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UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Section International assistance for ICH safeguarding NOM PPT 5.5.

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Presentation on theme: "UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Section International assistance for ICH safeguarding NOM PPT 5.5."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Section International assistance for ICH safeguarding NOM PPT 5.5

2 In this presentation… The ICH Fund Aims of international assistance Examples of funded projects How to apply

3 The ICH Fund’s sources Contributions of States Parties Voluntary supplementary contributions Other contributions

4 Aims of International Assistance Safeguarding of elements on the Urgent Safeguarding List Preparation of inventories ICH safeguarding projects Other activities including preparatory assistance and capacity building

5 Funding available for Programmes, activities, infrastructure and measures aimed at safeguarding in the widest sense

6 Safeguarding traditional Somali performing arts the identification of performing arts of Somali- speaking communities in North-East Kenya; draft inventory of those traditions acquisition of existing audiovisual materials.

7 Three requests approved by Committee (2009) Kenya, ‘Tradition and Practices Associated to the Kayas in the Sacred Forest of the Mijikenda’, US$126,580; Mauritius, ‘Documentation and Inventory of ICH in the Republic of Mauritius’, US$52,461; Mauritius, ‘Inventory of ICH elements pertaining to the indenture experience in the Republic of Mauritius’, US$33,007.

8 Making an application: forms Form ICH 04 Form ICH 05 Form ICH-06 Projects for safeguarding ICH – under US$ 25,000 – over US$ 25,000 – emergency assistance USL preparatory assistance Article 18 preparatory assistance

9 Making an application: timetable 31 March (Year 1): IA requests over 25,000 USD Preparatory assistance Any time: Emergency IA requests IA requests under 25,000 USD Requests under 25,000 USD and any emergency and preparatory assistance requests evaluated by Bureau Requests over 25,000 USD examined by Consultative Body Decision by Bureau as soon as possible Decision by Committee in November (Year 2)

10 Evaluation criteria include OD 12 Community participation Well conceived and feasible Lasting effects Capacity building. Beneficiary State Party shares the cost as far as possible

11 Priority for OD 10 Developing states Cross-border heritage International cooperation Projects with multiplier effects Equitable geographical distribution of funded projects also is a consideration

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