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Hymn 20 Angels, our brothers, are messengers bright.

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1 Hymn 20 Angels, our brothers, are messengers bright

2 1 Angels, our brothers, are messengers bright, holy and beautiful, mantled in light; sent by our Father’s love, vigils they keep, watching still over us, waking, asleep.

3 2 Paths may be dangerous, troubles be sore, angels press closer, and guard us the more; leading so tenderly over the road, all through life’s wilderness, nearer to God.

4 3 They seek unceasingly how they may bless, helping increasingly souls in distress, planting in infancy innocent love, guiding our wayworn feet homewards above.

5 4 They through life’s pilgramage trod evil down; they by their faithfulness won their bright crown, filled with love’s gentleness, merciful, meek, finding their happiness helping the weak.

6 5 Lord of the angels, great Father of all, humbly adoring, in worship we fall, joining their praises, O mercy divine: holy, thrice holy, all glory be thine. John Hyde 1833-1875

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