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WG 2: Quality Criteria of Qualitative Research Veronique Mottier (Coordinator), University of Lausanne & Jesus College, Cambridge UK Christoph Maeder,

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Presentation on theme: "WG 2: Quality Criteria of Qualitative Research Veronique Mottier (Coordinator), University of Lausanne & Jesus College, Cambridge UK Christoph Maeder,"— Presentation transcript:

1 WG 2: Quality Criteria of Qualitative Research Veronique Mottier (Coordinator), University of Lausanne & Jesus College, Cambridge UK Christoph Maeder, University of Teacher Education Thurgau & University of St. Gallen Eva Nadai, University of Applied Science Northwestern Switzerland Vinzenz Wyss, University of Applied Science Zürich

2 Guidelines for sound qualitative research (Mottier, Maeder, Nadai & Wyss 2006) 1.Sound qualitative research is theoretical concerning research questions and topics. 2.Sound qualitative research is based on previous research and refers to state-of-the-art theoretical, methodological and topic-related literature. In this sense it stands on „the shoulder of giants.” 3.Sound qualitative research is clearly linked to a social scientific theory like Symbolic Interactionism, Ethnomethodology, Cultural Representation Theory, Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, Discourse Theory or the like. 4.Sound qualitative research uses only data appropriate within the framework of the particular theory and applies corresponding methods for analysis and interpretation. 5.Sound qualitative research is rich in data and clarifies its methods of data collection and analysis to the point of enabling intersubjective agreement.

3 Some general guidelines for sound qualitative research 6.Depending on the particular theory and methods used qualitative research presents an ‘emic’ as well as an ‘etic’ perspective. Including the subjective or „native point of view“ does not discharge the researcher from the task of developing and defending his/her own interpretation, which may, or may not correspond to that of the research subjects. 7.Sound qualitative research positions itself first and foremost within a social science framework. In so doing, it inevitably creates a distance between the researcher and his/her research subjects. For, their everyday concepts constitute the object of the research, but must not be adopted uncritically as analytical tools of the research. Therefore, complete congruence between the perspectives of the researcher and the research subjects cannot be an indicator of the quality of the analysis.

4 Some general guidelines for sound qualitative research 8.Sound qualitative research is neither partisan nor indifferent toward social problems, but it aims at differentiating scientific analysis from personal and political stance on a given topic. Qualitative research reveals the complexity of the social world instead of lending itself to simplifications. 9.Sound qualitative research is contextualised and the relevant information considering the concrete context is provided (without jeopardising the anonymity of informants, organisations etc.). Generalisations of results beyond this context must be discussed.

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