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Instructional Technology Michigan District Teachers’ Conference October 11, 2007 Dan Markgraf Beautiful Savior Cincinnati, OH.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Technology Michigan District Teachers’ Conference October 11, 2007 Dan Markgraf Beautiful Savior Cincinnati, OH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Technology Michigan District Teachers’ Conference October 11, 2007 Dan Markgraf Beautiful Savior Cincinnati, OH

2 Who am I? Dan Markgraf Dan Markgraf Principal, gr. 6-8, Beautiful Savior, Cincinnati, OH Principal, gr. 6-8, Beautiful Savior, Cincinnati, OH DMLC 1986 DMLC 1986 Not a computer expert! Not a computer expert! 1998 - WELS Computer Consultant 1998 - WELS Computer Consultant 2007 - MLC Graduate Course “Enhancing the Curriculum with Technology” 2007 - MLC Graduate Course “Enhancing the Curriculum with Technology”

3 Today’s students are natives to technology. The rest of us are immigrants…

4 Why should we use technology in our classrooms? Motivation Motivation Enhanced instructional methods Enhanced instructional methods Increased productivity Increased productivity Required skills Required skills Academic performance Academic performance Higher order thinking and problem solving Higher order thinking and problem solving Serve low-performing and at-risk students Serve low-performing and at-risk students

5 Technology Facilities Lab Lab Mobile Computer – COW Mobile Computer – COW Mobile Lab Mobile Lab Classroom Computers Classroom Computers

6 Uses of technology Communication Communication Website Website Website CutePDF Writer CutePDF Writer CutePDF Teacher Productivity Teacher Productivity Gradebook Gradebook Student Use Student Use Drill-and-Practice Drill-and-Practice Tutorial Tutorial Simulation Simulation Instructional Game Instructional Game Problem Solving Problem Solving

7 Drill and Practice Students answer questions Students answer questions Receive immediate feedback Receive immediate feedback Types: Types: Flash card activity Flash card activity Branching drill Branching drill Extensive feedback activities Extensive feedback activities

8 Tutorial Contains entire instructional sequence Contains entire instructional sequence Similar to teacher’s lesson Similar to teacher’s lesson Self-contained, not supplemental Self-contained, not supplemental Types: Types: Linear Linear Branching Branching

9 Simulation Computerized model of real or imaginary system designed to teach how the system works Computerized model of real or imaginary system designed to teach how the system works Students choose tasks and order Students choose tasks and order Types: Types: Physical Physical Iterative Iterative Procedural Procedural Situational Situational

10 Instructional Game Increase motivation by adding game rules and/or competition to learning activities Increase motivation by adding game rules and/or competition to learning activities Should not be the entire classroom instruction Should not be the entire classroom instruction

11 Problem-Solving Foster component skills in or approaches to problem solving ability Foster component skills in or approaches to problem solving ability Types: Types: Content-area skills Content-area skills Content-free skills Content-free skills Tom Snyder - Tom Snyder - Inspiration - Inspiration -

12 Web-based Curriculum Mapper Curriculum Mapper Curriculum Mapper Curriculum Mapper Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader CNN Student News CNN Student News CNN Student News CNN Student News K to the 8 th K to the 8 th K to the 8 th K to the 8 th Bible Gateway Bible Gateway Bible Gateway Bible Gateway

13 Links Grunwald – MLC - http://www2.mlc- Grunwald – MLC - http://www2.mlc- MS Office Help – University of Eau Claire, WI - MS Office Help – University of Eau Claire, WI - MLC – Integrating Internet - http://www2.mlc- MLC – Integrating Internet - http://www2.mlc- Cow’s Eye Dissection Cow’s Eye Dissection Cow’s Eye Dissection Cow’s Eye Dissection

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