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What Will It Take For Spiritual Awakening?.  What is on the heart of God?  Focus on awakening  Fresh stirring.

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Presentation on theme: "What Will It Take For Spiritual Awakening?.  What is on the heart of God?  Focus on awakening  Fresh stirring."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Will It Take For Spiritual Awakening?

2  What is on the heart of God?  Focus on awakening  Fresh stirring

3  Is the nation better or worse off?  Where’s the power?  Why is there no power?

4  We have a relationship problem with God  We are under the judgment of God

5  What is the judgment of God?  It is according to one’s deeds  Punishment fits the crime

6  Examples  David and Uriah  Ahab and Naboth  Babylon and God’s people  In line with one’s sin

7  The signs of the judgment  The removal of wisdom ▪ True for Christians and the lost ▪ Occurred many places in Scripture

8  The signs of the judgment  Loss of spiritual power ▪ Little life-changing impact ▪ Uncommitted converts ▪ Prayer movement with no change

9  The signs of the judgment  Loss of spiritual power ▪ Turned over to sin ▪ Little influence on society ▪ Loss of favor ▪ Defeat by our enemies

10  The signs of the judgment  Various other signs ▪ Societal breakdown of the family ▪ Societal and relational conflict ▪ Bad leadership ▪ Statutes that are not good

11  The signs of the judgment  Various other signs ▪ Loss of finances ▪ Setbacks increase over time ▪ Natural disasters ▪ Success is unfulfilling

12  We are under the judgment of God  If we do not awaken:  We will be destroyed  Our children will live out the consequences  Will you not arise?


14  Why are we asleep?  How can the signs be so prevalent and we not know it?  How can we live in the midst of this and not respond?

15  The signs of judgment  They had not yet humbled themselves

16  We have lost the fear of God  Recognizing the judgment is necessary to realizing there’s a problem  Call to prayer in 1863

17  How did we lose the fear of God?  We mistakenly assumed it hinders a love relationship with God

18  How did we lose the fear of God?  Love and grace apart from holiness ▪ The accountability of grace ▪ The accountability of love ▪ Judgment begins with the house of God

19  How did we lose the fear of God?  False sense of security

20  We lost the fear of God  Let us fear God again


22  What are our wicked ways?

23  We left our first love  Desiring God  Prayerlessness

24  Not being on mission  Failure to bear fruit  Materialism  Use or misuse of resources

25  We have made false converts  Statistics in the SBC  Decision instead of repentance  Location instead of a relationship

26  We have not hallowed His name  We have treated God lightly  Served God when it is convenient  Not exercised church discipline

27  These sins must be addressed  These changes will position us to be gloriously revived


29  There is hope  When it is the darkest…  A light can dawn when we repent

30  God will create a catalytic moment ▪ Elijah on Mt. Carmel ▪ Hezekiah ▪ Ezra ▪ Nehemiah ▪ Jesus  The catalytic moment is our invitation

31  Forgiveness of sin ≠ cancellation of judgment  Improbable that revival will cancel judgment  There will still be difficult days  The Civil War

32  God’s grace allows us to navigate judgment  What grace is  God must hallow His name

33  God’s grace allows us to navigate judgment  God will still be at work ▪ In wrath God remembers mercy ▪ Mercy places a revived people in the midst of judgment ▪ A great harvest will follow

34  Successfully navigating the judgment of God will produce blessing  Hezekiah  Civil War  Parkview

35  So that we will know how to respond  In the here and now, we must focus on repentance

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