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Click on the Question Mark to find out more. QIP Delivery depends on you - And on your ability to generate Innovation!

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Presentation on theme: "Click on the Question Mark to find out more. QIP Delivery depends on you - And on your ability to generate Innovation!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Click on the Question Mark to find out more

2 QIP Delivery depends on you - And on your ability to generate Innovation!

3 Why focus on Innovation? The scale of the change to come is potentially huge - the biggest fear must be that we fail to respond accordingly.... How can I ensure we have adequate responses to meet the scale of the task? Fear and Innovation are not always easy partners

4 Conditions for Innovation Recent Nesta (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) reports have examined the Conditions which make Innovation work, nationally and organisationally Key Findings: Organisations which promote innovation, achieve more innovation, because they have leadership geared to innovation set a culture which supports innovation recognise the potential for innovation across the organisation, especially from the front-line and users, not just from designated ‘innovators’

5 Key areas of action for leaders Think strategically about creating innovation Avoid silos Mandate ‘room for failure’ and behaviours which encourage innovation Long-term goal-setting Minimal prescription of means and methodologies, avoiding bureaucracy Effective team-working

6 Assessing your organisation’s abilities to innovate is a key step in generating the ability to innovate How innovative are you?

7 Support to Innovate Innovation isnt a goal in itself – delivery of key strategic aims (eg QIP) by innovation can be. What support do you need? Culture change Personal development Team development Practical Turnaround and Service Change Experience Hard-won Performance Management Skills Real Leadership

8 Menu & Home

9 Service reconfiguration Clinically driven change Aren’t they the same thing?

10 Routes for Change Incremental service-driven Change Innovation External Challenge

11 “Excellent work with front line and senior clinicians” “The ability to listen carefully, reflect and reframe issues and problems in ways which enable clients ….. to reach improved understanding and better approaches.” Stephen Morris, National Director, Performance Support Team I focus on how individuals and teams can act differently for better results a marriage of service experience with an emphasis on personal and systems development “People don't resist change; they resist being changed” Peter Senge My approaches are practical, based in good experience, and successful. They include direct leadership roles, facilitative and consultative inputs and coaching support. My work is based firmly in belief in the value of and potential for change – the possibility of finding real, effective and worthwhile change in even the most difficult and challenging circumstances.

12 2/10/2010 Service and Organisational Review Service Delivery & Interim work Service and Financial Target Delivery Board-Level Experience Coach and Consultant Service Practitioner Experienced coach in high-pressure environments Expert Group Facilitator Team Development Consultancy advice Organisational recovery Generating and Supporting Service-Driven Change Service and Organisational Review Service Delivery & Interim work Service and Financial Target Delivery Board-Level Experience Service Change

13 Its about People Its about Performance Its about Leadership to connect the two


15 Menu & Home

16 Vertical - Horizontal - Virtual? PCT Provider Service Integration Whichever direction the PCT’s Provider services are headed, the chances are there is work to be done ensuring that the move takes place smoothly, and is understood by all parties as a change process

17 What do you need?

18 Making the Most of It..... A Classic NHS Trait What could it mean here? True Integration Loss of Community Focus Pathway reform Cost Reduction Job Losses Confusion Better Services

19 Whole System? Acute PCT Gain Loss

20 What style of intervention suits your needs? Capacity Advice and Expertise Support

21 Skills Experience I focus on how individuals and teams can act differently for better results a marriage of service experience with an emphasis on personal and systems development, bringing challenge and support, skills and experience. ChallengeSupport

22 2/10/2010 “I value him immensely” Sue Page CBE, Chief Executive Cumbria PCT “Excellent work with front line and senior clinicians” “The ability to listen carefully, reflect and reframe issues and problems in ways which enable clients ….. to reach improved understanding and better approaches.” Stephen Morris, National Director, Performance Support Team Feedback from Coachees “Enabled me to focus properly & find what I was looking for” “Great questions” “Good empathy” “The session was amazing – revelatory” Menu & Home

23 Been There, Done That As CEO and client And as consultant Been There, Done That As CEO and client And as consultant You Want And what do you get?

24 More Big-Name Consultancies offering the World! Been There, Done That As CEO and client And as consultant

25 ‘Models’ Models for this technique Models for that diagnostic Who needs ‘em? Well they often have something to offer, but fail to satisfy the underlying need. Why? Because the models oversimplify and so often ignore one important factor – its not so much in the strategy, its in the implementation. So,

26 Its about People Its about Performance Its about Leadership to connect the two

27 So, I focus on how individuals and teams can act differently for better results My work is based firmly in belief in the value of and potential for change – the possibility of finding real, effective and worthwhile change in even the most difficult and challenging circumstances. Release potential and creativity focus on results manage for best results a marriage of service experience with an emphasis on personal and systems development Practical and hugely experienced support at the highest level Consultancy Coaching “When minds meet, they don't just exchange facts: they transform them, reshape them, draw different implications from them, engage in new trains of thought.”

28 “I value him immensely” Sue Page CBE, Chief Executive Cumbria PCT “Excellent work with front line and senior clinicians” “The ability to listen carefully, reflect and reframe issues and problems in ways which enable clients ….. to reach improved understanding and better approaches.” Stephen Morris, National Director, Performance Support Team Feedback from Coachees “Enabled me to focus properly & find what I was looking for” “Great questions” “Good empathy” “The session was amazing – revelatory” My experience with the NHS Performance Support Team is significant – directly or indirectly I helped around 20 of the most challenged Trusts in England, from all sectors. As Account Director I worked with PCTs and Trusts with all the problems you can imagine. My approaches are practical, based in good experience, and successful. They include direct leadership roles, facilitative and consultative inputs and coaching support. From Practical Performance Enhancement, through Governance to Culture Change

29 Menu & Home

30 A Focus on Learning and Performance Real learning – becoming able to do something you couldn’t do before – requires real experiences and reflection. NGT Learning - a self-directed, work-based process, leading to increased adaptive potential Change for Individuals - Coaching and Mentoring “People don't resist change; they resist being changed” Peter Senge

31 Why Coaching? CIPD recommendations create a sense of purpose in the workplace; give employees the opportunity to act on their commitment; provide employees with a supportive learning environment. Training to Learning CIPD 2005 22.4% increase in productivity after training – 88% increase after coaching (Olivero 1997) 41% coachees promoted Vs 15% non-coached NHS Leadership Centre 2004 92% of external coaching regarded as effective or very effective CIPD, 2005 ROI 5.7% - 221% Improved 360° and Leadership effectiveness (Smither, Thach)

32 Why Coaching? Who has reflective time and reflective practice? Whose work is properly and fully aligned to the Organisation Goals? Delivery of Strategic Objectives – Devolved leadership – Empowered managers – Processing and converting organisation goals to personal action

33 Who might benefit? With unrealised potential Requiring a more strategic perspective making decisions based on the best interests of the organisation as a whole, Greater sensitivity to wider organisational concerns, and opportunities Needing to develop new skills for a change in role Wishing to improve interpersonal skills Wishing to improve conflict management skills individuals seeking or needing to develop the skills of negotiation and compromise. Seeking to improve skills at developing others Managers and leaders

34 Skills shortages? Small or fast-growing business? Looking to deliver long- term performance improvement? Behaviour that could be changed in a short period? Organisational change? Changes in job role? Support for future leaders or senior executives? Requiring significant shifts in the behaviour and attitudes? When might you use coaching? Do any of these apply?

35 Why use my style of coaching? The value of self- directed learning – linked to your goals Who knows best what is happening to them? Who lives with the results? ‘Stand in your own shoes’ Most likely to achieve personal transformation

36 Feedback Experience Skills “Enabled me to focus properly & find what I was looking for” School of Coaching for Training and Supervision MBTI Practitioner “Great questions” “Good empathy” “The session was amazing - revelatory” NHS Chief Executive ‘Turnaround’ Board level clients

37 Coach Client Coachee Trust ‘A supportive learning environment’ Listening to support and to challenge Raising Awareness Enhancing Focus Enabling Choices for Action “Awareness is curative” W Tim Gallwey Trust?

38 Contract Learning GoalsPerformance GoalsMeasures/ Behaviours Public Goals Private Goals

39 Graham English Consultancy offers a focus on how individuals can act differently for better results Menu & Home

40 Missing necessary impact? Weary? Struggling for New Ideas? Worried about committing to change ahead of the election? Fearful of what a new Government may bring? Producing linear solutions to non-linear issues? Showing dysfunctional behaviour? Is Your Team

41 Responses to ‘Underperformance’ ‘Try Harder’ Tougher Performance Management Change the Structure Change Membership Focus and Clarify Unblock Develop Stimulate Refresh Enable Redirect Learn Understand Build Confidence

42 Four Factors for Fulfillment People Strategy DeliveryPerformance Exploring these factors can generate real progress

43 Skills Experience I focus on how individuals and teams can act differently for better results a marriage of service experience with an emphasis on personal and systems development, bringing challenge and support, skills and experience. ChallengeSupport

44 2/10/2010 Service and Organisational Review Service Delivery & Interim work Service and Financial Target Delivery Board-Level Experience Coach and Consultant Service Practitioner Experienced coach in high-pressure environments Group Facilitator Team Development Consultancy advice Organisational recovery Service and Organisational Review Service Delivery & Interim work Service and Financial Target Delivery Board-Level Experience

45 2/10/2010 “I value him immensely” Sue Page CBE, Chief Executive Cumbria PCT “Excellent work with front line and senior clinicians” “The ability to listen carefully, reflect and reframe issues and problems in ways which enable clients ….. to reach improved understanding and better approaches.” Stephen Morris, National Director, Performance Support Team Feedback from Coachees “Enabled me to focus properly & find what I was looking for” “Great questions” “Good empathy” “The session was amazing – revelatory” Menu & Home

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