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Trasparency: Practical example from Nordic Countries. Urgent Market Message (UMM) Pasi Kuokkanen, Nord Pool Spot.

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Presentation on theme: "Trasparency: Practical example from Nordic Countries. Urgent Market Message (UMM) Pasi Kuokkanen, Nord Pool Spot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trasparency: Practical example from Nordic Countries. Urgent Market Message (UMM) Pasi Kuokkanen, Nord Pool Spot

2 Urgent Market Messages required from market participants and TSOs: Disclosure Guidelines for Urgent Market Messages (UMMs) October 2008  Sender’s focus: Simple generation of messages informing about the reason and consequences of planned and unplanned production and consumptionoutages  Reader’s focus: Clear and understandable messages where the meaning, i.e.consequences for production and consumption are easily comprehensible TSO Disclosure Guidelines for Urgent Market Messages (UMMs) October 2008  Sender’s focus (TSO): Simple generation of messages informing about the reason and consequences of planned and unplanned transmission outages  Reader’s focus (participant): Clear and understandable messages where the meaning, i.e.the consequences for trading capacities are easily comprehensible.

3 Inside information means information of a precise nature which has not been made public relating to one or more listed products, that would be likely to have a significant impact on the prices in one or more such products if made public. WHEN IS INFORMATION IS NEEDED?  Information about unplanned and planned outages shall always be disclosed if the available capacity represents a change of more than  100 MW of installed capacity for one generator, consumption unit or transmission facility  more than 200 MW per production station, including changes of such plans.  UMM shall be sent as soon as possible and not later than 60 minutes after the decision or failure time, including information about the reason for the outage.

4 You can find it from Nord Pool Spot´s web-pages ( TSO plans Participant plans Last UMMs UMM login (to send UMMs)

5 TSO plans: next 8 days

6 Participants plans: next 6 weeks

7 Thank you for your attentention. Pasi Kuokkanen (

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