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BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 AUTHORITY vs. INFLUENCE Authority- a person in command -People under authority are FORCED to obey. -People under authority are FORCED.

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Presentation on theme: "BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 AUTHORITY vs. INFLUENCE Authority- a person in command -People under authority are FORCED to obey. -People under authority are FORCED."— Presentation transcript:

1 BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 AUTHORITY vs. INFLUENCE Authority- a person in command -People under authority are FORCED to obey. -People under authority are FORCED to obey. Influence- to effect without exerting force. -People under influence WILLINGLY obey. -People under influence WILLINGLY obey. #God’s wants to have INFLUENCE over us; NOT JUST AUTHORITY! AUTHORITY! #WHEN GOD HAS INFLUENCE, WE GIVE WILLINGLY; NOT BECAUSE WE’RE FORCED TO GIVE! NOT BECAUSE WE’RE FORCED TO GIVE!

2 BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 GOD’S AUTHORITY IN CONJUNCTION WITH GIVING -Whenever God commands us to give, IT IS ALWAYS FOR HIS GLORY AND OUR GOOD/BENEFIT! FOR HIS GLORY AND OUR GOOD/BENEFIT! Luke 6:38 “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” -We give to further the kingdom of God. -When our agenda is to further God’s kingdom, God’s agenda is to bless us. God’s agenda is to bless us.

3 BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 7 Different Kinds of Giving and God’s Promises 1.)TITHING: (Malachi 3:8-12/ 2Chron.31:1-10) 2.)FIRST FRUITS: (Proverbs 3:9-10/ 2Chron.31:1-10) 3.)MISSIONS:(Mark 10:29-30/Matthew 28:19-20) 3.)MISSIONS: (Mark 10:29-30/Matthew 28:19-20) 4.)The POOR: (Pro.19:17/ Mat. 6:1-4/ 2Cor.9:1-8) 5.)The PASTOR: (Gal.6:6-9/ Phil.4:15-20/ 1Cor.9:6-14) 6.)STRUCTURAL EXPANSION: (1Chr.29:1-17/Ex.35:4-11/ Ex. 36:1-7) Ex. 36:1-7) 7.)SACRIFICIAL GIVING: (2Sam.24:17-24)

4 BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 7 Different Kinds of Giving and God’s Promises 1.)TITHING: (“Malachi 3:8-12”/ 2Chron.31:1-10) -Tithe- a tenth of all my increase OUT OF 10 APPLES, 1 BELONGS TO GOD! OUT OF 10 DOLLARS, 1 BELONGS TO GOD!

5 BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 7 Different Kinds of Giving and God’s Promises 1.)TITHING: (“Malachi 3:8-12”/ 2Chron.31:1-10) -Tithe- a tenth of all my increase (a.)Open Heavens (b.)Overflow (c.)Divine Protection (d.)God’s Display

6 BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 7 Different Kinds of Giving and God’s Promises 2.)FIRST FRUITS: (“Proverbs 3:9-10”/ 2Chron.31:1-10) -First Fruits- the FIRST of my harvest/increase The very first apple on the tree belongs to God! Today’s Equivalent 1 st Hour’s Salary of the Year 1 st Pay Check’s Salary of the Year 1 st Day’s Salary of the Year 1 st Month’s Salary of the Year 1 st Week’s Salary of the Year 1 st Year’s Salary WHATEVER YOUR FAITH CAN HAN DLE

7 BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 7 Different Kinds of Giving and God’s Promises 2.)FIRST FRUITS: (“Proverbs 3:9-10”/ 2Chron.31:1-10) -First Fruits- the FIRST of my harvest/increase FIRST FRUITS vs. TITHING A.)Tithing is a set amount (10%); First Fruit IS NOT! B.)I can’t tithe until I know how much I have in total. C.)I give a first fruit offering to God by giving the FIRST of my increase when I don’t know how much I have coming in total. -THAT REQUIRE’S FAITH & CONFIDENCE IN GOD!

8 BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 7 Different Kinds of Giving and God’s Promises 2.)FIRST FRUITS: (“Proverbs 3:9-10”/ 2Chron.31:1-10) Proverbs 3:9-10 “Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.” -First Fruits- the FIRST of my harvest/increase (a.)Live life in abundance & overflow as opposed (a.) Live life in abundance & overflow as opposed to living life from the bottom.

9 BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 7 Different Kinds of Giving and God’s Promises 3.)MISSIONS: (“Mark 10:29-30”/Matthew 28:19-20) “And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, FOR MY SAKE, AND THE GOSPEL'S, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, WITH PERSECUTIONS; and in the world to come eternal life.” -God returns a one hundred fold blessing to those who give their worldly riches/treasures for the who give their worldly riches/treasures for the sake of the gospel. sake of the gospel.

10 BEYOND THE TITHE! pt.2 7 Different Kinds of Giving and God’s Promises December 4, 2012: NRS IMPACT GIVING SUNDAY (1 ST Sunday of the NRS Fiscal Year) God is requiring and we are asking for your Sacrifice in being Consistent and Committed in the giving of your TITHES & OFFERINGS throughout the entire year. We are also asking for a “SACRIFICIAL FIRST FRUIT OFFERING ON TOP OF YOUR TITHES” on this year’s IMPACT GIVING SUNDAY!

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