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Motivating the Teenage Mind Inspired LearningDr Eva Hoffman

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Presentation on theme: "Motivating the Teenage Mind Inspired LearningDr Eva Hoffman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivating the Teenage Mind Inspired LearningDr Eva Hoffman

2 The mind will only absorb what the emotions will allow. Heim Ginott

3 When attempting to motivate learners, how important is WHAT we teach and how important is HOW we teach? WHATHOW

4 Emotional well-being Life success Learning achievement skills

5 I’m bored... Why bother… I’m rubbish at this… School is boring...

6 Everyforce meets with resistance horse

7 Expand your repertoire of practical tools - transform the attitudes of pupils - raise pupils' achievement - make your own work more effective

8 100+ activities

9 Part I Part III Part V

10 Seven keys to unlock self-motivation

11 and teach about choices and their consequences Give choices

12 Your life will be to a large extend the result of all the choices you will make. Make the best choices you can!

13 Your ultimate choice – the choice of attitude learning a waste of time, can’t get jobs anyway broadens the mind road to successful life

14 Having no choice results in resistance against imposed tasks rebellious attitude anger or indifference poor or no motivation

15 awaken curiosity and interest

16 The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery

17 ask rather than tell What you can do to awaken curiosity ?... ?

18 What you can do to awaken curiosity ‘spice’ up lessons with fascinating facts

19 What you can do to awaken curiosity make use of ‘mystery and suspense’

20 What you can do to awaken curiosity organise ‘orchestrated learning’ sessions

21 Lack of curiosity and interest results in indifference boredom disengagement of senses poor or no motivation

22 make learning relevant

23 WIIFM what’s in it for me???

24 things about ME things I am interested in something to help me achieve my goals What is relevant to me?

25 relevance chain what you have to do possible immediate relevance possible long-term relevance possible outcomes your goal

26 Seeing no relevance results in negative attitude indifference to task a need to rebel doing the absolute minimum poor or no motivation

27 inspire ambition teach to set goals

28 Only those who have a dream can make their dream come true.

29 songs Make use of motivational materials filmsbooks stories quotes


31 Four kinds of goals what I want to havewhat I want to achieve how I want to feel what kind of person I want to be

32 Setting goals


34 Changing direction

35 Lack of goals and dreams results in aimless drifting leaving everything to chance or others seeing no sense in life and work poor or no motivation

36 raise confidence

37 There is nobody in the whole world exactly like you. You are unique. Learn to appreciate your uniqueness.

38 Discover your strengths



41 Having no confidence results in a sense of helplessness and inadequacy covering-up strategies such as withdrawal, aggression or fooling around a negative attitude (‘can’t do it anyway’) poor or no motivation

42 strengthen resilience

43 Life is like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. How you handle the ups and the downs is vital to your progress and growth.

44 Seven steps to success and the KITB, critical moment 1. decide 2. start 3. continue 4. continue 5. continue 6. complete 7. celebrate KITB

45 Anticipating setbacks

46 Become an optimist Practise focussing on peoples’ positive characteristics Practise finding something good in challenging situations A half-full glass

47 Lack of resilience results in inability to complete any project no chance to experience success further drop in self-esteem poor or no motivation

48 Reward achievement

49 Four kinds of rewards

50 Make a habit of celebrating your achievement !

51 Inappropriate rewards make achievement more challenging seriously test resilience make pupils totally dependent on others for praise may result in poor or no motivation

52 How to run the programme

53 experience vs theory

54 Suspend your judgment

55 Introduce variety

56 Respect privacy

57 sarcasm appreciation laughter silence agitation tears giggles withdrawal anger

58 care respect believe notice

59 This programme works! You should do this with every teenager in the country. It's brilliant! Year 11 pupils, Exeter An excellent opportunity to really touch pupils' lives... and my own! Hemel Hampsted, Herfordshire Excellent materials and most inspiring workshop. Practical and useful. Frodsham, Cheshire Working with the materials has literally transformed some pupils' lives. Thank you so much! Cheshire I hope I can do the activities with my pupils throughout the years they are with us! Useful for tutorials, PSHE and any time you can spare. Stanchester, Somerset


61 Inspired Learning offers a course for teachers Discover the secrets of motivating the teenage mind For information please contact Dr Eva Hoffman

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