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New Consultant Enrollment Training

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Presentation on theme: "New Consultant Enrollment Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Consultant Enrollment Training
Congratulations! Welcome to the Team! We are so excited to have you on the Superstars Team. This is your 1st Step in your consultant training. This is an exciting moment in your Rodan+Fields business. This will show you step-by-step how to enroll and train your new consultants. This will show you how simple it is to enroll and train. This is your road map to success, on how to RIDE THE WAVE! There is power in duplication. You can enroll and train anywhere … any time. RIDE THE WAVE!

2 2. Create gmail account for R+F emails
PRIOR TO ENROLLMENT DO THE FOLLOWING 1. Decide on a url for both R+F websites 2. Create gmail account for R+F s 3. Complete The Solution Tool. 4. Determine regimen of choice 5. Determine which business kit they want to enroll with Explain the value of the Booster Kit in 1st CRP. See slide 5 for the contents & value. You need to Complete Steps 1 – 6 before the Enrollment appointment. Have your consultant .biz and .com websites open on your computer and minimized

3 We prefer and for audio:
If you are enrolling someone locally, you may want to use an online tool. We prefer and for audio: Go to Click on Basic (not Pro) New Enrollee will Click Join and put in the 9 digits to view your computer. You can use to enroll a consultant, present and train. Register for your own Free Conferencing number at Go to both of these sites and model HOW to do this for your new consultant.

4 When enrolling mention ALL FOUR OPTIONS to get started: $45 portfolio, $395 Personal Results kit BUT PROMOTE the $995 and default to the $695!! Now the language is: “We find that people interested in building a business MUST have products. The $695 kit has all four regimens and a fifth regimen for your personal use and 1 Macro E. This is a $1300 value. The BEST OPTION is definitely the $995 kit! This kit has all four regimens and a fifth regimen for your personal use along with 2 Macro E’s. PLUS a Prospecting on the go kit that has all of our best sampling products and our flip book of before and after photos! This is a $1800 value.

1. Use Express Enrollment Option. 2. Enroll into PULSE & CRP with Booster kit to ship next month. These options automatically filter into the enrollment process. 3. Complete Enrollment & Congratulate them!! Enroll using Express Enrollment. This option will automatically enroll them in CRP with a Booster kit of $300. Show them their Pulse first and show them how to order business cards.

6 Explain the benefit and value of the Booster Kit for the new consultant’s first CRP order. If your consultant doesn’t have the money to do this. You might offer to buy these products minus what their $80 wholesale product CRP would be. $44 eye cream + $18 Daily Body Moisturizer + $18 Sunscreen = $80. (All products are taxed on retail plus the normal shipping & handling.)

7 Here’s what you DON’T want to have your consultant do…
Here’s what you DON’T want to have your consultant do….. Wait for their kit… and start planning their debut. Tell them that they need to schedule a “dress rehearsal” for their best friends, within 5 days, and Pick a date for a Grand Opening as soon as possible where they invite everyone. We’ll work on the launch on Training #3.

8 Show them how to log into PULSE.
TOUR PULSE: Show them how to log into PULSE. Use address and password they created to log in. 4. Go to Dashboard. Click on Edit PWS, add their Contact info. 5. Go to the Accounts Tab 6. Show how to Edit CRP 7. Show them the Biz Dev Library Show them their Pulse first and show them how to order business cards. Show them how to log into PULSE. You want to physically show them how to access their Pulse at their website, Or use the “short cut” : Use address and password they created to log in. Go to Dashboard. Click on Edit PWS, add their Contact info. Click on RF Mall and order business cards. Type their name in ALL CAPS when creating business card. Choose business cards from the next slide. (see visuals on next two slides)

9 The arrow on top left shows you where to edit their personal website and order business cards in PULSE.

10 Before we leave PULSE, let’s look at the Biz Development Library and show how to double click to get the most current documents. Let’s print the CHEAT SHEET so you will know the prices of all of the R+F Products. Then click on Flyers and Communication Corner to show how to make an event flyer. See next slide for an example.

11 Redefine Your Earnings/Pattern to Prosperity PC PERKS Enrollment Form
Print These 10 PULSE documents. This Power point with talking points is in all of our newsletters in the new consultant corner. Redefine Your Earnings/Pattern to Prosperity PC PERKS Enrollment Form Your Reason Why Memory Jogger Art of Inviting (Approach Language) Story Outlines BBL Agenda Cheat Sheet 90 Day Goal Plan Current Incentive/Bonus flyers Print these 10 PULSE documents. This Power point with talking points is in all of our newsletters in the new consultant corner. See visual on next slide.

12 Here is an example of the flyers we have available
Here is an example of the flyers we have available. We will schedule another time to continue our tour of PULSE.

13 Click on RF Mall and Type their name in ALL CAPS when creating business card. We like the Redefine cards without the QR code on back. There are 8 lines to fill their choices. NAME IN ALL CAPS will make it “pop” on their biz card.

14 Your .biz is where you will send business prospects.

15 Now let’s go tour your. com website. Take them to their
Now let’s go tour your .com website. Take them to their .com and show them how to do Solution Tool, Enroll PC…

16 Signing up PCs ~ First do The Solution Tool!
Open up their and give them a BIG “SHOUT OUT!” WOO HOO!!! You are NOW in business and online for your friends to purchase products!

17 Be Familiar with ALL the Products and Prices by touring and reading your .com site often!
Make sure that your new consultant takes time to be familiar with all the products and the prices. As they tour their .com site click on product videos.

18 Tour .com website/ Learn how to enroll a Preferred Customer (PC PERKS Enrollment Form is found in PULSE.) Insider information, special pricing, superior service Preferred Customers have Perks. Rodan + Fields Dermatologists offers everyone clinically proven products, expert support with the RF Connection, and cutting-edge skincare information. And with our exclusive PC Perks program, enhanced benefits and even greater value are just a few clicks away. 10% off* all Rodan + Fields products, all the time Free shipping on regularly scheduled orders Enhanced Customer Service including our exclusive PC Perks hotline and our PC Perks House Call, a quarterly e-newsletter especially for you. Exclusive Preferred Customer promotions Activate all these perks & convenience of timely automatic delivery of your favorite Rodan + Fields products with one-time enrollment fee of $19.95 & your first purchase of $80.00 or more. Teach them PC Perks and show them how to enroll a PC.

19 Recruit, Develop & Duplicate
Here is the Cycle of Success found in the Biz Development Library. This is the proven system that successful BUSINESS partners follow! Stay on this course.

20 Read this slide You as the sponsor share YOUR WHY

21 Packaging a R+F STORY & Learning the Language is Critical!
Package Your Story In 30 seconds your story should tell prospects who you are and what you do. Work with your sponsor to develop a clear and concise story that creates curiosity for people to want to learn more. Prospecting Language Develop your own 2-3 minute script using The Art of Inviting document found in PULSE. Practice the script with your sponsor until you have memorized it, and are totally comfortable in any situation using this language. Give them an Action step to Write out their story using the form outline previously given. Stress with them that facts tell, but STORIES SELL! Challenge them to read Success Stories at Click on Business System and Success Stories. Memorize a few of their favorite stories and resonate with their current situation.

22 Set Your Goal for 2x2! EC in your 1st Month..
Level II in your first FULL MONTH Work with the team to help your new consultants promote to EC and Level II! Teach your New Consultant the Power of Pace Using Rodan + Fields Bonus Programs! Set Goals! Read this slide. Sponsor 2 New Consultants in your first month and help your new consultant do the same. Repeat every month and you are on your way to wealth!

23 Let’s get you off to a FAST START
Let’s get you off to a FAST START! Set a PACE to be on profit in your first 30 days. Earning a FREE iPad! t is proven the people who earn their IPAD in our company are top earners. Bringing on two people and helping them find a new business partner with the 695 or 995 kits. Read the Fast Start Bonus Chart. Recruiting bonuses in a commission period. After 4/month each new recruit with a biz kit is a bonus of $250. No limit. As your business partners promote you earn an additonal $250 Team Advancement Bonus.

24 Help them Build their List
Use the Memory Jogger. Make a list of the every single person you know. Make of list of everyone that you know they know. Rate Your Prospect List & Identify your TOP 10! Make notes on each person on your Top 10 List. Check out your Top 10 on Facebook. People who “light up the room!” Corporate jobs with instability Families needing extra stream of income (kids in college, not enough retirement, mom needs to work from home, family member moves in.) YOU ARE NEVER FINISHED WITH YOUR LIST! You are constantly adding. Read this slide. When you make your list, make notes on each person. Use 3 x 5 cards or a spiral notebook. Talk about their list and have them share who their best prospects are.

25 Show them the Three Way Call Script in the New Consultant Corner of the Superstar Sister Newsletter. Schedule FIVE Training Calls in their first 30 days. Do a Practice call with their friend or family member in the next 48 hours.


27 The 3 way Call script is in the New Consultant Corner: Here’s a leader’s “tidbit”: For a few weeks I have had my team send me an about their prospect. I have told them I want a few sentences about why they would love to have them as a business partner or a connector. I don’t just want a few bullet points I want in their words, enthusiastically describing this person in detail, information I couldn’t possibly know about. Here’s just one example I used in a 3-way call yesterday. “I believe Helen 55, but looks about 35. I started here: She is very classy and attractive. She has a lot of integrity and does a great job at whatever she commits to doing. She is intelligent and extremely organized, yet she is very personable and naturally makes connections with all types of people. She takes very good care of herself physically, she exercises regularly, and I know when she was in Nashville, she regularly had facials and treatments from an esthetician.” During the call … I said, Helen, I just want you to hear what Sharon had to say about you… and I read a few sentences … IT WAS SO POWERFUL! And, Helen was very flattered and is joining our team.

28 Inviting ScriptS to Personalize
A) “Hi Susan, this is Mary. I hope you are doing well. I have something really exciting I want to share with you! Do you have 5 minutes right now? Great! I am working with a company founded by Dr. Katie Rodan & Dr. Kathy Fields. Have you heard of them? You may know them as the creators of Proactiv Solution for acne, you’ve heard of that right? Susan, I thought of you because you are …(compliment: savvy, fun to be with, so connected ,successful …). Pause & listen to their response. I wanted to reach out to everyone that knows and loves me to know what I’m doing. Susan, you may or may not be a “fit” for my business, but I am looking for support and referrals from my friends (business associates, family) as we expand in _______. I’d love to have an opportunity to tell you what I’ve got and who I am looking for. I will only take about 15 minutes of your time. Do you have time (later today; tomorrow) Yes.. Great, I’m going to ask my business partner to jump on the call for a couple of minutes. I want you to hear about the success she has had. (you share who she is)Meanwhile, I’ll send you a short video of Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields. Will you take a few minutes to watch it Inviting ScriptS to Personalize Read & Role play this language. Encourage them to PRACTICE. See Art of Inviting Documents in Pulse for more scripts.

29 Inviting scriptS continue…..
B) Hey, Susan, what’cha doing – it’s Mary. Do you have a couple of minutes? Yes ~ Great! I just want to call and tell you about my new business. I’m SO excited. Pause and wait for her to ask you. “What new business?” Everyone will ask. “I’ve partnered with Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields who created Proactiv. They revolutionized the treatment of acne and made them billionaires. And now they have turned their attention to the 3 Billion$ aging skincare market. What they did for acne, they are now doing for aging skin, and if we’re breathing, we’re aging. Here’s why I am calling you, Susan. You are one of the savviest, connected people I know. All I want to do is to grab coffee with you, catch up and tell you what I’m doing. I think you could be a huge connector for me. Read

30 Appointment set… GREAT!
You never know when somebody might say to you, ‘I’ve gotta go back to work.. Or “I need to do something part time to help out. I’m getting ready to retire and I don’t know how I’m going to pay the bills” , I’m only looking for people who are looking for me. “What does your week look like next week? Surely we could grab coffee or a glass of wine after work.” Appointment set… GREAT! Meanwhile, I’m going to send you a 3 minute video of The Doctors. I can’t wait to see you, it’s been way too long! Bring your iPad with pictures. (personalize the appointment in a “chatty” way. C) Referral from mutual friend: My friend, Sue, made me PROMISE to call you because she was so impressed with what I was doing. She thought you would be perfect for this. …….. Read

31 Start calling. Leave a vague message
Start calling. Leave a vague message. I don’t talk about my business “Hey, I think you would be a great resource for my business, text me back the availabilities that you have.” ~ that way they feel complimented. What do I mean? Everyone likes to be perceived as valuable, they don’t like to be “chased”. They don’t like for there to be a sense of desperate. If it doesn’t resonate with me, I don’t use that approach. Call and share your 5 minute story and lead them to a 3 way call. 10 – 15 hours a week – everyone is being led to bring their top prospects to a shared conference call with one of the leaders on your team. Read – Great script from RFx Circle Achiever, Elizabeth Guess.

32 Hi ___ this is _______, how are you doing. Great
Hi ___ this is _______, how are you doing? Great! Have I caught you at a good time, do you have 5 minutes right now? Perfect, that’s all I’ve got too. I am so excited to share with you what I am doing now. You were one of the first people I thought of because I have always (genuinely compliment them). You may or may not have a personal interest, and if this isn’t a good fit for you, you may be able to lead me to a few great people in your network. So, I have partnered with 2 of the world’s most renowned dermatologists, Katie Rodan & Kathy Fields. Have you heard of them? (If no) – You may know them as the creators of Proactiv for acne. Have you heard of that? Yep, almost everyone has. So these 2 successful entrepreneurs are now transforming the way aging skin is treated, just like they did with acne. Did you know that the anti age skin care market in the US alone is a 2.9 billion industry? I know, it’s amazing. Well, by 2015 that is expected to double, and we will be a major part of that. I am so excited to share this. Encourage your consultant to read these over and over and get comfortable with using scripts!

33 (If yes) So tell me what you know about the company.
Did you know that the anti age skin care market in the US alone is a 2.9 billion industry? I know, it’s amazing. Well, by 2015 that is expected to double to 5 billion and we will be a major part of that. I am so excited to share this. Have you been thinking lately that there was something you wish you could change about your life, your circumstances? This may be a way to help you. What I want to do is send you a link to the Dr’s video. They share their vision of why they are building this new company and where we are going, it will take you about 5 minutes. So, when can you do that? OK, great, the next step is for us to get on the phone with one of my business partners who can share our company better than I can since I am still learning. Does either X or X work for you? OK great, this next call will be about 15 minutes, unless you have some questions you want to ask. I can’t wait to get your feedback. . Read this slide..

34 Commit to R+F Work Week Calendar the weekly hours you plan to work your Rodan + Fields business: 1. Phone Call blocking 2. Prospecting 3. Local trainings and trainings with sponsor and team trainings posted in newsletters 4. Presentations, BBL’s and local Meetings 5. Shared Conference Calls with sponsor 6. OPEN your newsletters & READ! 7. Dress for success as you prospect & attend mtgs. Stress importance of setting hours. Read this slide. Say, if you don’t block out time to do these activities, you won’t do this business. People don’t schedule their RF work week, will often times quit Only to return a few months later… a year later, regretting not following the system. Ask them to share when and how they expect to work their business. Ask them to commit to spending time reading scripts and memorizing prospecting and inviting language. Make “cheat sheets” of prospecting and inviting language that resonates with them. Stress how important it is for them to stay plugged in to local events and ALWAYS OPEN our team NEWSLETTERS to know what’s the latest NEWS!!

35 Here is a proven formula!
Talk to 5 people a day Schedule 3 appointment Enroll 2 - 4

36 Schedule & Plan the Launch of their R+F Business
Plan their Grand Opening. Show the BBL Agenda and support documents in PULSE. (Talk a little bit about setting up their BBL… keep it simple. Put the food in and around the products. Keep the presentation simple and tell your QUICK 60 second story; show the Doctors’ video and the MACRO E/ REDEFINE DVD videos. Encourage them to read the BBL Agenda in Pulse for a step by step “HOW TO” conduct their Grand Opening or R+F Business Launch! Use the new 15 minute Powerpoint with Talking Point and DVD Videos to complete an interactive presentation in 15 minutes. If you demonstrate the MACRO E, it will be about 20 minutes.

37 Print, cut and put in your Prospecting “On the Go” bag filled with Serum, Microderm Paste and Hand Treatment. After you share products, have prospect fill this out. When you get home log in this information on your .com website. When Solutions Tool is completed, put prospect Name AND phone number on Name section and . This Prize Entry Form is great to use at the BBL. People who are hesitant about giving their info, will want to enter the prize drawing. Then later, you can fill out the solution tool using this information. This Prize Entry Form is also a great prospecting tool to use with your samples. If you do not have a silver Prospecting On the Go kit, Create your own! Print, cut and put in your Prospecting “On the Go” bag filled with Serum, Microderm Paste and Hand Treatment. After you share products, have prospect fill this out. When you get home log in this information on your .com website. When Solutions Tool is completed, put prospect Name AND phone number on Name section and .

38 Monthly Minimum to be Commissionable ~ Must be Maintained every month!
MONTHLY QUALIFYING Monthly Minimum to be Commissionable ~ Must be Maintained every month! $100 Sales Volume (SV) – Commissionable: CRP – Personal Product + Pulse $600 PSL1V to be an Executive Consultant SV on kits of those you recruit Preferred Customers (Retail doesn’t count) Your personal team Sales Volume (their CRP and retail customers) Take action! PSL1V is the Team Standard of Excellence!! Read this slide

39 Watch for your Welcome from the Superstars and Bi Monthly newsletters where we recognize our team and share continuing education.

40 Support Resources Available to You!
Sarah Robbins Founding Consultant provides Consultant Training New Consultant Training Webinars & Recorded Training Calls (Username: team Password: team). #1 ACTION STEP is to Watch Sarah’s New Consultant Training webinar, complete the 3 Action items in Webinar #1 & then watch the additional 13 Webinars that are available throughout your first month! 2. Sunday Team Training Call with Sarah Robbins and RFx Leaders code # Playback same code. 5:30 pm PST, 6:30 pm MT, 7:30 pm CST, 8:30 pm EST. RIGHT after, tune into our RFx Mentor Training Call at 8am Central: Access Code: # Playback (same code) 3. LIVE Business Opportunity Presentations in your area – posted at and Corporate events in Insider Scoop and Pulse Biz Dev Library. 4. Rodan + Fields Consultant Support: (open 9am PST) Or for Nurse Mary Radford 5. Product Training Webinars in the Biz Dev Library in Pulse Take them to – log in with username team and password team. Show them webinars and give them the action steps in her webinar #1.

Register and Login with Username: team and Password: team Click on New Consultant Training. Watch 1st Webinar. Pause the webinar and DO the 1st 3 Action Items: Your Why Your List Your Hours of Operation to Sponsor Here’s their FIRST homework assignment…. Go to and log in. Watch the first webinar and DO the 3 Action items. your answers to me.

42 If consultant has an iPhone. Download the PEI and show how to use
If consultant has an iPhone. Download the PEI and show how to use. We have a Great NEW way to Build your List, Connect with your prospects, Plan your RF Work week and Train by learning call scripts and creating your RF Story. We will train on this at a later date.

43 Big Picture: 3-5 year business plan
“I’m not saying it will be easy… I’m saying it will be worth it!” Read


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