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for Undersecretary Francisco M. Varela

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1 for Undersecretary Francisco M. Varela
The Challenges to Financial Reforms: The Department of Education Experience MS. RHUNNA CATALAN Chief Accountant for Undersecretary Francisco M. Varela

2 Presentation Outline The Department of Education (DepEd): A Large and Complex Bureaucracy Improving Financial Management Our Continuing Challenges Moving Forward

3 I. THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: A Large and Complex Bureaucracy

4 The DepEd is responsible for management and governance of the Phil basic education system.
Inclusive Growth and Poverty Reduction Societal Goal Equitable Access to Adequate Quality Societal Services and Assets Sector Outcomes Sub-Sector Outcomes Knowledge, skills, attitude and values of Filipinos to lead productive lives enhanced Organizational Outcomes Access to Basic Education Improved Quality of Education Improved Filipino Artistic & Cultural Traditions Preserved & Promoted Major Final Output (MFOs) 1 Public Kindergarten & Elementary Education Services 2 Public Secondary Education Services 3 Alternative Learning System Services 4 Basic Education Sector Management Services 5 Regulatory and Devt. Services 6 Govt. Assist. to Students & Teachers in Private Educ. Services 7 Informal Education Services Cultural Outreach Services (PHSA) Children Television Devt. Services 8** Book Industry Devt. Services * Subject for refinement ** This is an MFO of the National Book Development Board (NBDB), an attached agency of the DepEd, and does not contribute directly to the attainment of DepEd’s organizational outcomes. Initial recommendation is for the NBDB to be attached to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) since its mandate is to develop and promote the local publishing industry 4

5 Global and national initiatives guide the DepEd in the formulation of its goals, policies and strategies. Education For All / Millennium Development Goals Philippine Development Plan Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA): school-based management, improvement in teaching and learning quality, among others K to 12 Reform Program and the President’s 10-Point Basic Education Agenda Universal Kindergarten Education (RA No ) Additional 2 years of secondary education to enable graduates to develop competencies that will make them better prepared for higher education, the world of work, entrepreneurship and global opportunities.

6 As mandated by the Phil Constitution, it receives the largest share (12-15%) of the National Budget.

7 It is the largest government bureaucracy with a decentralized management framework.
= 1 Central Office = ARMM Regional Offices = 203** Schools Division Offices = 2,611 No. of Districts Elementary Schools* = 46,137 = M 83% Public * = 38,503 = M 17% Private = 7,634 = M Secondary Schools* = 12,670 = 6.99M 59% Public * = 7,470 = 5.58M 41% Private = 5,200 = 1.41M = 58,807 Schs. Public: 45,973 (78%) Private:12,834 (22%) = M enrollees Public: 20.49M (87%) Private: 3.03M (13%) *No. of schools based on EBEIS School Year **Including16 newly-created divisions

8 The current processes in financial management in DepEd are rooted in Republic Act No.9155.
Develop a regional basic education plan. Formulate, in coordination with RDCs, budgets to support the regional education plan. Plan and manage the effect and efficient use of personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the regional office. Manage the database and management information system of the region. Region Develop and implement division education development plans. Plan and maange the effective and efficient use of all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the division. Monitor the utilization of funds provided by the national and local government to schools and learning centers. Division Prepare school improvement and annual improvement plans. Administer and manage all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the school. Accept donations, gifts, bequests and grants for the purpose of upgrading teachers’ competencies, improving and expanding school facilities and providing instructional materials and equipment. School


10 Challenges in Managing DepEd Resources
Weak internal controls Difficulty of collecting accurate data/reports Lack of resources at the school level Issues with absorptive capacity Delays in payment of teacher salaries Disjointed planning and budgeting Difficulty of monitoring fund sources/ releases Lack of finance personnel

11 1. Efforts to improve the direct release of funds to schools
Legal Basis: Section 10 of RA 9155 provides that the appropriations intended for regional and division offices are to be allocated directly and released immediately by DBM to the said offices. DBM-DepED Joint Circular No on the direct release of funds to the DepEd Regional Offices and Implementing Units Success of the School Based Management program under TEEP/SEDIP/BESRA. Prior to 2008, school MOOE were released either in cash or in kind. With the implementation of BESRA policies and reform thursts, full downloading of resources to schools was intensified.

12 1. Efforts to improve the direct release of funds to non-implementing units (elementary schools)
Note: 2012 data is as of end of September while 2010 and 2011 data are as of end of December.

13 2. Efforts to improve payroll management
As of June, 2012 REGION TOTAL # OF ATM-Paid % EMPLOYEES * ATM/TOTAL I - Ilocos Region 32,046 19,115 59.65% II - Cagayan Valley 21,042 13,479 64.06% III - Central Luzon 52,055 50,388 96.80% IVA - CALABARZON 53,006 28,631 54.01% IVB - MIMAROPA 17,484 100.00% V - Bicol Region 38,377 38,002 99.02% VI - Western Visayas 38,567 VII - Central Visayas 39,048 38,981 99.83% VIII - Eastern Visayas 30,985 29,393 94.86% IX - Zamboanga Peninsula 26,637 7,883 29.59% X - Northern Mindanao 24,630 XI - Davao Region 20,418 XII - SOCSKSARGEN 21,687 Cordillera Administrative Reg 11,856 10,376 87.52% CARAGA Region 13,214 National Capital Region 50,424 TOTAL 491,476 422,672 86.00% * Excludes Central Office and ARMM

14 2. Efforts to improve payroll management
1993: GAA called for the decentralization of the DepEd payroll system to: (1) shorten payroll processing, (2) minimize, if not eliminate, payroll processing errors highlighted by COA audit observations, and (3) make it easier for teachers to follow up issues with regard to their payroll. 1995: DepEd memorandum establishing the Regional Payroll Services Unit; all regions had an RPSU by June 2006 2002: Decentralization of elementary school teachers’ payroll to the regional offices. As of June 2006, roll-out of elementary payroll system from Central Office to regions was completed. 2001: Introduced the use of Automated Payroll Machine System. This was made compulsory with the issuance of DepEd Order No.8, out of 16 regions are fully implementing the ATM payroll system.

3. Increasing the quantity and quality of financial management personnel REGION DIVISIONS WITH AC SEC. SCHOOLS/Ius TOTAL WITH AGENCY CODES BOOKKEEPER DISB. OFFICER TEACHERS DESIGNATED AS FIN'L STAFF TOTAL FINANCIAL STAFF I 14 119 133 88 62 238 II 8 94 102 74 40 188 III 17 232 249 217 30 464 IV A 15 243 258 227 32 486 IV B 7 75 82 66 18 150 V 13 124 137 10 248 VI 394 411 108 572 788 VII 110 125 16 220 VIII 84 58 52 168 IX 9 132 X 60 73 37 46 120 XI 98 107 70 56 196 XII 65 61 130 XIII 117 126 27 180 234 CAR 42 49 NCR 156 171 48 312 187 2079 2266 1486 1186 4158

16 4. Efforts to improve recording and booking of transactions
2006: The DepEd Central Office, Region VII RO and Region XI RO started using the eNGAS system. Meanwhile, Region IV-A outsourced the development of its financial management system in 2009. 2006: Proper recording and booking of school buildings implemented by DPWH and other donated properties was observed through training of property and finance staff and strict compliance to various DepEd orders. As of 2011, about PhP 4.07 billion worth of school buildings were included in the books of DepEd.

17 5. Efforts to strengthen internal control and efficiency of operations
2008: The DepEd established its Internal Audit Service Unit as part of the BESRA reform package. Since its creation, it has conducted audit reports for key offices and major programs such as the Baguio Teachers Camp, GASTPE, and SBM. Early issuance of program guidelines resulted to the early/timely payment of fees (ex. GASTPE grants) and release of funds (ex. Subsidies to Regional Science HS). Starting 2011, various programs and projects adopted the use of multi-year guidelines lending predictability in budgeting and planning.

18 5. Efforts to strengthen internal control and efficiency of operations
With the deployment and training of finance personnel and more intensive monitoring, the Department was able to improve liquidation of its cash advances.

19 5. Efforts to strengthen internal control and efficiency of operations
DepEd is also working towards rolling out its various information systems – enhanced BEIS, Asset Management System, and HR Information System. The DepEd recently completed the development of the strategic design for its Financial Management Information System. It is working closely with the PFM Committee to integrate key features of the DepEd FMIS in the GIFMIS. On the interim, the DepEd is using its in-house developed budget monitoring and disbursement systems to cope with the monthly reporting requirements of oversight agencies. Planning and budgeting processes are being harmonized at the Central, Regional and Division levels. Triangulation activities are also undertaken to ensure alignment between planning of activities, budget availability and scheduling of procurement.

, DepE

21 Systemic challenges need longer-term and broader solutions.
Structural rigidity: reforms do not immediately transform Organizational capacity needs to be enhanced (in terms of quantity and quality) Culture of centralized control still persists. Innovation needs to be encouraged and nurtured. DepEd systems remain fragmented, paper-based and labor-intensive. Reforms need external support and cooperation: Report requirements could be rationalized to ease burden on field personnel. Need buy-in of government partners in pushing for equity-based financing and the adoption of the DepEd Medium-Term Expenditure Plan. (MTEP) Need to track funding from sources apart from the GAA such as LGU’s Special Education Fund and private donations. Implementation of the DepEd FMIS hinges on GIFMIS roll-out.


23 Addressing Structural Rigidity
Establishment of Regional Account Management Teams Deployment of additional finance personnel and clustering of non-IUs Roll-out of interim systems such as the Budget Monitoring System and Disbursement Monitoring System Capacity-building to build managerial talent on the ground Institutionalization of bottom-up budgeting and planning. Working with Partners to Institutionalize Reforms On-going dialogue with DBM and COA counterparts to clarify and rationalize report requirements. Inter-agency TWG was established to refine and finalize DepEd MTEP. Joint Circular on the use of the Special Education Fund and development of an SEF manual is being pursued. Need to strengthen monitoring of public-private partnerships Close coordination with PFM Committee re GIFMIS dev’t


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