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Age ‘How long someone has been alive.’. Children Loud, spoilt, brats, unintelligent, easily amused, annoying, attention seeking.

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Presentation on theme: "Age ‘How long someone has been alive.’. Children Loud, spoilt, brats, unintelligent, easily amused, annoying, attention seeking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age ‘How long someone has been alive.’

2 Children Loud, spoilt, brats, unintelligent, easily amused, annoying, attention seeking

3 Teens Mardy, selfish, lazy, arrogant, judgemental, unemployed, smokers, drinkers, not bothered about school, not independent, lack of enthusiasm, tantrums Emo, goth, greebo, chav, rocker, skater, plastic

4 Adults Mature, Independent, work-orientated, bossy, wise, stern, caring, look down on teens

5 Old people Wise, vulnerable, short, weak, forgetful, clumsy, grey haired, knit, bold, wrinkly, smelly, quiet, hunched over, look down on teens

6 Children Tracey Beaker, The Tweenies, Jungle Run Tracey – is a brat and throws tantrums. Children are still perceived in this way and always have been – this can be fair but some children do behave! Normally found on tv during the day.

7 Teens Skins, Hollyoaks, Misfits, The Inbetweeners Newt is a goth and wears black and listens to rock metal music. Teens are normally found in soaps or series like Skins at night time Mise en scene props are normally smoking, hoodies and drugs/alcohol.

8 Adults Tv Dramas, The Bill, Dr Martin, Eastenders Doc Martin is snobby and very into his job. Normally found in soaps or tv dramas at night time when adults are home from work.

9 Old people One Foot in the Grave, Emmerdale, Heartbeat, Antiques Roadshow Victor is clumsy and forgetful. This perception has always existed as it is mainly true – as you get older you lose your memory.

10 There are many stereotypes within age; most of these lie within the ‘teen’ age bracket. A variety of ages are found within all programs and all genres. Mise – en – scene plays a key role to represent age: teens wear hoodies; adults dress smartly; old people wear dated textured clothing and children dress immaturely in bright colours that don't co ordinate. Most perceptions of different ages are true – except some are unfair. Like not all teenagers are ‘chavs’ and intimidating, and not all old people are clumsy and short. Feelings have changed over time, especially within teenagers who are now represented in a much more negative light to years ago.

11 CHAV “A working-class youth, especially one associated with aggression, poor education, and a perceived "common" taste in clothing and lifestyle” Chav first entered the dictionary 2005, so it would appear that it was round the beginning of the 21 st century that the term ‘chav’ first came into every day English language. The term chav is associated with white male British teenagers/young adults – this is not necessarily correct as you can get coloured ‘chavs’ or older men like football hooligans who could be classed as a ‘chav’ also. And, some girls have the same traits as a ‘chav’ – showing that it isnt just males who are this stereotypes.

12 BRATTY KIDS Recently, in the late 20 th century, many children have been classed as brats. This is because the majority are being raised to be spoilt, disrespectful and used to getting what they want. In the middle of the 20 th century, children were raised to have the upmost respect for their parents, their grand parents and everybody around them. For example, they were taught to give up their seat on a bus for someone elder than them – however, this is often not the case anymore. This stereotpye can be fair, as the years go on, children are being raised to getting their own way and not having jobs until they are much older. However, there are still many children who are well behaved with manners – so this doesnt apply to all.

13 WEAK ELDERLY The elderly have always, and most likely always will be associated with being weak and vulnerable people. However, recently where there is now a lack of respect for the elderly and an increase of people taking advantage of them, sometimes there is exceptions. For example, there have been cases in the recent past where an elderly person has scared off a burglar, stood up to someone trying to get money off them and even defended themselves from threatening men. So yes, as the elderly continue to age, they are more of an easy target... Yet some are now so aware of the dangers, that some are prepared! E.g... ‘As the intruder tried to escape out of the back door with some jewelry, the 75-year-old grandmother grabbed the closest thing -- a garbage can lid -- and began smashing him over the head’... This is from a website that has reported a case that happened in 2006.

14 Little Britain use the Chav stereotype to portray the character of Vicky Pollard. As shown in the following clip...

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