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Jeudi le 23 mai. May 20 th -24 th week BRING BOOKS! Mon. 5/20Tues. 5/21Wed. 5/22 Thurs. 5/23 Fri. 5/24 F 1 BRING BOOKS! DUE: new notes pg.228, 229, 230,

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Presentation on theme: "Jeudi le 23 mai. May 20 th -24 th week BRING BOOKS! Mon. 5/20Tues. 5/21Wed. 5/22 Thurs. 5/23 Fri. 5/24 F 1 BRING BOOKS! DUE: new notes pg.228, 229, 230,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeudi le 23 mai

2 May 20 th -24 th week BRING BOOKS! Mon. 5/20Tues. 5/21Wed. 5/22 Thurs. 5/23 Fri. 5/24 F 1 BRING BOOKS! DUE: new notes pg.228, 229, 230, 232 & BORROWED WORDS F for 105. Song practice QUIZ –borrowed words “E” and re- quiz 3 verbs Song 105-early birds Flashcards units 5 & 6 due Wed,105 Classwork-Notes 258-260, 286 1Xf, 1XE H/W: Finish up notes! Self check APT answers on LMS F 1 BRING BOOKS Notes due! +5 song due! Bor. Words F for 100 Song practice, draw #’s Song for 100-oral grade Rest: Book work: Pg. 198 ex. 3,pg. 199 ex. 5, pg 201 ex. 8, pg. 207 ex. 2. pg. 209 ex. 6. H/W: finish and make flashcards. Turn in books next Wed/Thurs., unless taking the exam, then turn in on day of Exam! F 1 BRING BOOKS! C/W for 100 Bor.Wrds F for 90 F/C for 105-on card Oral grade continues-- Song for 100 Rest: See answers and self check yesterday’s classwork on LMS DO: 211 ex. 8, 212 ex. 10, 219 ex. 3, 220 ex. 5, 222 ex. 6, H/W: finish & F/C F1 BRING BOOKS! Tues. C/W for 50, Wed. C/W for 100 F/C for 100 Bor. Words F for 80 Finish any oral grades See review powerpoints Rest: Check answers for yesterday’s classwork on LMS. Do: 223 ex. 9, 228 ex. 1, 231 ex. 5, 232 ex. 9, 236-37 ex. 1- 4 F 1 BRING BOOKS! Wed. C/W for 50 Thurs. C/W for 100 F/C for 90 Bor. Words F for 70 Flashcards unit 5 for 105 1. Quiz unit 5 vocab 2. Self check classwork 3. See powerpoint on unit 5 grammar. H/W: Tues. F/C for 80, Wed for 70 & quiz Wed. “F” words F 2 R Project: Games & notes for 100 1. See: Reflexive powerpoints 2. Practice: Reflexive usage Quiz Thursday-Reflexives list and usage. Self check APT on LMS Flashcards unit 5 due Wed. for 105, Thurs. for 100, Fri. for 90, Tues. 70. F 2 R Games for 90 Oral practice: 294-296, 302-305 H/W: Flashcards for 105 tomorrow. Quiz is Thurs. Turn in books next Wed/Thurs., unless taking the exam, then turn in on day of Exam! F 2 R Games for 80 F/C for 105 –on cards Oral practice continues H/W: study for quiz F 2 R Games for 70 LAST quiz-reflexives & usage F/C for 100 Book test 308, 309 Ex. 1-3 Start setting up/trying games to check playability F 2 R Games for 60 F/C for 90 (Tues. 80, Wed.70) Check answers for book test Finish Le Comte/Start Unit DVD Start setting up/trying games to check playability F 2 PreAP Project: Games, notes for 100 Notes: 322-326 & 343 LUNCH 1. See: Imperfect powerpoint 2. Reflexive and imperfect oral practice in Text Flashcards units 5/6 due Wed for 105%, Thurs. for 90, Fri. for 80. Wed: Borrowed words “L” quiz, Thurs. Quiz 5/6. Books in Wed. F 2 PreAP Games for 90 NOTES: Y & EN 282, 284, 285..LAST ONES!!! Over reflexives/imperfect H/W: study “L” for quiz Turn in books next Wed/Thurs., unless taking the exam, then turn in on day of Exam! F 2 PreAP Games for 80 BORROWED WORDS L QUIZ Review units 5 and 6 orally-in text orally practice F/C for 105 H/W: Book test 5 (pg. 308-09 1,2,3,4) F 2 PreAP Games for 70 Last quiz-Reflexives, usage & imperfect Oral review 5 & 6 & play game for review of all. F/C for 100 Start setting up/trying games to check playability H/W Book test 6 358-59 not ex. 2 (1,3, 4, 5) F 2 PreAP Games for 60 Oral practice 5 & 6 Play review game of unites 5 and 6. Finish Le Comte/Start unit DVD 6 F/C for 90 (Tues. for 80, Wed. 70) Start setting up/trying games to check playability F 3 Song project for 100 QUIZ 3,4,5 with notes Flashcards units 5, 6 (hotel ) Tues. for 105 in LMS Finish Les Mis? F 3 Song project for 90 F/C for 105 in LMS Oral quiz-last phrases Rest-Create skits By class: Flashcards today for 105. Turn in books next Wed/Thurs., unless taking the exam, then turn in on day of Exam! F 3 songs 80 F/C for 100 Oral quiz-last phrases Practice skits Flashcards for 100 F 3 songs 70 F/C for 90 QUIZ: Skits-groups of 3 (10) Flashcards for 90 F 3 F/C for 80 (Tues. 70) QUIZ: Skits-last 10 Flashcards for 80 LAST DAY!

3 F 2 R 1.5 minutes to STUDY! (Meanwhile: Turn in flashcards for 100, Games for 70) 2.Last quiz-Reflexives (10 min.) 3.Oral points! Pg. 296-305-- Let’s all get to 10 points today! 4.If time: Start setting up/trying games to see if playable. H/W: UNIT 5 Book test 308, 309 Ex. 1-3 LAST H/W OF THE YEAR!!!! (unless you did not do your flashcards unit 5 for 90% tomorrow). Friday: Grade book test, set up games to see if they work & finish any movies we’ve started. Monday: Holiday! Tues. –playing board games & F/C for 80, Wed. F/C for 70 & Last day for all grades & books in if not taking final exams!

4 ````` Henri le chat noir: “L'imbecile blanc got into a scuffle with the neighbor's cat today. The closest I've come to a fight was during an argument on Kant's theory of ethics with an arrogant tabby”. 1.songs 70 in LMS! LAST DAY! Performing them Tuesday! 2.F/C for 90 (in LMS or on index cards) (CG, FC) 3.Oral quiz-last phrases : IN HALL! REST OF CLASS: Write up and practice skits (3 scenes, 10 lines each (5 word min.) using 4,5,6 words! 4.Skit: Volunteers to go first today (Be perfect!) for +5 Rest: doing skit tomorrow! H/W: F/C for 80 tomorrow. 70 on Tuesday. TRY TO GET ALL WORK IN BY FRIDAY!!!! LAST PUSH FOR THE YEAR!!! Monday: HOLIDAY! Tues: Songs-perform in class! Wed: Paint or see Le Petit Nicolas. Last day for any work to be due! Turn in books if NOT taking final exam!

5 F 2 PreAP 1.Flashcards units 5 & 6 for 100 today 2.Borrowed words & reflexive/imperfect quiz today! 3.Classwork/homework Book test: Book tests 5 (pg. 308-09 #’s 1,2,3,4) & 6 358-59 not ex. 2 (1,3,4, 5) LAST H/W OF THE YEAR! Just write answer/verb. Friday: Grade book test, set up games to see if they work & finish any movies we’ve started. Monday: Holiday! Tues. –playing board games & F/C for 80, Wed. F/C for 70 & Last day for all grades & books in!

6 F 1 R We’re continuing with song oral grades today. If you failed or got a zero, you can re- take: 1.yesterday in class, 2. RIGHT after school yesterday, 3-5. today (Thursday) in the a.m., or in class or right after school 6. Friday morning or 7. Friday in class. That’s it! You have had 3 weeks to learn it! We normally do not allow re-takes for oral grades in Foreign Language Dept. So, STUDY HARDER & MEMORIZE THE SONG! I will take best grade of the two tries!

7 F 1 1.Flashcards units 5 & 6 for 100% Fri. for 90 2.Classwork: OLD Notes due (228, 229, 230, 232) for 100% & Monday’s notes: 258-260, 270-271, & 286 for 100%. Up until Friday, then ZERO!!! 3. Bor. Words “F” definitions for 90%!!! 4. Tuesday’s Book work: Pg. 198 ex. 3,pg. 199 ex. 5, pg 201 ex. 8, pg. 207 ex. 2. pg. 209 ex. 6. for 50% 5. Yesterday’s Book work : 211 ex. 8, 212 ex. 10, 219 ex. 3, 220 ex. 5, 222 ex. 6----100% 6. DO CLASSWORK: Do: 223 ex. 9, 228 ex. 1, 231 ex. 5, 232 ex. 9, 236-37 ex. 1-4. Grading it all on Friday! 7. Finish up or re-do any SONG oral grades!

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