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® ECVET in Reality Contribution to the Seminar „ECVET in Norway“ Oslo, 02.06.2013 Christiane Eberhardt, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and.

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Presentation on theme: "® ECVET in Reality Contribution to the Seminar „ECVET in Norway“ Oslo, 02.06.2013 Christiane Eberhardt, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and."— Presentation transcript:

1 ® ECVET in Reality Contribution to the Seminar „ECVET in Norway“ Oslo, 02.06.2013 Christiane Eberhardt, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Bonn/Germany Quelle: BIBB, Dr. Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

2 ® „Reality, if rightly interpreted is grander than fiction“ (Thomas Carlyle) „Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one“ (Albert Einstein) „Realists do not fear the results of their study“ (Fjodor Dostojewski) „Facts as facts do not always create a spirit of reality, because reality is a spirit“ (Gilbert Keith Chesterton) „Reality leaves a lot to the imagination“ (John Lennon) „Reality is a question of perspective“ (Salman Rushdie) Quelle: BIBB, Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

3 ® ECVET – seen from a German Perspective Challenges, obstacles and added value of ECVET for transnational mobility Challenges, obstacles and added value of ECVET for improving permeability within the German VET system (=lifelong learning) Sources: -Online Survey on ECVET NKS ECVET 2012 -Cooperation with NCP ECVET and NET-ECVET -Experiences gained in working in ECVET projects (CREDCHEM, AEROVET (mobility), EASYMetal, ESYCQ (permeability) -Research project “Credit Systems for lifelong learning” (case study Germany) Quelle: BIBB, MA aus Abt. 1-4

4 ® Some statements at the beginning…. (1) Challenges and obstacles differ widely regarding the use of ECVET for mobility and lifelong learning. Lifelong learning in the German context is connected with the improvement of permeability in the VET system (training preparation – dual/school based training, further training). (2) The added value of ECVET for transnational mobility is undeniable. It still has to be proved if there is an added value for national permeability purposes. (2) Implementing ECVET into (mobility and national) practice depends on the understanding (and commitment) whether ECVET is seen as a “tool-box” or a “system”. Quelle: BIBB, Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

5 ® Experiences with ECVET in the context of transnational mobility and lifelong learning ECVET for transnational mobility Projects ECVET “1. Generation” (Commission); 3 German projects + 1 with German partners ECVET projects within the LLP (National Agency for LLL) Infrastructure: 2010: ECVET National Coordination Point ( 2013: 13 “ECVET promoters” 2011: NetECVET (Network of 14 NA) ( ECVET for lifelong learning Projects: ECVET “2. Generation” (3 German projects + 2 with German partners) Pilot programmes: DECVET (11 projects at the interfaces of the German education system) “Training bricks/modules” JOBSTARTER connect Quelle: BIBB, Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

6 ® ECVET for transnational mobility and for lifelong learning: Objectives were the same…. 1.Defining/formulating learning outcomes 2.Designing units (of learning outcomes) 3.Working on procedures for assessment and documentation (validation) 4.Allocating credits to the units of learning outcomes 5.Agreeing on transfer mechanisms (recognition process) … but challenges, options and ways of implementation were different! Quelle: BIBB, Dr. Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

7 ® ECVET for transnational mobility Quelle: BIBB, MA aus Abt. 1-4

8 ® ECVET for transnational mobility ECVET projects funded within the framework of PLL-Leonardo da Vinci in relation to the total number of selected projects Source: Jahresbericht NA beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, 2012 - there is still a lack of information regarding ECVET (?) - ECVET is seen by the practioners as being „too complicated“ - the added value is not obvious to project promoters Transfer of InnovationMobility 20074 / 30- 20088 / 28- 20098 / 28- 20108 / 3012 / 599 20116 / 319 / 704 20127 / 3411 / 668 Quelle: BIBB, Dr. Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

9 ® Obstacles in using ECVET for transnational mobility more opinions: low popularity of ECVET lack of information and of practical support structures „national vanities“ and „national reservations“ „federalism“ and „the dual system with the outdated and crusted opinions of social partners“ Source:Online-survey NKS ECVET 2012,

10 ® BIBB, Dr. Christiane Eberhardt, 1.3 Challenges  How to formulate learning outcomes? How to define depth and breadth of a unit? -> IVET is not „unitised“; it is based on a „holistic“ approach  How to assess the LOs of a unit in a practical and user-friendly way? -> no experiences with competences assessment in IVET How to handle credit and recognition procedures? -> no credit system in place, no single recognition of units needed  How to enable and to support the mobilities in a long run (after a project has ended)? What is further needed in order to make mobility a reality? (Infrastructure, HR, Funding,…) -> provision of units is not integrated into the daily routines of a training provider  How to get accepted by the enterprises? How to convince them on ECVET? How to involve them in the mobilities? -> new ways of cooperation among triaining providers and companies are needed in order to be able to offer the units constantly

11 ® The „added value“ in using ECVET for mobility 1.Improving transparency of qualifications by describing learning outcomes. The results of learning processes become visible and comparable. 2.Supporting a sustainable cooperation structure. Mutual trust, as a result of defining and formulating learning outcomes is the basis for the development of common quality standards to carry out mobility measures. 3.Offering practical, need-oriented and user-friendly tools and aids to facilitate mobility measures and to disseminate them to other/new institutions 4.Agreeing on sector specific standards for mobility. By defining units of LO and procedures of assessment, a common standard for the carrying out of the units is stated, assuring the comparability of the quality of outcomes. ECVET is seen as a pedagogical tool to ease and to improve transnational mobility. BIBB, Christiane Eberhardt, 1.3

12 ® ECVET for mobility – the German approach Defining/formulating learning outcomes Designing units (of learning outcomes) -> esp. for mobility purposes Working on procedures for assessment and documentation (validation) But: o No allocation of credits (no credit-system in place) o no seperate/additonal recognition process (mobility is part of training) ECVET as a tool-box! Quelle: BIBB, Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

13 ® ECVET for mobility – the German approach “As far as the implementation of ECVET in the member states is concerned, the ECVET recommendation explicitly states that national legislation and framework conditions must be taken into consideration. In Germany´s case, there is the agreement that implementation will take place within the framework of the existing vocational training system, retaining the occupation principle and the aim of acquiring comprehensive vocational skills”. Specific aims:  Promoting transparency and flexibility through a learning outcomes orientation  Qualitative improvement of skills acquired in mobility measures  Efficient use of learning periods “According to the ECVET recommendation, accumulation and recognition takes place in accordance with the national particularities. (…) The award of credit points for learning outcome units is not absolutely necessary for the transfer and validation of learning outcomes.” Source: BMBF Concept Paper on testing ECVET in the context of transnational mobility in Germany, 11.03.2011, p.2 Quelle: BIBB, Christiane Eberhardt

14 ® Opinions given on ECVET for mobility “ECVET is highly complex and that makes the thing pretty difficult. ECTS is much easier to understand and to adopt” (representative from a university) “I very much appreciate the orientation towards learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are the future “VET-esperanto”, meaning that we understand each other across borders. That is very, very important” (representative from governing body of craft) “… these ECVET-projects are the salt in the soup in order to put the National Qualification Framework into practice” (representative from a Länder ministry) “It would uncramp the German discussion if we only focus on ECVET for transnational mobility – otherwise the sword of Damocles named “Modularisation” dangles over us” (representative of a trade union) Quelle: BIBB, Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

15 ® DECVET: Using ECVET for permeability purposes Focusing four „interfaces“ of the system: Transition from -VET preparation into the dual system -From school based VET to the dual system -within the dual system (from one training into another) - from the dual system / from work to further vocational training More: Ten pilot projects in different branches from different regions developed and tested transferable procedures for the accreditation of competences and learning outcomes.

16 ® Trying ECVET for improving permeability within the VET system: DECVET Quelle: BIBB, MA aus Abt. 1-4

17 ® Challenges -Describing learning outcomes and designing units based on national VET profiles, using the GQF-descriptors -Developing reliable and valid methods of assessment that are practical and not too time-consuming. -Working on methods of “equivalence-checking” in order to proof that a learning outcome acquired in learning context A is of the same value as of being acquired in learning context B -> establishing mutual trust among the various VET-sub-systems. -Involving social partners into the projects and convincing project board members to support new ways of transferring and crediting learning outcomes at the interfaces of the system. Quelle: BIBB, Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

18 ® DECVET for permeability: Recommendations after testing (1)Learning outcomes should be used as a common language between the sub-systems (2)The German Qualification framework should be taken as a reference for the describing of learning outcomes (3)The concept of units of learning outcomes should be taken as a structuring pattern for the development of new curricula and training profiles (4)Identified equivalences among learning outcomes acquired in different contexts should be seen as the basis for transferring them from one sub-system into another. (5)Procedures of competence assessment should be implemented “beneath the level of official examination” (6)The crediting of learning outcomes should take place on a voluntary basis. Its purpose can be: to shorten the training, to intensify the competencies and/or to get admission to examinations. Source: BMBF-Concept paper on the transfer of results of the BMBF pilot initiative DECVET Quelle: BIBB, Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

19 ® Opinions given on ECVET for permeability “There are a lot of risks connected esp. with ECVET (…). We currently have a big discussion on the definition of units of learning outcomes and allocating credits to them. And the next step would be to certify each unit. And then we would have the fragmentation and dissection of that what we mean with “vocational competence” and VET as we know it” (trade unionist) “A lot of things that started at the European level regarding outcome orientation and permeability has led to changes within the national system– even though the instruments haven´t been implemented” (representative of employers organisation) “ECVET for permeability targets at the very heart of the system – straight at procedures and the system itself” (representative of chamber organisation) “A structure has been established at the drawing board in Brussels disrespecting that we already have our procedures and a VET law” (representative of a chamber organisation). “I am sure that ECVET in this respect is a stillbirth” (representative of employers organisation). Quelle: BIBB, Christiane Eberhardt, 1.1

20 ® Instead of conclusions: Some last words… For the German case: ECVET for mobility can be assessed as a pedagogical tool whereas ECVET for permeability clashes with the underlying principles of the German system. Nevertheless: there are so many experiences and results with (some – not all!) elements of ECVET that can be used and implemented in order to give added value and to enrich already existing procedures at the interfaces of the German system (question of political will) Why ECVET and for what purpose? How to approach ECVET it in order to achieve an impact on a systemic / training providers / companies / individual level? There are many different ways how to answer these questions! „Our intention creates our reality“ (Wayne Dyer) Quelle: BIBB, MA aus Abt. 1-4

21 ® Thank you for your attention! Christiane Eberhardt Quelle: BIBB, MA aus Abt. 1-4

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