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June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 1 ZEUS Status Report: June 1999  A Word on the Spring 1999 e - p Luminosity Run Performance u Physics Highlights.

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1 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 1 ZEUS Status Report: June 1999  A Word on the Spring 1999 e - p Luminosity Run Performance u Physics Highlights From Recent Analyses  A(nother) Guided Tour Along Q2, including Photoproduction of jets and of charm Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) production of charm and dijets Inclusive Scattering at the Highest Q2 u Progress on Approved Tracking Upgrades  Straw Tube Tracker  Microvertex Detector u Bring on the Positrons ! Danny Krakauer Argonne National Laboratory

2 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 2 Summary of the 1999 e - p Run  Rapid ramp up to nominal efficiency (as per 1996/1997, w/ short Winter break)  Achieved  70 % efficiency relative to useful lumi.  Improved over 98, approaching 97 record. u Dealt with Coasting Protons problem at the trigger level u Two-Person shift crews Ldt = 11.4 pb -1

3 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 3 About to embark on tour of (quite) recent ZEUS results u A very broad and deep program, that’s also a lot of “fun”. u Some statistics to illustrate the activity:  From January - August, ZEUS physicists will give  105 invited or contributed conference presentations. x  Since last PRC meeting, 5 EPJC articles have been submitted/accepted, 4 more have passed collaboration “readings”, and x more are advanced to pre-reading stage. Many new results approved for public talks - including three or four in this summary.  Last week, an exciting collaboration week with over 30 physics presentations and extended discussions. Many new results approved for public talks - including three or four in this summary. u And now let’s embark on our

4 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 4 Kinematic Range of (x,Q 2 ) Explored at HERA

5 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 5 u Examples of LO processes LO direct x  = 1 LO resolved x  < 1 Additional Variables in Photoproduction

6 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 6 Subjets in photoproduced jets Quark and gluon jets are expected to be different due to different qg and gg couplings. Investigate structure of jets by looking for subjets.

7 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 7 Subjet Multiplicity Subjet analysis senses differences in multiplicity and width of jets:  N jet  quarks   N jet  gluons

8 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 8 Subjet Multiplicity  N jet  Ycut  as   Forward Jets more glue-like

9 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 9 Trijet Photoproduction (leading jet) (2nd jet) (3rd jet) u  3 : scattering angle of th Leading Jet in the 3J CM.  Angular distributions reflective of reaction dynamics (quark/gluon)  In three jet events, the 3rd jet allows identification of fwd/back direction of leading jet in the 3J CM

10 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 10 Low-W photoproduction of Charm Differential cross sections Data lie above NLO calculations Events are tagged by hits in the “44m” tagger - 80 GeV < W < 120 GeV

11 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 11 From D *  in DIS FINAL

12 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 12 From D *  in DIS F 2 C / F 2 x Contribution of charm in DIS grows with Fraction of charm increases with decreasing x.

13 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 13 Measurement of  s in dijet DIS Select dijet events with : Region of small experimental and theoretical uncertainties Compare measured dijet ratio to NLO calculations (DISENT) Measure  s from dijet cross section  2+1 and ratio:

14 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 14 Searches For New Physics in e-p Data in Good Agreement w/ SM Search for Isolated High P t Muons or Electrons in e - p Study of High (x,Q 2 ) e - p NC DIS First 8.6 pb - 1 of 1998/99 One Candidate in First 5.1 pb - 1 of e - p data before lepton cut Exp Bkg = 0.50 after Lepton ID 0.24  0.14 e 0.24  0.03  First 5.1 pb - 1 of 1998 data

15 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 15 High Q 2 Neutral Current DIS

16 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 16 High Q 2 Neutral Current DIS Direct Sensitivity to Z 0 - boson exchange

17 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 17 High Q 2 Charged Current DIS u Comparison of e + p to e - p at high Q 2

18 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 18 High Q 2 Charged Current DIS

19 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 19 Charged Current & high-x quarks u Differences due to quark density and helicity u Potentially, direct extraction of d:u quark ratio and estimates of high Q 2 sea quark distributions…. And… And… And… u Polarization (w/Lumi) will help ….

20 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 20 Looking Ahead to High Luminosity

21 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 21 Subcomponents newly operational in 1999 u Barrel Presampler:  Energy corrections for hadrons and electrons over full detector, with minimal use of MC  BPRE useful for  0 /  separation u Forward Neutron Tracker  Scintillator fingers at 1 0 inside FNC for precise reconstruction of impact point.  Improved P t resolution for t- dependent studies BPRE sampler Forward Neutron Tracker  e-e-

22 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 22 StrawTube Tracker (STT) u Beam-tests at DESY of prototype sector and prototype electronics:  Multiplexing Scheme for digital readout designed, final prototype being produced u STT Short sector production to begin next month, Long sector design complete.  Beamtest of STT, end-to-end, in September

23 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 23 Microvertex Detector (MVD) u Barrel MVD Si acceptance tests, Forward MVD Si prototyping u Cabling and Interconnects - orders soon u Bonding and module production underway at DESY (Halle 1) now. u Progress on readout and trigger… MVD will participate at the Second Level “Global Tracking” (CDT,STT,MVD) trigger.  Much progress on all aspects of project goals. FMVD first prototype, ready for test beam Bonding machine at DESY

24 June 29, 1999 ZEUS Report : 47. DESY PRC 24 End of Talk / Start of Next Run u ZEUS is enjoying a rich variety of Physics Investigations A quick tour through Q 2 with peaks at precision measurements of  s, growing program in heavy flavors, searches for Exotics and measurements of weak-effects in DIS, STILL leaves out the vast majority of an active and growing Physics environment. New results from ZEUS are coming all the time. u ZEUS is ready to maximize collection of ep data before the Upgrade. u Last chance for some detectors and some physics. u Progress on Lumi-Upgrade : Both new Trackers are meeting goals to be ready. The existing trigger and R/O components are ready NOW.

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