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Corporate citizenship. Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 2 Yara is the world’s leading provider of both nitrogen-based fertilizer and industrial products Revenues.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate citizenship. Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 2 Yara is the world’s leading provider of both nitrogen-based fertilizer and industrial products Revenues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate citizenship

2 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 2 Yara is the world’s leading provider of both nitrogen-based fertilizer and industrial products Revenues (2008) NOK 88.8 billion Number of employees 8,000 located in more than 50 countries Global #1 in ammonia in nitrates in NPK in specialty fertilizers

3 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 3 Our solutions target the major global challenges of food security and global warming Health EnergyFood Climate

4 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 4 Global position, local action – our approach to sustainability Leading the fertilizer industry in a sustainable direction Encouraging agricultural practices that minimize environmental impact Helping customers optimize their application of fertilizers and actively developing environmental solutions for other industries

5 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 5 Our believes – CSR and Code of Conduct Being a good citizen is first and foremost to operate in a sustainable manner and be in front of setting standards ( beyond the legal minimum)  Clear code of conduct  No tolerance for non - compliance

6 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 6 Recent example in Argentina: Take over of operation of a warehouse in San Nicolas (1 half 2009); What will be different Implement new human resources policy  Improve the bathrooms, looker rooms, cafeteria  New pay structure with incentives and and competitive pay to retain experienced employees Introducing Yara HESQ standards – Still in the process to develop 100% of the Yara standards. When we entered, the compliance was only 17%. – First : New protective clothing for all employees ( done). Build new firing system ( under construction) – Expect to comply with all the main elements of Yara’s policy within 1year – Major challenge: change of mindset

7 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 7

8 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 8 Yara CSR initiatives – close to our heart and core business. Our main corporate initiative: Support a green revolution in Africa Invest in large import terminal facilities in strategically located sea ports to reduce costs in fertilizer supply chains and stimulate investment in overall agriculture Promoting a Green Revolution Develop Value Chain Partnerships Agricultural Growth Corridors Develop balanced fertilization programs adapted to local growing conditions. Annual Yara prize to person/institution with extraordinary effort to develop agriculture. Yara is initiating agricultural value-chain partnerships to help develop African agriculture.

9 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 9 COVERING BASICS NEEDS TEACHING OCCUPATIONS CULTURE AND ENTERTAINMENT Currently engaged in two schools ( one in Brandsen and one in Los Toldos ) And in Argentina… In 2004, Yara Argentina decided to promote social awareness by involving employees and management in a Social Responsibility Program. The idea of this activity is closely related to Yara´s business. Our mission is to “fertilize growth” and we are doing so by helping rural schools with financial and human resources, giving children the opportunity for a better education to have a better future.

10 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 10 Covering Basic Needs: Putting the Water Well in good Conditions.

11 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 11 Covering Basic Needs: Installing a Heating System in the school (Brandsen)

12 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 12 Covering BASIC NEEDS: Technological Project (Brandsen & Los Toldos) Action: We bought and installed 7 computers and 4 Printers (two schools)

13 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 13 Occupation: Orchard Project (Brandsen) Goal: Making the kids aware of the importance of farming. Presents: 7 students, 4 parents, 9 Yara workers & family

14 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 14 Occupations: Recycling Project – Christmas Cards Goal: Part of the Christmas Cards sent to our customers were made at the school.

15 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 15 Cultural Activities (Brandsen) and Food – Action: Film Projections Every three months we go to the school and we show a film. Once it is finished the teachers prepare chocolate that we share with students, their relatives, and our familes (kids, girlfriends, friends) who have joined us on that occasion.

16 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 16 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES: Celebrating “Kids Day” with PIPO PESCADOR (famous puppeteer)

17 Date: 09.03.2009 Page: 17 Volunteer 42% of Yara employees are involved in this project. The feedback has been very positive and we are proud to be able to help by making a change in the lives of these kids.

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