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Appreciative Leadership April 2013. A quote… “Appreciative eyes”

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Presentation on theme: "Appreciative Leadership April 2013. A quote… “Appreciative eyes”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Appreciative Leadership April 2013

2 A quote…

3 “Appreciative eyes”

4 5 Core Strategies of Appreciative Leadership 5 “I’s”Strategies of Appreciative Leadership InquiryAsk positively powerful questions IlluminationBring out the best of people and situations InclusionEngage with people to coauthor the future InspirationAwaken the creative spirit IntegrityMake choices for the good of the whole

5 Inquiry

6 Illumination

7 Inclusion

8 Inspiration

9 A word on vision… Criteria for a compelling vision: It is desired It is inclusive It is a believable stretch It requires collaboration It requires creativity and innovation

10 Integrity

11 A bit about our words… Three types of conversations: Relationship-canceling conversations Relationship-tolerating conversations Relationship-enhancing conversations


13 What kind of change Cultivate your character Liberate others’ potential Foster Collaborations Design innovative structures Facilitate positive change


15 Let’s see what you think…

16 We are change agents. What are the lessons for coaching?

17 All Leagues are different.

18 Adaptability and flexibility are key.

19 Thoughts from our current coaches… How do you help foster change?

20 #1 Priority Build strong relationships with your coaching teams and state leadership.

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