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Meditation Class 1 (Back to list of classes) INTRODUCTION We invite all to use this program as a meditation teaching tool for yourself and/or to teach.

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2 Meditation Class 1 (Back to list of classes)

3 INTRODUCTION We invite all to use this program as a meditation teaching tool for yourself and/or to teach others. The purpose of this class is 5-fold: 1. Explore: What is meditation? 2. Define: Why we are offering this class? 3. Present: That everyone meditates. 4. Discuss: Why the use of a mantra? 5. Introduce: Class 2

4 Topic One What is Meditation?

5 In the simplest terms, meditation means to calm the mind and direct its attention from the external world to the spiritual world.

6 Meditation is the process of directing your attention from going outward to going inward.

7 In that calm (or “quiet”) mind, the emotions are still and there is no turbulence of the mind. Then the Soul becomes a reflection of the truth. Like a still lake, which reflects the objects in the sky, so the self will reflect its oneness with the Self (universe).

8 The Bible tells us, “Be still and know that I am God.”

9 To pray is to talk to God. To meditate is to listen to Him!

10 Topic Two Why are we offering this course?

11 First, it is not to convert anyone, but to give the Message that we have been commissioned to give to humanity. Accepting the Message or not, is up to you and God.

12 We wish to share a wonder, a natural gift of God.

13 Topic Three Everyone Meditates

14 It is a natural gift of God.

15 However, not everyone has enough control over their mind to use meditation to produce that calm mind that we all desire.

16 We can use the example of harnessing steam. If you just boil water and let the steam go into the room, you may have a little extra moisture in the air. When you control (or harness) that same steam, however, you can use it to run engines, etc.

17 Let us see how we can begin to be in control of our minds, by lifting and redirecting our thoughts through proper meditation.

18 Topic Four Why The Use Of A Mantra?

19 A mantra is an empowered word (or words) used to evoke the latent spiritual forces.

20 The power of mantras is in their ability to stimulate and awaken different levels of spirit and bring understanding of that level to the Soul.

21 The East Indians have a story about, The Yogi Giving The Power Word To His Disciples (the genie and the dog’s tail). The story can be found in the 10/08/89 Satsang. Click: then run a find for: desires 10/08/89

22 Topic Five To Introduce Class 2

23 In Class 2 we will practice how to use the Universal Mantra.

24 The proper use of the Universal Mantra meditation can bring about enough control over the mind to produce that calm mind that we all desire.

25 These classes are presented through the teachings of the Mission Of Maitreya.

26 Our web site URL is:

27 Quotes can be found in our literature section: THOTH or in our Satsangs.

28 Questions If you do not have an instructor, please e-mail your questions to: To Class 2

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