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Research Based Training of Trainers : the CIRPP case study (ex post reconstruction of positive side effects) François Fourcade ESCP-Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Based Training of Trainers : the CIRPP case study (ex post reconstruction of positive side effects) François Fourcade ESCP-Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Based Training of Trainers : the CIRPP case study (ex post reconstruction of positive side effects) François Fourcade Professeur @ ESCP-Europe CIRPP Scientific Director

2 Who is speaking ? 44, Maried, 3 kids, Ingineering backgroung 1991-2004: 15 years within the automotive Industry –Management Control, Purchasing, business development, strategy –Mexico, USA, Brasil, Japan, South Africa, … PhD in Innovation Management Strategy (2004) –@ Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) Professor & Researcher @ ESCP-Europe –Executive Education programs : Consolis, Safran, Hermes, Bouygues, Total, OFT, Oracle, Armée de Terre … Thales, EADS, Sagem Défense Sécurité Research in Education science –Scientific Director of the CIRPP

3 The CCIP : Key figures CCIP Key Figures –Over 150 training programs from the age class 15 up to PhD + MBAs and exec ed. –14 500 students Among them 4300 apprenticeship –30 000 participant in executive education –92%: got a job after less than 6 months –800 permanent teachers –5000 practitioners part time teachers

4 Our Research Context The CCIP educational commitment : common educational values through participative enquiery involving … Management Schools : HEC Paris, ESCP- Europe, Novancia Engineering School : ESIEE Paris Higher « vocational » Programs : –Fashion : ESIV (Ecole Supérieure des Industries du Vêtement), –Cooks : ESCF (Ecole Supérieure de Cuisine Française) Professional Schools : – Centre des Formations Industrielles, Ecole Grégoire-Ferrandi ; Gobelins, l’école de l’image ; TECOMAH, l’école de l’environnement et du cadre de vie

5 The 6 educational Values Awaken the desire to take initiatives. Develop each individual's potential. Strengthen commitment to the planet and to society. Build own vision but also : open up all kinds of worlds. Become responsible, committed and reflective decision makers. Develop courage and strength for transformative action One research questions : How can you ensure those values are for real cascaded down to the organization ?

6 Action-Research Based Change Management … The Institution : “can we come back to a leading position in education?” HEC Paris ESCP-Europe ESIEE Paris Novancia EGF CFI GOBELINS ESIV TECOMAH CIRPP Yes we can ! A research lab is born…

7 15 Professional Researchers / Paid based on their research report – Working Paper 20 working days per projects 2 Teachers per school 100 teaching hours paid by the lab. One research meeting per months CIRPP birth date : Dec the 10th 2007, first action in may 2008 Scientific Directorr 3 days per week Scientific Advisor 2 days / w One research Assitant full time A research Method : Action Research upon innovative teaching practices

8 The research framework on innovation The CIRPP sequence of actions : –A call for innovative teaching projects –A selection process Commitment to educational values Organizational learning potential –A research team is created 5 000 € of bonus for the project / school 1 professional researcher 1 Video man => anthropological movie ( 25 to 50 min) The professors team leading the idea –Clinical observation / Deep involvement –A research report is produced –Presented facing the “collective researcher” –The project is presented by the reseacher to the other projects researchers –Working paper co-written with the professor’s team –… academic publication

9 So far so good … Almost 40 research projects followed by the CIRPP since 2008 Our first academic publication accepted –Journal of Management Development on experiential learning Transformative effects (Mezirow) –…

10 Learning Effects –Training Effects Transformation effects The CIRPP has : –Created a new link between the internal educational community –Helped many professors in their will to innovate –Act as a source for innovative ideas –Cascaded a new research culture in education culture in the schools through the professors that were selected (« Lead Users ») –Explained many of the innovations effects and side effects – Critical Thinking & Evaluation culture –Questionned in return the CCIP educational policy –Change Management provider

11 The CIRPP is feeding back the strategy through its deep questioning … The educational policy (Tacit & Explicit) HEC Paris ESCP-Europe ESIEE Paris Novancia EGF CFI GOBELINS ESIV TECOMAH CIRPP Slack degree for the professors ? Where the teaching motivation comes from ? Should the CCIP encourage the critical thinking in education ? Who decides what students have to learn ? Who decides about the evaluation policy ? Not how but why : the aim of our programs ?

12 The four main outputs Training through research –For teacher’s and assistants Practice renewal Social link between teaching communities New concepts –Empty inHabitable Frameworks (EHF) Presented in Athens, Boston, Paris

13 Next steps The SARA department creation to forster the will of actors to change their own institution –SARA : Soutien et Accompagnement à la Recherche Action –« Action Research Support - Accompaniment Team » Video Standard Modules Customized training programs Cross fertilization between research projects Self Reflexive auto-biographies Storytelling … lot’s of creation,improvisation, inspiration

14 Thank you ! Q and A

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