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1.Importance of the physical space for learning - Flexibility of physical space/need (opportunity) to improvise with space available. Space outside physical.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Importance of the physical space for learning - Flexibility of physical space/need (opportunity) to improvise with space available. Space outside physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Importance of the physical space for learning - Flexibility of physical space/need (opportunity) to improvise with space available. Space outside physical classroom- study, virtual, and campus space, student home. Small changes can make a big difference. Disseminate data on research about space. Use institutional data. Increase in appreciation for importance of space. 2. Authentic research experiences in the classroom as changing understanding - Involve researchers. Replicate what scientists do- scientific process. Subjects relevant to students. Share common methods and tools, etc… Assess short and long term gains in learning. Have reliable and valid methods for assessing learning outcomes and student attitudes. How to Change the Student Experience- KEY FINDINGS

2 Physical space- 1.Involve faculty more heavily in planning space use and design. 2.Increase awareness of best practices for design of new/remodeled and use of existing space. Perhaps a clearinghouse for information. 3.Enhance opportunities for faculty to learn about relationships between physical space and teaching approaches and goals. Authentic Research- 1.Increase opportunities for faculty to learn about best practices and approaches. A clearinghouse for information? 2.Emphasize that authentic research experiences can and should start in first year- a culture change. 3.Provide examples of research being done with undergraduates, at what level, where, and how? 3. How to Change the Student Experience- 3 Recommendations

3 How to Change the Student Experience- Roadmap

4 Theme: 3 How to Change the Student Experience Changing the Culture of Biology Broadening Participation Findings V&C Report used as a driver to leverage Institute/department support for change Broader impact requirements by funding agencies has promoted positive change in Biology Culture Best practices for broadening participation of URG are being used by more campuses

5 Theme: 3 How to Change the Student Experience Changing the Culture of Biology Broadening Participation Recommendations Improve outreach and recruitment efforts – Career awareness, increase URG role models in Biology, reaching out to communities Support for URG on campus – Peer tutoring, involving community/family, establishing thematic clubs, cohort building, active learning, host guest speakers from URG, supplemental learning, summer prep programs

6 Theme: 3 How to Change the Student Experience Changing the Culture of Biology Broadening Participation Roadmap Provide seed funding (external and internal) for small, focused projects to increase participation of URG in Biology Need evaluation data to convince faculty/admin that new initiatives are successful Student evaluations should be interpreted in light of the novelty of course instruction

7 Theme 3: How to Change the Student Experience: Strategies for Persistence and Retention Support of Students In and Beyond the Classroom The goal is for students to flourish: aspirational language Define success as optimum academic pathway Support within the classroom Advising beyond classroom Motivate with relevant examples and “storytelling” Allow flexible options for entry into and pathways through program to allow for life experiences Support faculty with lessons learned, both + and - Adopt context-appropriate well-tested effective active learning and community- building strategies ----combined with----

8 Theme 3: How to Change the Student Experience: Strategies for Persistence and Retention Support of Students In and Beyond the Classroom RECOMMENDATIONS: Develop methods to assist students in rapidly gaining the needed capability to succeed: boot camps, targeted enrichment, peer-enhanced learning communities. Assemble resources for valid and predictive assessment of student engagement and motivation to learn and for strategies that improve these metrics Applaud and publicize successful efforts along with the evidence of their effectiveness Re-examine advising (both faculty and administrative) for best practices and lessons learned

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