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15.07.12 - Sungai Nibong Gospel Hall Series: The Numberings in Numbers Part 1: THE FOUNDATION OF THE TABERNACLE RECAPITULATION OF PART 1 – “THE SUBSTITUTION”

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2 i. The Peculiar redemption for the "odd number of firstborn". Num.3:48, 49 ii. The Calculation of the Odd Number: No. of males over 20 able to go to war = No. born after Firstborn Law (Ex. 13:1, 2) = [Discrepancy = No. of firstborn males = No. of Levites = Odd Number = 603,550 males (1:45, 46) 22,273 firstborn males (3:43) (581,277 – born before Exodus 13:1, 2) 22,273- (3:43) 22,000 (3:39) 273 (3:45-47) x 5 shekels 1365 shekels. (4:50)

3 A. THE SOURCE OF THE SILVER. B. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SILVER. C. THE "SUBSTITUTION" IN THE SILVERNum. 3:40-51 1. The Principle of Substitution.Num. 3:12, 13 a. The Rule – Every Firstborn of all Flesh belongs to God. b. The Redemption - All Firstborn are to be redeemed by Five shekels of silver except those of a sheep, a goat or a cow. Cp. Num. 18:15-17

4 1. The Principle of Substitution. 2. The Practice of Substitution:Num. 3:40-51 a. The Situation. No. of Firstborn in Israel - 22 273 Num.3:43 No. of Levite firstborn - 22 000 Num.3:39 The "odd number" 273 Num.3:45-49 b. The Substitution. For every one of the 22 000, a Levi firstborn was Substituted. Num. 3:41 cf. 39 For the remaining 273, five Shekels of Silver were paid as "redemption money". Num. 3:46-49

5 2. The Practice of Substitution:Num. 3:40-51 a. The Situation. b. The Substitution. c. The Significance. i. The Levi for the firstborn Each must believe for oneself. ii. The 5 shekels for the firstborn Christ paid with His life. The Offer is Gracious. -a one-to-one substitution. - a Gracious Redemption. -"the silver” - "five shekels"

6 1. The Principle of Substitution. 2. The Practice of Substitution:Num. 3:4 3. The Proclamation in Silver.Num. 10 (Where did the silver from the trumpets come from? Most probably from the redemption money.) a. The Trumpets.Num. 10 i. To be constructed from a whole piece. v. 2 ii. To be used to call an Assembly and to sound an Alarm..... vv. 2-10  to Walkvv. 2c, 5, 6  to Warv. 9  to Worshipv. 10

7 1. The Principle of Substitution. 2. The Practice of Substitution. 3. The Proclamation in Silver. a.The Trumpets. b.The Types: i. A Call for the Redeemed to Assemble. ii. A Call for the Redeemed to be Alert. in Walk – in War – in Worship – Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, Heb. 10:25 pass the time of your sojourning in fear, I Pet. 1:17, 18 gird up the loins, I Pet. 1:13 take…the whole armour of God, Eph. 6:13, 12-17 worship Him. Jn. 4:24

8 II. THE FLOOR [The bare desert formed the Floor of the Tabernacle.] A. THE CONTRAST IN THE TABERNACLE The Curtains 1. The Beauty of Christ. 2. The Preciousness of our Position. 3. The Incorruptibility of Heavenly Inheritance. 4. The Glory of God. The Floor The Barrenness of the World. The Unworthiness of our Condition. The Corruptibility of Earthly Wealth. The Vanity of Man.

9 A. T HE C ONTRAST IN THE T ABERNACLE. B. THE CURSE OF JEALOUSY.Num.5:17 Note: Only occ. of "the floor" of the Tabernacle. Background: Read Num. 5:11-31 - The Jealousy Offering. C. THE CHARACTER OF THE TYPES 1. A Type of the Punishment of Israel. Israel was the unfaithful wife rejecting God and coming under the wrath of a Jealous and Just Jehovah. a. Israel under Curse for Rejection of Christ. Mt.27:25 - "His blood be upon us and our children" b. Cp. The Sinner under Curse.Gen.3:17-19

10 1. A Type of the Punishment of Israel. 2. A Type of the Punishment of Jesus on behalf of the Sinner. a. Christ was made a Curse.Gal. 3:13, 14 b. Christ drank the Cup of Judgment. Jn. 18:11 cp. Mt. 26:39 The Cup which My Father hath given Me, shall I not drink it? 3. A Type of the Pardon of the Adulterous Woman. Go, and sin no more.Jn. 8:11

11 15.07.12 - Sungai Nibong Gospel Hall Series: The Numbering in Numbers Part 1: T HE F OUNDATION OF THE T ABERNACLE Part 2: THE N UMBERS IN N UMBERS

12 PART 2: THE NUMBERINGS - ISRAEL’S ENCAMPING AROUND THE TABERNACLE. NUM. 1:17-21… And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month… according to the number of the names… every male from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war; On the East – JUDAH (Num. 2:3, 5, 7) On the South – REUBEN (2:10, 12, 14) On the West – EPHRAIM (2:18, 20, 22 ) On the North – DAN (2:25, 27, 29) Around Tabernacle – Levites, Moses & Aaron... (3:17, 23, 29, 35, 38)

13 Pt. 2 - THE NUMBERING IN NUMBERS. Num. Chs.1-4 The Number of Israelites (except Levites) - all males above 20. (Num.1:1-4, 49; 26:1-4 ct. v. 62 The No. after Exodus from Egypt. The No. before Entering Canaan. No.The TribesNumberReferenceSub-total 1.REUBEN46 500 1:20,21; 2:10,11 Simeon59 300 1:22,23; 2:12,13 151 450 Gad45 650 1:24,25; 2:14,15 (2:16) Position NumberRef. South2nd43 73026:7 South2nd22 200v. 14 South2nd40 500v. 18

14 Pt. 2 - THE NUMBERING IN NUMBERS. Num. Chs.1-4 The No. after Exodus from Egypt. The No. before Entering Canaan. 2.JUDAH74 6001:26,27; 2:3,4 Issachar54 400 1:28,29; 2:5,6 186 400 Zebulun57 4001:30, 31; 2:7, 8(2:9) East1 st 76 500v. 22 East1 st 64 300v. 25 East1 st 60 500v. 27 No.The TribesNumberReferenceSub-total Position NumberRef.

15 Pt. 2 - THE NUMBERING IN NUMBERS. The No. after Exodus from Egypt. The No. before Entering Canaan. 3EPHRAIM40 500 1:32,33; 2:18,19 Manasseh32 200 1:34,35; 2:20,21 108 100 Benjamin35 4001:36,37; 2:22,23 (2:24) West3 rd 32 500v. 37 West3 rd 52 700v. 34 West3 rd 45 600v. 41

16 Pt. 2 - THE NUMBERING IN NUMBERS. The No. after Exodus from Egypt. The No. before Entering Canaan. 4.DAN62 700 1:38,39; 2:25,26 Asher41 500 1:40,41; 2:24,28 157 600 Naphtali53 400 1:42,43; 2:29,30 (2:31) TOTAL603 5501:46; 2:32 North4th64 400vv. 42, 43 North4th53 400v. 47 North4th45 400v. 50 601 730

17 T HE N UMBERINGS IN N UMBERS (1) After Exodus (Num. 1-4) 1 st Numbering – (1:46 cf. 26:63-65) 603 550 All died, except Joshua and Caleb = 603 548 Cf. Num. 14:28-33 ct. 14:2 (2) Before Entry into Canaan (Num. 26) 2 nd. Numbering – (26:51) 601 730 Difference 1 818

18 B. THE NUMBER OF LEVITES (all males above 1 month old. 3:14,15) NoThe Family NumberReferencePosition 1Gershonites7 5003:21-23West 2Kothathites8 6003:27-29South Position in March Responsibilities Ref After Zebulun Curtains. Coverings, Hangings, Gate, Door 3:25,26 After GadArk, Table of Shewbread, Lampstand, altar (Laver?) 3:31

19 B. T HE N UMBER OF L EVITES 3Merrites62003:32-34North After Gershonites 4. Moses, Aaron & sons -3:38East- TOTAL = 220003:39 NoFamily NumberRef. Position In Camp in March Boards, bars, pillars, sockets, court Pillars, sockets, pins and cords. 3:36, 37 The charge of the sanctuary 3:38 Note: After Exodus - 22000 3:39 Before Canaan - 23000 26:62 Responsibilities Ref

20 C. The Number of Firstborn in Israel. 3:40-51 (all males above one month old). 1.No. of Firstborn males in Israel - 22 273(*) 3:40-43 2.No. of First-month-and-above males in Levi- 22 000 3:39 ---------- 3.The "odd number" (3:48) redeemed by 5 shekels of silver - 273 3:46-49 ======= 4.No. of shekels of "redemption money“ = 273 x 5 = 1365 she. 3:49,50 (*) Only firstborn after Passover numbered. 3:12,13 i.e. from the time of the Exodus to the census, a period of 13 months.

21 LESSONS FROM THE NUMBERINGS IN NUMBERS FACT - 1. Numbering of Israel. 1a. The Act of Numbering. 1b. Only males above one month and 20 numbered 1c. They were known as Israel, but some might not believe in Jehovah God. (Rom. 9:6) 1d. All of them (except Joshua and Caleb) died in the wilderness because of their unbelief LESSON God knows His own. II Tim. 2:19; Mt. 10:29, 30 Headship of God recognised in creation and military order. I Cor. 11:3 Not all who name Christ are born-again Christians. Mt. 7:21, 22; Rev. 3:1 Only faith characterises true Christians. Heb. 3:17-19

22 1. Numbering of Israel 2. Numbering of Levites 2a. They were sanctified priests unto God (Num.3:50) and encamped round the tabernacle. 2b. They were numbered from one month old and above. 2c. They were not to be numbered among Israel (3:49) though living among them. They were God’s. (3:12, 13;) 2d. They would have no inheritance and take charge of the tabernacle service(18:23-25; 26:62) 2e. Their years of service from 30-50. (4:3, 23, 30, etc. Cf. 8:24- 26) They represent the kingdom of holy and royal priests unto God. I Pet. 2:5, 9 To be numbered among God's Kingdom of priests one must be born again. I Pet. 1:23, 25; 2:5 Christians are a special “peculiar” people unto God. I Pet. 2:9 They are the peculiar people of the Lord (I Pet. 2:9) The priests’ Probation, Service at their prime, and “retired” role.

23 1. Numbering of Israel 2. Numbering of Levites 2f. They could not offer "strange fire" (Num.3:4) or allow "strangers" to come near their priestly ministry. (Num. 3:10) 2g. Only the firstborn born to the Levites after the Passover were numbered. (Num. 3:12,13). 2h. Only the Levites were allowed to take charge of the holy vessels, furniture, etc. Num. ch. 3 Christians should not adopt the ways of the world in worshipping and serving God. They should be separate. II Cor. 6:16-7:1 The Christian life starts with one's identification with Christ, the Passover. I Cor. 5:7 Christians are holy vessels in the house of God. II Tim.2:19-21

24 1. Numbering of Israel 2. Numbering of Levites 3. Numbering of the Firstborn in Israel. a. All Firstborn in Israel were numbered. Num. 3:40 b. All Levites were to be "instead of all the firstborn" (Num.3:41) in one-to-one substitution based on the Passover. (cf. 3:13) All men belong to God by right of creation. Every one must trust the Lord as the Passover Lamb for oneself to be made a priest in the Kingdom of God. No one can do it for him. I Pet. 2:5-8

25 3. Numbering of the Firstborn in Israel. c. The "odd number" (3:47,48) was to be redeemed with five shekels of silver. d. These people belonged to God because they were the firstborn (3:12,13) and they were redeemed. (3:47-49) e. Each firstborn who was redeemed had his representative in a Levi - the priest. It was a sovereign appointment from bondage We cannot be redeemed... with silver, but with the precious blood of Christ. I Pet.1:18 cf. Eph. 2:8, 9 Christians belong to God by right of creation and redemption, I Cor.6:19, 20 All Christians are priests expected to function as priests to offer spiritual sacrifices. Rom. 12:1; Heb.13:15, 16; I Pet.2:5,9. Sovereign appointment to service is based on sovereign deliverance

26 Blessèd are the sons of God, They are bought with Christ’s own blood; They are ransomed from the grave, Life eternal they shall have: With them numbered may we be, Here and in eternity.

27 They are justified by grace, They enjoy the Savior’s peace; All their sins are washed away, They shall stand in God’s great day; With them numbered may we be, Here and in eternity.

28 They are lights upon the earth, Children of a heavenly birth; One with God, with Jesus one; Glory is in them begun: With them numbered may we be, Here and in eternity. Jo­seph Humph­reys

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