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MKS 10 Journals!. Journal #1 You are in France and have just found out about the voyage you are about to embark on (see outline given in class!)

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1 MKS 10 Journals!

2 Journal #1 You are in France and have just found out about the voyage you are about to embark on (see outline given in class!)

3 Journal #2 You may include any of the following topics we have already discussed in our Introductory and Culture Units: Examples: o The Seven Districts of Mi’kma’ki o Mi’kmaw Culture (Wigwams, Hunting, Clothing, Food, Transportation, Roles of the Men, Roles of the Women, Oral Traditions, etc)

4 Journal 3 & 4 Select 2 areas of the Mi’kmaq Culture to elaborate on (go into further detail) in your next 2 journal entries: Ideas to get you started:  Division of land (7 districts of Mi’kma’ki)  Homes (Wigwams) how were they constructed, etc.  Elders (storytelling, guidance, wisdom, etc.)  Clothing (robes, feathers, painted on colors)  Transportation (hand-made canoes, snowshoes, sleds)  Food (hunting, fishing, berries, etc.)

5 Time to add GRAPHICS! Now…sketch or draw, etc. a picture or scene to go with EACH journal entry! There should now be 4 in total!

6 Journal #5 You have been living with the Mi’kmaq long enough to have learned their system of government. INCLUDE: The 3 levels of government The roles of each chief The qualities that make a good chief Are you surprised by their structure of government (remember Biard’s quote) The role of women Consensus Decision Making

7 Journal #6 We have been looking at Mi’kmaq Spirituality! In this journal entry, include information on MI’KMAQ SPIRITUAL ARTIFACTS! (Be sure to include WHY it was important to the Mi’kmaq) You must include: Sweet Grass, Feathers, Drums, Sacred Pipe. You may also include Power Animals and the 4 sacred herbs

8 Journal #7 We are still looking at Mi’kmaq Spirituality. In this journal entry, discuss Mi’kmaq SPIRITUAL CEREMONIES! You must include: Sweat Lodge, Fasting and Smudging

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