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Français 12/2/13 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 61. Faites # 24 Ecoute. What game can be dangerous to your mental health? Tondre – to shear, to shave. Si.

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Presentation on theme: "Français 12/2/13 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 61. Faites # 24 Ecoute. What game can be dangerous to your mental health? Tondre – to shear, to shave. Si."— Presentation transcript:

1 Français 12/2/13 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 61. Faites # 24 Ecoute. What game can be dangerous to your mental health? Tondre – to shear, to shave. Si mon tonton tond ton tonton, ton tontonsera tondu! If my uncle shears your uncle, your uncle will be shorn! Goals – Begin Troisieme Etape. Asking and sharing your opinions about school. Les Devoirs – #26, à la page 62.

2 Français 12/3/13 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 62. Faites Prononciation. What eight letter word has one letter in it? La musculation – bodybuiling; weight lifting. Je fais de la musculation. I work out. Goals – Practice expressing opinions and connecting to the other elements of the chapter. Les Devoirs – Write first draft dialogue 2- 3.

3 Français 12/4/13 Ouvrez vos livres á la page 69. Faites #9. Who are the most truthful men in Spain? Vouloir – to want. Je veux aller au restaurant. I want to eat out. Goals – Asking and telling what we need. New vocabulary. Web page? Les Devoirs – À la page 64,65, A-F.

4 Français 12/5/13 Faites Additional Listening 2-6. What occurs once in a minute, twice in every moment, but never in a thousand years? Grand-Mère – Grandmother. Elle était allée chez sa grand-mère. Goals – Review and practice for Orale 2-3. Les Devoirs – Write Final Draft Dialogue 2-3 on a separate piece of paper. Turn in tomorrow.

5 Français 12/6/13 Cinq minutes preparer à l’orale 2- 3. What five letter word has 6 left when you take two letters away? Femme –woman. Connaissez-vous cette femme? Goals – Complete orale 2-3. Begin review for chapter 2 test. Les Devoirs – À la page 71, #5.

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