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Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Third session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption Joint.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Third session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption Joint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Third session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption Joint Side-Event UNODC and CommGAP (World Bank) Doha, 10 November 2009 Luiz Navarro Presidency of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Office of the Comptroller General, Vice-Minister Good Practices in Anti-Corruption Awareness Raising Campaigns Case study presentation: Campaign of the Comptroller General (Brazil)

2 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Increased Transparency E-procurement system Online monitoring of public expenditure List of Ineligible Firms - CEIS Incentive to Social Control Education for Ethics and Citizenship Implementation of International Conventions Public - Private Co-operation Against Corruption Studies and research on corruption Main Prevention Measures

3 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil TRANSPARENCY PORTAL

4 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil The Transparency Portal provides information on: Resources applied directly by the federal departments Federal resources transferred from the Federal level to the states, municipalities and Federal District. Federal resources transferred directly to citizenS. Transactions on the Federal Government's Payment Card.

5 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil 5 Resource allocations Direct spending Sanctioned firms Budget year By state/municipality Spending category Direct transfers to citizens Transparency Portal

6 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Transparency Portal

7 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Transparency Portal

8 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Transparency Portal

9 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Transparency Portal by the Numbers: Total amount displayed Information Over US$ 5 trillion 855,791,183 files Pages accessed 2009 1,540,181 9

10 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil The CGU developed the Eagle Eye on the Public Money programme, with a view to promoting change in society through education, access to information and social mobilisation. To promote social control, the CGU developed the CGU’s Online School, offering course programs in: 1. Internal Control; 2. Social Control; 3. Social Control of the Government Education Programme; 4. Public Procurement and Contracts. Incentive to Social Control RAISING AWARENESS

11 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil - 5,100 public officials - 4,945 counselors - 5,554 municipal leaderships - 1,361 teachers - 6,213 students; - 76 conventional education events, reaching 615 municipalities; “Eagle Eye on the Public Money” (“Olho Vivo no Dinheiro Público”)‏ Training of:

12 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil More than 1,600,000 free copies “Eagle Eye on the Public Money” (“Olho Vivo no Dinheiro Público”)‏ Booklet: Eagle Eye on the Public Money

13 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil “Eagle Eye on the Public Money” (“Olho Vivo no Dinheiro Público”)‏ Free-online training courses

14 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Kid’s Website

15 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Project “One for All and All for One for Ethics and Citizenship” (“Um por Todos e Todos por Um pela Ética e Cidadania”) Partnership between CGU and Maurício de Sousa Institute, a cultural non-governmental institution. Aimed at fostering citizenship, ethics and responsibility among all participants: educators, students, families and communities. Pilot project 18,000 students 61 schools 600 teachers

16 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Comic Books One for All and All for One! For Ethics and Citizenship!

17 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil ETHICS AND CITIZENSHIP IN SCHOOLS 2007 2008 2009: Tema: Todos pela ética e cidadania! Como posso contribuir para uma sociedade melhor?

18 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil “If we all keep an eye out, no one will go without” Winning Illustrations

19 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Short-Film and Video Contest Under the theme "Fight against corruption: a commitment of all", the contest requires contestants to submit unpublished short-films in two categories: the one-minute film and the 5-10 minute film.

20 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Public-Private Cooperation Against Corruption - Distribution of booklets about the OECD Convention for over 20,000 enterprises; - Research with over 450 Brazilian enterprises in order to identify the anticorruption and integrity measures adopted by them; - Preparation and distribution of Ministerial Letters to 45 of the biggest export companies in order to raise awareness about the OECD Convention and about integrity methods to fight corruption.

21 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil CGU and Ethos Institute established a partnership to: - Stimulating and putting into force initiatives to strengthen good practices of corporative governance - Promoting ethics and integrity in the relationship between the public and private sectors. Public-Private Cooperation Against Corruption Ethos is among the institutions responsible for developing the “Pact Against Corruption and for Integrity” Ethos is among the institutions responsible for developing the “Pact Against Corruption and for Integrity” signed by over 500 companies, including every major company in Brazil.

22 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil “Pact Against Corruption and for Integrity.” Designed by the Ethos Institute, the “Clean Company” stamp is conferred to signatories of the “Pact Against Corruption and for Integrity.” The stamp certifies a company’s commitment to eliminating all forms of corruption from the corporate environment and compliance with twice-yearly evaluations of the progress made to this end. “Clean Company” Campaign

23 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Initiatives Implemented through the CGU - Ethos Partnership - Handbook on Fighting Corruption in the Private Sector - Handbook on Fighting Corruption in the Private Sector: aimed at strengthening the dialogue between the public sector and the private sector to support private initiatives to promote integrity - Distance course on the handbook - Handbook and distance course for SMEs (small- and medium-sized enterprises), inspired on the experience of the “Transparency for Colombia-Rumbo Pymes”.

24 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil The CGU prepared handbooks and booklets to disseminate the terms of the OECD Convention against Corruption. In addition, the agency developed a hotsite with information on the Convention.

25 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil OECD Convention Website

26 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil CGU Journal Essay Contest Academic Debates Co-operation Agreements with Universities Online Library on Corruption Promotion of Academic Studies and Research on Corruption

27 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Co-operation Agreements for Academic Research on Corruption FEA/USP UK Embassy

28 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Online Library on Corruption

29 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Corruption in Brazil is: Source: “Interesse Público e Corrupção” 2009 – Vox Populi /CRIP/UFMG GENERAL CORRUPTION PERCEPTION

30 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Source: “Interesse Público e Corrupção” 2009 – Vox Populi /CRIP/UFMG Which of the following statements most closely reflects your view? Corruption in Brazil: Consolidating the Mechanisms to Prevent and Combat Corruption

31 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil Source: “Interesse Público e Corrupção” 2009 – Vox Populi /CRIP/UFMG CGU measures contribute to combating corruption? Corruption in Brazil: Consolidating the Mechanisms to Prevent and Combat Corruption

32 Office of the Comptroller General of Brazil



35 CONTROLADORIA-GERAL DA UNIÃO Setor de Autarquias Sul, Quadra 1, Bloco A Edifício Darcy Ribeiro CEP: 70070-905 Tel: +55 61 2020 7241 Visit the Transparency Portal:

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