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NAMAF 7 th Annual Conference Hilton Hotel, Windhoek 24-25 September 2013 National Health Care Insurance [NHI] from a South African Perspective Dr H.Z.

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Presentation on theme: "NAMAF 7 th Annual Conference Hilton Hotel, Windhoek 24-25 September 2013 National Health Care Insurance [NHI] from a South African Perspective Dr H.Z."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAMAF 7 th Annual Conference Hilton Hotel, Windhoek 24-25 September 2013 National Health Care Insurance [NHI] from a South African Perspective Dr H.Z. Zokufa Managing Director : BHF

2 Key Issues Single fund and Single purchaser. Single administrator. National, Provincial and District outlets. Mandatory contributions. Comprehensive benefit package. Both public and private healthcare providers will be used. The public healthcare services must be improved. The private healthcare tariffs for healthcare services must be regulated. Green Paper published on 12 th August 2011 We are waiting for the White Paper.

3 Key Issues Role of Medical Schemes Section 137: …accordingly, medical schemes will continue to exist alongside NHI. However, there will be no tax subsidies for those who choose to continue with medical scheme cover. Section 138: The exact services that medical schemes will offer may evolve to include to-up insurance. Section 139: There is existing expertise residing in the health sector in the area of administration and management of insurance funds. Where necessary and relevant, this expertise may be drawn upon within the single payer publicly administered NHI, to ensure that adequate in-house capacity is developed.

4 Key Points Medical Scheme Environment – possible offerings ? Experience, expertise and skills in the judicious management of medical scheme funds. Knowledge and practice of corporate governance and controls. Knowledge of purchasing and payment of services to providers. Have substantial resources that can be leveraged on. Invested in systems and processes. Know where the risks are. Understand the nuances, tendencies and behavior of members and providers. Have built relationships with members and providers. Can be regarded as a “mini NHI”

5 Challenges For the Medical Scheme Environment Embrace the introduction of NHI. Fully understand the tenets and objectives of NHI. Find ways and means of re-aligning themselves to the direction of NHI implementation. Make themselves ‘relevant’ and ‘needed’. Carry with them their membership into the NHI environment. Bring their expertise, experience, resources and skills into the NHI environment. Behave in a way that enhances the implementation of NHI. Be a cornerstone, anchor and pillar to government as the foundations of NHI are constructed. “Be an integral part of NHI”

6 Challenges For the Government Constructive engagement. Open dialogue. Regard the resources in the current Medical scheme environment as a “National asset” Provide leadership and direction. Flexibility to embark on pragmatic strategies and pathways which will achieve the same goal.

7 Current Environment Medical Schemes Managed care organisation Administrators

8 Future Environment National Health Insurance 52 million lives Medical Schemes Managed care organisation Administrators

9 Benefits For the entire Healthcare Financing System The National Assets and Resources are not lost. Successful ‘pooling’ of healthcare finances and resources. Most of the ‘subtle’ and ‘overt’ risks will be mitigated. Medical scheme members and all the South Africans, will not be subjected to unwanted turbulence, anxiety and uncertainty. A strong ‘building block’ of NHI would be established that will be modified in an iterative way, on an ongoing basis.

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