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Graduate System for Management of Admissions, Alumni & Records Tracking (Grad SMAART) May 21, 2007 Office of Graduate Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduate System for Management of Admissions, Alumni & Records Tracking (Grad SMAART) May 21, 2007 Office of Graduate Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduate System for Management of Admissions, Alumni & Records Tracking (Grad SMAART) May 21, 2007 Office of Graduate Studies

2 OFFICE OF GRADUATE STUDIES Outline Four System Components Embark On-line admission and fellowship application system. GARD – Graduate Application Review Database On-line review of application information and decision making by faculty and staff Student tracking database Data on graduate students from the time they enroll to the time they graduate, including their academic milestones and financial assistance Alumni tracking database Data on graduate students after they complete their study at UC Davis

3 OFFICE OF GRADUATE STUDIES Embark  Dynamic On-line Admission & Fellowship Application System  Selected through rigorous RFP committee process  Pre-Application tailors core admissions application  Supplemental program information: specialization, foundation courses, writing samples, CV’s, publications, other  NSF, NIH and other research program participation  Electronic letters, personal statement, personal history statement, & fee payment  Electronic fellowship application & transcript  Applicant self tracking status  Prospect data base

4 OFFICE OF GRADUATE STUDIES Embark Features and Benefits  Office of Graduate Studies centralized application system  Vendor technical support, servers, fee collection, SF based  Electronic supplemental applications, letters, CV’s, writing samples, transcripts, applicant self tracking status system  Intuitive real time applicant updates and reports  Program staff automated applicant e-mail messages  Prospect data base: e - marketing campaign, Deans. Program Chairs, Program staff, OGS staff letters and information  Successfully implemented at major public research institutions

5 OFFICE OF GRADUATE STUDIES GARD – Graduate Application Review Database  Current Application Review Process  OGS sends hard-copy applications for admission and fellowship to programs  Programs put together each applicant’s application, letters of recommendation and transcripts, all on paper  Members of the admission and fellowship committees review all the materials and make recommendations  Programs send their recommendations to OGS (Blue Memo)  Programs nominate fellowship recipients in an online database managed by OGS (Internal Fellowship Nomination)

6 OFFICE OF GRADUATE STUDIES GARD – Graduate Application Review Database  GSOAR  A pilot system created two years ago by OGS  It has been used by 8 programs last year and 50 programs this year – to different degrees  The system is an online database where committee members can review applications for admission and rate an applicant 

7 OFFICE OF GRADUATE STUDIES GARD – Graduate Application Review Database  Key New Features under Development  Fellowship application  Letters of recommendation  Transcripts  Supplemental application materials  Fellowship nomination  Decentralized user management  Data downloading  PDF documents

8 OFFICE OF GRADUATE STUDIES GARD – Graduate Application Review Database  Tentative Timeline  User requirements gathering - done  Designing – mostly done  Coding – ongoing  User testing and fine tuning – July – August  Demo and training - September

9 OFFICE OF GRADUATE STUDIES Transcripts Scanning  The transcript will be received by the graduate program.  The graduate program will be able to use the GARD system to match the applicant with the transcript.  The graduate program will click on a button provided in GARD to print off a cover sheet for the transcript.  The graduate program will forward transcripts with their cover sheet to OGS daily.  OGS will certify the validity of the transcript.  OGS will forward the transcripts to ReproGraphics for scanning.  ReproGraphics will forward the pdf files to OGS.  OGS will run the pdf files through a software application which will match the pdf with the applicant.  The pdf file will immediately be available to OGS, the graduate program and faculty for review.

10 OFFICE OF GRADUATE STUDIES CCFIT Advisory Group Paul Gepts, Faculty, Plant Sciences, Chair J G Mattey, Faculty, Philosophy Bob Agee, ORMP Janet Brown-Simmons, Plant Pathology & Nematology Adam Getchell, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Kay Green, German Silvia Hillyer, Ecology Dave Shelby, IET Ray Reveles, IET Annik Hirshen, Graduate Studies Bo Chen, Graduate Studies Cathy Jurado, Graduate Studies Hector Cuevas, Graduate Studies Lee Wilce, Graduate Studies Yuhang Shi, Graduate Studies TBD, graduate student representatives

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