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Interactive communication design. For those with busy lifestyles and various working hours, Are now able to watch their favourite shows from Major broadcasters.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive communication design. For those with busy lifestyles and various working hours, Are now able to watch their favourite shows from Major broadcasters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive communication design

2 For those with busy lifestyles and various working hours, Are now able to watch their favourite shows from Major broadcasters ‘On demand’ services, who have created online applications to allow their customers to do exactly that. Watch TV on demand. This have been an essential change for broadcasters to move forward with technology.

3  BBC iplayer Released in 2007 after a Trial 2005  ITVPlayer Released in 2008 when It was rebranded from ITV catch-up  4od Released initially in 2006 but wasn’t fully available to Windows, Mac and Linux users until 2009.  Demand 5 Previously released under the name ‘Five download’ in 2008  Skygo Launched in 2006 and previously known as Sky player and sky anytime.

4 Logo Most popular Channel list: A-Z of TV programmes Scrolling navigation

5 Pro’s:  Simple and easy layout  Accessible on various  The colour palette  Being able to watch ‘On demand’ programmes from other external broadcasters  Downloadable content Con’s  No interactive thumbnail feature on Homepage.

6 Logo Ease of flicking Ease of scrolling Channel selection

7 Pro’s:  Simple and easy layout  other platforms  The colour palette  Scrolling navigation Con’s:  Similarity in the BBC website’s colour pallet  Need of plug-ins such as Adobe Flash  Adverts within the TV replays

8 Logo The use of colours Interactive feature

9 Pro’s:  Simple and easy  Accessible on other platforms  Scrolling navigation Con’s:  The colour palette  Not as available  Selection of programmes  Unable to pause and rewind

10 Zoom in Colour palette Recently on Tv Category search bar

11 Pro’s:  Accessibility on other platforms  Interactive navigation  The ability to embed Con’s:  Not as available on as many platforms  Catch up

12 Simplistic logo design Thumbnails of the top shows The Thumbnails and program description of programmes which are accessible on demand whether it is a film or a show Watch live

13 Pro’s:  Accessibility to live Tv  Links to external broadcasters  Consistent layout Con’s:  Does not apply to a wide audience  Not as available  Layout

14 I think that the BBC iplayer deserves a 5 star rating because.... The visual design is very different to other ‘On demand’ websites, which most use a white, Blue and grey colour palette which doesn't distinguish them from one another. In comparison the Pink, white and grey palette used on the BBC I think defines the brand, as the colour palette separates its self more so than the other sites, which I feel makes this site more remember able. Various platforms that the application can be run on. Meaning that the service user can access the BBC services not just on their computers, but on their smart phone using full size html pages or through mobile and pc apps, ipad, Games consoles and Digital TV box’s Access media all in one place The application puts all the BBC television programmes along side their radio programmes so that their users to access online media provided by them in one place. Every programme that I have tried to access on this application has run effortlessly in comparison to other ‘On Demand’ provider's,As I have tried to watch certain episodes of a TV series where the video has not been available for some reason.

15 I think that the ITVPlayer deserves a 4 star rating because.... Availability The platforms that the website is available on greater than other on demand websites such as skygo, 4od and Demand 5 but not as available as the BBC iplayer. I think accessibility is important these days for such as these services to be available on various different gadgets as it allows people to access media easier on the go.. The layout and house style makes it easy to navigate round the website and is appealing to the eye with its image rich style and great use of bold and contrasting text.

16 I think that the 4oD deserves a 3 star rating because.... Although the player is easily accessible on a computer, For someone such as myself who likes to use technology on the go with the help of mobile phones to access the media for news updates or a TV programme, this website is not a good as some others which have availability on various gadgets. The layout and house style uses of the same typography and colour scheme throughout. But I do not think the over all look of the website isnt appealing because I feel it is not as eye catching in comparison to the websites which use more contrasting predominant colour scheme.

17 I think that the Demand5 website deserves a 3 star rating because.... I feel that the visual standard of design is just as appealing to the BBC iplayer as it contrasts the text and images using vivid use of colour but also has a dark edgy feel to it,Which I think defines it as a TV on demand a more cinematic feel in comparison to most websites. which use a more traditional white and black colour scheme. The website does not have as much online video content as some of the other ‘On Demand’ websites with videos that I have wanted to watch have not available to watch on demand, but a explanation of the episode. Which is quite disappointing.

18 I have given Skygo a 2 star rating because.... I feel that the website is muddled and hard to follow, I am unsure whether that's because I'm not a heavy user of this website or for the reason that the categories and layout are hard to follow. I much preferred the layout of the other sites more so than this one, becuase all the categories where available to you right there on the home screen, making browsing a effortless task. Such as the News I think should be available online to anyone. As sky news is available for free on a digital box so why not online. I also think that this website has a more professional feel, for the more mature user. For example the house style and layout of iplayer and ITVplayer is more accessible and easy to use with their various categories from timeline of days shown, channels and most popular. Making it more appealing to a wider audience from teen’s to adults.

19 The key point I shall be talking into consideration are:  Similarities and differences in style and layout  The interactivity for the service user, Does the websites use interactive features that allow the user to access and move through the website with ease. Such as:  Cursor motion censored menus, which allow you to flick through pages as if it was a book.  Slide shows of available content.  Social networking links to share content and possibly comment on features within the site and much more.  Use of language e.g formal or informal  Use of imagery and text. How it attracts their audience, Similarities and differences in style  What could be improved about the online services layout and General style of each website.  Platforms: where is the website available ? Is the websites are easier to navigate through in particular format or platform? If it is available on various different platforms, which one works better on a certain device? also why?

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