 Mohandas Gandhi (SS7H3b) Because of Gandhi’s persistence: –Britain gave India some independence with the Indian National Congress –1935’s Government of India Act that gave Indian towns more control over their own affairs

11 Indian Independence (SS7H3a) After WWII Britain did not have the resources to keep India under its rule India gained full independence on August 15, 1947 and established the Republic of India

12 Vietnamese Independence (SS7H3a) Vietnam was ruled by China for over 1000 years! Gained independence from China in 939 AD after years of fighting France claimed Vietnam in the late 1800s The Vietnamese people did not like being ruled by a foreign country!

13 Ho Chi Minh: Vietnam’s Number One Nationalist (SS7H3a) Vietnamese Communist Party leader of the early 20 th century Declared Vietnam’s independence from France on September 2, 1945 (it took a while to actually happen!)

14 Vietnamese Independence (SS7H3a) Minh created the Viet Minh to fight against the French Fought for eight years without success Finally defeated the French in 1954 when they took the military camp at Dien Bien Phu 1955- France removes troops from Vietnam and left the country split into north and south regions

15 Democracy vs. Communism: Korea and Vietnam (SS7H3e) The Soviets (Communism) and the Americans (Democracy)fought on the same side in WWII After winning the war, both sought out to help rebuild war-torn Europe and Asia Both wanted to spread their own form of government to other countries

16 Democracy vs. Communism: Korea and Vietnam (SS7H3e) Both Vietnam and Korea were split into northern and southern parts after WWII The northern parts of both countries were controlled by communists The southern parts of both countries were controlled by democracy

17 Democracy vs. Communism: Korea and Vietnam (SS7H3e) Vietnam War (1959-1975) led to a united Communist country Korean War (1950-1953) led to two countries on the peninsula –Communist north –Democratic south

18 Democracy vs. Communism: Korea and Vietnam (SS7H3e) Although not successful in Vietnam, the U.S. became a “superpower” while the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991 The U.S. successfully contained the spread of Communism There are only five Communist countries in the world today (China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, North Korea)

19 SS7H3c: How the U.S. rebuilt Japan after WWII Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 Two atomic bombs were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima which devastated the economy and government of Japan The U.S. occupied Japan from 1945-1952

20 Rebuilding Japan: Occupation and MacArthur (SS7H3c) Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces Oversaw the rebuilding of Japan Disbanded the military and closed weapons factories Helped write a new constitution for Japan

21 Communism in China (SS7H3d) As of 1911, the Chinese Nationalist Party was not helping the masses of poor Chinese The poor started to support the Communist Party (led by Mao Zedong) which promised to help them A revolt led to a win by the Communist Party in 1949 and China became a communist state

22 Mao Zedong (SS7H3c) Appointed leader of the Chinese Communist Party and the head of the government in 1949 Mao took from the rich and gave to the poor (COMMUNISM) to create equality among all Chinese The communist government made a lot of planning mistakes

23 Communism in China: The Great Leap Forward (SS7H3c) Social program started in 1958 Meant to speed China’s economic growth Sought to make farming more productive –Collective farms –Grow crops –Run industries –Educate children –Provide healthcare

24 Communism in China: The Great Leap Forward (SS7H3c) Quality of work done in the communes was poor Droughts and floods damaged China’s food supply About 20 MILLION people died from starvation and malnutrition The Great Leap Forward failed within one year

25 The Cultural Revolution (SS7H3c) After the failure of the GLF, the Communist Party was being publicly opposed Mao began the Cultural Revolution in 1966 to stop the opposition Caused more problem for the Chinese people –Attacks on anyone seen as anti-communist –Factories closed, healthcare and transportation denied to many Chinese people

26 Tiananmen Square (SS7H3c) Mao dies in 1976 New leader made changes but kept China communist Citizens still did not have basic human rights such as freedom of speech or the right to a fair trial

27 Tiananmen Square (SS7H3c) In 1989, protesters filled the square for seven weeks, peacefully speaking against the government The government warned them to stop but they did not The military brought in tanks and opened fire on the protesters killing hundreds International outrage led to improvement of human rights in China

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