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Have your Vocabulary #7 , and a red pen on your desk.

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Presentation on theme: "Have your Vocabulary #7 , and a red pen on your desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Have your Vocabulary #7 , and a red pen on your desk.
Have your Vocabulary #7 , and a red pen on your desk.

2 Vocabulary Unit 7 salvos prior perjury flagrant domestic nurtured
detest vigilant presume

3 wrath flaw amiss fledgling momentum brawl flustered notable proficient foremost paradoxes

4 Synonyms wrath momentum vigilant fluster domestic brawl perjury
notable proficient fledgling

5 presumed nurture paradox amiss salvo detest prior flaw flagrant foremost

6 Choosing the Right Word
presumed perjury flagrant momentum amiss detest paradox prior brawling nurtured

7 wrath proficient notable salvo vigilant fledgling domestic flaws flustered foremost

8 Vocab in Context c. contradictions b. noteworthy a. budding d. impetus
a. paramount

9 Agenda 4-16-12 Vocabulary Unit 7 Test Thursday.
The following will be due when we finish Ch. 12 in Matilda’s Tale: Matilda Vocabulary Sentences Matilda Questions

10 Agenda 4-16-12 Vocabulary Unit 7 Test Thursday.
The following will be due when we finish Ch. 12 in Matilda’s Tale: Matilda Vocabulary Sentences Matilda Questions

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