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AREA Science Park The driver of innovation in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Challenges and Opportunities for Innovative Companies in EU Border Regions.

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Presentation on theme: "AREA Science Park The driver of innovation in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Challenges and Opportunities for Innovative Companies in EU Border Regions."— Presentation transcript:

1 AREA Science Park The driver of innovation in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Challenges and Opportunities for Innovative Companies in EU Border Regions (LOOK-EAST NET) Study Visit c/o IRC Innovation Relay Centre IRENE / AREA Science Park Trieste, 14th April 2005 MARCELLO GUAIANA IRC Project Manager Marketing & International Relations AREA Science Park - Trieste (Italy)

2 The Regional Scientific System (1)  University of Udine  University of Trieste  ISAS - International School for Advanced Studies  ICGEB - International Center for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology  ICS-UNIDO - International Center for Science and High Technologies  Elettra - Synchrotron Light Laboratory  INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics  INFM - National Institute for the Physics of Matter  IRCCS Burlo Garofolo - Clinical Research Institute for Mother & Child Health  CETA - Centre for Theoretical and Applied Ecology

3 The Regional Scientific System (2)  OGS - National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics  OAT - Astronomical Observatory of Trieste  LBM - Marine Biology Laboratory  CISM - International Centre for Mechanical Sciences  CIRMONT - International Centre for Research and Mountains  CRO - Oncology Research Centre  CNR - National Council of Research: Thalassographic Institute of Trieste  ICTP-UNESCO - International Centre for Theoretical Physics  TWAS - Third World Academy of Science  AREA Science Park

4 R&D Personnel International comparison figures (*) per 1000 labour force units

5 Trieste – City of Science science and technology hub large community of Italian and foreign researchers at the heart of the enlarged Europe AREA Science Park is at the core of the Trieste Scientific System

6 The Regional Industrial System (1) The industrial system accounts for 1/3 of the regional GDP (24.500 MEuro equal to 2,3% of Italy, 20.000 procapite - ISTAT 2002) and is characterized by:  a small core of large national and international enterprises (steel, industrial plants, machine tools, household appliances, furniture)  a diffused tissue of about export-oriented 100,000 small and medium-sized firms and a wide network of craft firms.

7 The Regional Industrial System (2) The composition of the industrial workforce is mainly based on the mechanical industry (38.7%) and wood & furniture (24.6%). Furthermore additional relevant sectors are transport and agro-food. There are four regional industrial districts (clusters), recognized by law, which have an high export level capacity, namely:  knive district  food district  chair district  furniture district

8 The Regional Industrial System (3) Hi-tech sectors are developing in Friuli Venezia Giulia such as Biotechnology & ICT in AREA Science Park is active the cluster initiative “TDMB-Technology District of Molecular Biomedicine”, the strategic project strongly supported both by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and the Regional Administration. The TDMB is an innovative cognitive district where development programmes driven by research and industry stakeholders are strongly supported both by public and private funds

9 Leading innovation regions

10 AREA Science Park multi-sector STP in Italy is the Science and Technology Park (STP) of Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region and the leading multi-sector STP in Italy is close to the Slovenian border links the research with technology development and market transfers knowledge, technologies and innovations to the territory

11 AREA Science Park  2 extended campuses in Padriciano and Basovizza  75 PRIs, R&D Centres, and Knowledge-based Companies  1600 researchers, technicians and service staff  Extent: 55 hectares  Facilites: about 70.000 sqm of equipped laboratories, offices and services  Facilities under construction (2004-2005): 11.400 sqm  Future development plans (2006 – 2014): 46.000 sqm


13 Public Research Institutions R&D Centres of industries and services enterprises Highly specialized enterprises AREA Science Park Value added services Applied Research Technological Development Product/Service Development Value chain Market Fundamental Research AREA Science Park A Knowledge District – Multiple Participants

14 biotechnologies and diagnostics chemistry and biochemistry biomedical technologies physics new materials nanotechnologies informatics, telecommunications, electronics environmental technologies AREA Science Park A Knowledge District - Multi-disciplinary features

15 A permanent regional system has been created to improve the value and the transferability of the research results from the academia following the model of the international University-Industry Liaison Offices The exploitation of research Sister is a project of AREA Science Park aimed to effectively stream research results to market

16 Services to meet the market  scouting of research results  technology assessment  market studies  patenting  support for the creation of NTBFs

17 INITIAL SCOUNTING EXPLOITATION PLAN DESIGN 135117927864 Results driven to market The chart represents the entire R&D results exploitation path 50 TRANSFER SPIN OFF R&D PARTNERSHIP 43 1 6 Exploitation options The exploitation path The 50 driven to market results have been transferred according to three options Out of 135 research results (selected by regional research units), 50 were driven to the market DOCUMENTAL AND PATENT ANALYSIS PATENT ASSESSMENT MARKET POTENTIAL IDENTIFICATION

18 The diffusion of innovation The project is based on a Network of Competence Centers established on the Regional Territory to transfer innovation to the productive system Innovation Network is a project of AREA Science Park aimed to diffuse to all the regional companies the opportunity to acquire innovation, knowledge and new technologies

19 Each Centre  is independent for its management and operation  is strongly interconnected with all the poles of the Network  has its own staff skilled in territorial marketing, technology transfer, financial and economic issues The Competence Centers of the Innovation Network are coordinated by AREA in co-operation with key institutions committed to the regional economy development

20  introducing new technologies to improve the business  exploring the commercial feasibility of an idea and whether there’s a market for it  bringing a new product to market  starting up partnerships and cooperation projects Innovation Network provides practical advice and action plans on:  searching published patents as a source of ideas and information  protecting the intellectual property  capitalizing on new knowledge and innovative ways of doing things  competing successfully and profitably in today’s fast-changing marketplace

21 IRC IRENE – Partner Network Trieste Venezia Ancona Trento Bologna ENEA ASTER Veneto Innovazione Marche Innovation Training Centro Tecnofin Servizi AREA Science Park

22 INFORMATION SERVICES 4AMT personalised service 4Updating on EOIs generated by BBS publications 4Information on TTDays and Brokerage Events SERVICES PROVIDED UPON SUBSCRIPTION 4Technology audit 4TO/TR publication in the BBS 4Representation in TTdays and contacts follow-up SPECIFIC SERVICES (under requirement) 4IPR consultancy 4Technology validation; 4Market scenario 4Fund raising IRC IRENE/ AREA Science Park Offered Services


24 IRC IRENE/AREA Science Park Achievements in 2004 KEY FACTS On a total base of 1950 clients: 39 company visits both outward and inward 11 cases profiles insertions in TTDays catalogues 15 Technology Offers/Requests published in the BBS 89 TO/TR processed 13 TT Matches reached 3 Negotiations reached 3 TTT Agreements reached 11 cases of IPR Help Desk assistance

25 Hi-tech integrated Co-operation for cross-border economic growth and SME competitiveness increase

26 AREA Science Park project for the development of Friuli Venezia Giulia / Slovenia cross-bordering area aimed at creating shared models of industrial clusters and cognitive districts ( INTERREG IIIA Italy/Slovenia ) HiCo

27 AREA Science Park plans the development of the cross-bordering area based on innovative industrial and cognitive districts The Slovenian Centre for SMEs Development plans the strengthening of industry competitiveness based on clustering and networking initiatives Hi-Co Project Hi-tech integrated Co-operation for cross-border economic growth and SME competitiveness increase PRIM-e (Primorska Enterprise) Project Strengthening the SME Competitiveness in the Primorska Region through Networking and Co-operation Development of the cross-bordering area

28 Slovenian area  remarkable economic and industrial development potential  room for new structures and infrastructures  presence of an industrial development policy based on networks and clusters of innovative firms Italian area  role of AREA Science Park as driving force for innovation development in the territory  high concentration of science and technology resources and services for innovation  presence of a regional policy in favour of innovation and industrial districts development Territorial context

29  to coordinate and harmonize local policies for development of cross-bordering areas  to develop a competitive and innovation-oriented cross-bordering industrial system  to attract investments in research and technology- intensive business  to concentrate technological know-how and innovation targeted services in AREA Science Park through hi-tech SMEs development Goals

30  identification of strategic guidelines regional policies for innovation definition of excellence focalizations (nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc.) definition of the most interesting territory areas identification of service supply procedures to orient and assist investors in technological innovation  setup and utilization of an Attractiveness Infopackage through territorial animation and value creation Action Plan Interactive Portal Guide for Investments Events & Workshop

31 To establish a transregional EU Future Region as an attractive and competitive area for the knowledge-based economy The Vision Moving towards Inter-Regional Innovation Systems

32 The EU Future Region Moving towards Inter-Regional Innovation Systems

33  high-standards of physical infrastructures  common high value-added services  easy access to transnational resources, knowledge, competences and leading technologies Eight European Science and Technology Parks allied to offer: Moving towards Inter-Regional Innovation Systems

34  technological and industrial networking  joint experts pool  training offer / staff exchange  trans-regional valued added chains  joint marketing  joint strategy in location development Services Moving towards Inter-Regional Innovation Systems

35 IRC IRENE/AREA Science Park CONTACT DETAILS Marcello Guaiana Executive officer Marketing & International Relations AREA Science Park - Padriciano, 99 34012 Trieste (Italy) ph +39-040-3755267 fax +39-040-226698 e-mail:

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